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Thread: Armed Citizen

  1. #1

    Armed Citizen

    I think we need a seperate firearms thread about the positive.....

    How many times have you been somewhere like a party and some liberal nut goes off about about the evils of firearms and you just smile because you are carrying concealed?

    I have a crazy liberal sister-in-law who is one of those types. She is one of the people that cried the night Trump won and had to take three days off work because of the trama, she cried when the Mueller report came out that stated our President was not guilty of treason. She hates guns and states she will never go anywhere that people carry firearms.... Anyhoo, you get the point...

    The funny part is she will fly into one of her rants and never know I'm standing there with a smile on my face... and a gun under my shirt. She is none the wiser, yet she is safer for having me next to her. I will not shoot her. My gun will not pull it's own trigger and it can't just go off. My firearm is securely holstered. However, rest assured that if a deadly threat walks in and pulls out a weapon, I will draw my pistol and protect myself, my family and therefore protect her. I may get shot, but I will not die in a helpless blubbering heap on the floor begging for my life. I choose not be a victim. As for her, I don't ask her to carry a firearm or practice self defense. If she is not comfortable with a firearm then please don't carry one. But I choose to exercise my right under the 2nd Amendment to not be a helpless victim. There is evil in the world and I want the opportunity to protect myself and my family.


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  3. #2
    I totally agree. I have some crazy relatives just like that on my wife's side of the fam. I can't even have a rational conversation about gun rights with them anymore. They have no clue that I'm pretty much always armed.
    Are we there yet?

  4. #3
    #LetsGoBrandon BasinCruiser's Avatar
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    When reading the responses to the report from The Hill the other about the reversal of Cal mag capacity ban, there were many of the typical lib responses - "What is this judge thinking....This judge is a plant by the NRA...The sky is falling...All who support this have blood on their hands.." My reaction to these is similar to Iceaxe's - society is safer with responsible members being armed and able to defend them and those around if they have sufficient means to do so. I don't understand why they think that if someone uses X to do a terrible tragidy, to stop that from happening again in the future, all we have to do is outlaw X, and the world will return to our utopia. If we outlaw X, then only criminals and terrorists will have X.

    As a conservative, I take upon myself accountability and responsibility for MY actions, and hold others to do the same. If someone uses X to do terrible harm, I don't demonize X and think it should be banned. I hold that person responsible, and believe they should be held accountable for their actions.

    The thing that they never want to acknowledge and recognize is that the majority of mass shootings are stopped either by armed victims stopping the perpetrator (Sutherland Springs, NZ Christchurch), or the perp just moves on (Parkland). No offense to LEO, but they can't be everyone at once. The more responsible citizens are armed, the lower crime rates are, the fewer shootings occur, and the more civilized the society is.

    I've only been carrying for about 6 months. As such, I haven't been very contious of businesses with signs restricting firearms. Has anyone noticed many/any here in UT? I've often wanted to get the business card to give to such businesses that highlights the positives of having responsible, armed citizens with CCP on their premises - passed background check, no criminal record, can assist in deterring an attack, etc.

  5. #4
    The Megaplex theaters have a no firearms policy. Or at least they did. I can't find it on their website now, though. Target has a no gun policy. Old Navy does as well. Here's what I'm going to say about it. Unless it's a federal, state or city building where they are prohibited, I ignore it. Here's why: if you get caught (and that's a big IF) it's only a citation- the equivalent to a parking ticket. They can't confiscate your weapon or send you to jail. I refuse to be a soft and easy target in a gun-free establishment. I've been carrying for 2-1/2 years. I have never had my firearm accidentally fall out of my IWB holster. I've never left it behind anywhere (like bathroom stall). It's always very well concealed. My life and the lives of those I'm with are worth the risk to me.
    Are we there yet?

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  7. #5
    I went to a Utah Jazz game last week and they don't allow firearms in Vivent Smart Home Arena, you have to walk through a metal detector to enter and if you are carrying you either can't enter or must leave your firearm in your car.

    I hated walking out of that place after the game. Yes the arena might have been secure, but they created a huge soft target when leaving. I felt naked until I was away from that place. Some nut jobs going to figure this out about arena's being a soft targets after the event eventually.

    Maybe I'm in a minority but I'm always extremely aware of my surrounding. I always know where the exits are located and keep an eye out for someone acting strange. Exiting Vivent unnerved me a little, I didn't like being such an obvious target and feeling helpless. It's not like downtown isn't already filled with a bunch of whacko's.

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  9. #6
    #LetsGoBrandon BasinCruiser's Avatar
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    It's amazing how people that see something wrong in society think that they can correct that wrong by instituting more control fail to recognize and admit that their policies often do the opposite of what they intended to do. Lack of affordable housing in an area - let's set rent pricing limits, but fail to acknowledge that eventually only makes the rent market even worse for low income. People can't survive living earning minimum wage - let's increase minimum wage rates, but ignore the fact that this causes reduction in minimum wage hours and jobs, making it even harder for workers in that market to get sufficient means, and hurt those above earning mim wage because they don't get any wage increases either because all of the revenue went to min wage increase. Terrorist threat (or fear of one) of attacking a sports stadium - let's just screen everyone coming into the stadium and not let them carry guns into the stadium, and ignore the fact that now a wacko knows that all of those people in the stadium are unarmed and are a soft target and a big bull's eye for mass of people leaving the stadium when the event is over.

