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Thread: The Super Amazing Canyoneering Map

  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe View Post
    FWIW - All the Powell Canyons were descended long before 'canyoneering' was a 'sport'.
    Ha ha...nice clickbait. :-)

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  3. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by hank moon View Post
    Ha ha...nice clickbait. :-)
    Think about this, the entire shoreline of the reservoir had to be surveyed before Glen Canyon Dam could be built.

    I've talked to many of the original survey crews and they have some incredible 'canyoneering' stories to tell, except they just call them 'work' stories.

    Anyhoo... It's interesting to ponder.

  4. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe View Post
    Think about this, the entire shoreline of the reservoir had to be surveyed before Glen Canyon Dam could be built.
    Sure, but the slot action nowadays is above the shoreline. No doubt there was some amazing exploration done during the survey, and equally certain that most of the tougher slots were not fully explored until relatively recently.

  5. #204
    Yeah you're right, none of the hard slots were done before the "Great Ones" (tm) discovered canyoneering on Lake Powell. And I'm sure the lake only covered all the easy slots and no hard slots.

    ***Shakes head as he slowly kicks a can down the road***

  6. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe View Post
    Yeah you're right, none of the hard slots were done before the "Great Ones" (tm) discovered canyoneering on Lake Powell. And I'm sure the lake only covered all the easy slots and no hard slots.

    ***Shakes head as he slowly kicks a can down the road***
    <sigh> i'm just a sucker for your clickbait :-)

  7. #206
    Thanks to Bob for using Gmap4 (I am the developer) for the his super amazing map. Alas, last week Google announced a major price increase for all maps that use the Google Map API (Application Program Interface). This includes Gmap4 and other popular browser-based map apps. Each time a map is opened, the API code is downloaded from Google’s servers to the user’s browser.

    The bottom line is that come June 11 Gmap4 will likely stop working for everyone but clients of the property line mapping service that I provide. Sorry for the bad news.

    Currently Google allows a map to be opened 25,000 times per day for free. After that the map stops working until the next day when the map gets another allocation of 25,000 daily API downloads. If the pay wall is hit the map developer has the option of buying more API downloads to keep the map going that same day.

    Starting June 11th the amount of free API downloads is being slashed from 25,000/day to 28,000/month. On average the new limit is roughly 900/day. Additional API downloads can be purchased at the rate of $7 per 1,000.

    In the last 30 days Gmap4 downloaded the Google map API about 220,000 times. Under the new scheme that would have cost me ~$1,300.

    Last year during the California wildland fires Google became aware of my wildland fire map which had hit their 25,000/day pay wall. Google contacted me with the cheery news they were raising my API allocation to 250,000/day. Later that API allocation was raised to 1,000,000/day where it remains as I type.

    Under the new policies Google will grant more API downloads for disaster maps but the tone of their documentation indicates they have really tightened this up. Plus Gmap4 is used for a mixture of disaster/recreation/education/etc maps.

    I will apply under the new policies for more API downloads based on the disaster mapping I do but I fully expect the Gmap4 we know today is going away. On the other hand, I have always wanted to learn the open source Leaflet map API.

    Joseph Elfelt

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