  10. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe View Post
    she will never go anywhere that people carry firearms....
    That's what SHE thinks

  11. #8
    I was in Philadelphia this past weekend at a National School Board convention. On my spare time I chose to visit many historical sites like Valley Forge, multiple museums about the Revolutionary war and the constitution, Independence Hall, the grave of the unknown soldier of The American Revolution, and more. On the last day of the convention in the very last class, which happened to be on school safety, strategies and school designs to protect our school children, a comment was made that stunned me. A gentleman from Washington state said something like this:

    "I am from Washington State, a progressive state. I have been sitting in classes all weekend and I am shocked that not one time have I heard anyone talk about "sensible" gun control measures like more bans on bump stocks and other weapons. Not once! Why are we not talking about sensible gun control! That is how we will protect our children." He said some other things along those same lines.

    There was a momentary hush that came over class until a school board member, who was also a cop, spoke out. He said, "I'm from Arizona and I am a cop. I don't agree with anything you just said." Then a lady from some where else piped up and said, "Yeah, I agree with the cop". Then another gentleman said, "I am from Wyoming. We have small schools and few police officers. I can promise you (and he paused and mustered some emotion) I can promise you, there will be guns in our schools and we are arming our teachers."

    The moderators of the discussion had to get control of the class and said that the gun issue is a local issue and should be discussed locally. That short exchange was by far the most entertaining part of my three day conference. From those that spoke up and the reactions of those who didn't, it appeared that the majority were against gun control. My take away is that there are those who just don't get it and there are those who do.

    Fun fact - It is interesting that one of the things that irritated the colonists was the Iron Act of 1750. It was a law that would not let the colonists produce finished iron products like muskets and swords as well as other day to day iron products that were widely used. The Act stated that the colonists could only produce pig iron and cast iron and were forced to ship it to England where finished iron products were produced then sent back to America and sold to the colonists. The stated purpose was to keep British citizens employed in the iron industry but they had no raw material to produce iron. That Act didn't sit well with the colonists and many ignored the law. This law was one of many that sparked the revolution. That good 'ole American defiance of restrictions on freedom was one reason that muskets, cannons and ammo were not a problem for the colonists. We had iron ore, limestone and wood in abundance. That meant muskets, cannons and ammo.
    Life is Good

  12. #9
    ^^^That single dude from Washington was a vocal minority -- and a metaphor for how our society behaves towards guns IMO. I think most folks either support the 2nd amendment or are neutral, and a minority are for strict gun control. Unfortunately, it is this small minority that dominates the media. Kinda like Adam Sandler's character in The Wedding Singer: "Well, I have the microphone and you don' you WILL LISTEN TO EVERY WORD I HAVE TO SAY!"
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  13. #10
    It was also telling to me when he said "not one single word has been said about gun control at this conference..." My thought was, Exactly! The significance and responsibility of the 2nd Amendment is profound. To have the right to carry a weapon and then to actually carry a weapon is extraordinarily powerful and has a chilling effect on anyone at any level who wants to exert power over that person. It also has a powerfully chilling effect on anyone who wants to abuse the right to possess, carry and use a weapon.
    Life is Good

  14. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Card View Post
    A gentleman from Washington state said something like this:

    "I am from Washington State, a progressive state. I have been sitting in classes all weekend and I am shocked that not one time have I heard anyone talk about "sensible" gun control measures like more bans on bump stocks and other weapons. Not once! Why are we not talking about sensible gun control! That is how we will protect our children." He said some other things along those same lines.
    Can you imagine living a life, or having a frame of mind, where you've been told that bump stocks are what's killing the kids in schools? A first reaction may be to laugh at the guy and call him stupid and ridiculous. But it might be more proper to feel pity and sorrow for these people. They've been lied to, for profit. CNN tells people that once bump stocks are illegal, Assault Rifles will not have as much killing power. He's probably not a bad guy, he wants to keep his kids safe too, but he's been fed poison, and thinks it's vitamins.

    Good for the school board member.

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  16. #12

  17. #13
    WOW!!!! You can see this bad guy drop.
    Are we there yet?

  18. #14

  19. #15
    Don't screw with the cops, especially when there's a whole bunch of 'em. Looks like a suicide to me.

    Jeez, I'd much rather jump off a 1200 ft. cliff than get all shot up.
    Suddenly my feet are feet of mud
    It all goes slo-mo
    I don't know why I am crying
    Am I suspended in Gaffa?

  20. #16

  21. #17
    #LetsGoBrandon BasinCruiser's Avatar
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    Why do citizens need to be armed in today’s “civilized, progressive “ society? When you’re an elderly person that is being mugged and beaten up in broad daylight just outside McD’s, the pansy idiotic witnesses can only do one thing- sit inside and record the show on their iPhone, and do nothing to help. But only freak out when that victim pulls out a gun to defend himself. What a pathetic despicable society we live in today.

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  23. #18

  24. #19
    #LetsGoBrandon BasinCruiser's Avatar
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    I’ve only hung out in the on-line gun community for about a year or so. Whenever someone brings up questions about why their shooting is off, they often ask what trigger they should get to help their marksmanship. Most often , the reply is that the real root cause of their bad shooting is lack of training, grip position, site picture and alignment, and finger position on the trigger. I think that there may be times you also should check the alignment of the ‘sights’.

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  25. Likes Scott Card, devo_stevo liked this post
  26. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by BasinCruiser View Post
    I’ve only hung out in the on-line gun community for about a year or so. Whenever someone brings up questions about why their shooting is off, they often ask what trigger they should get to help their marksmanship. Most often , the reply is that the real root cause of their bad shooting is lack of training, grip position, site picture and alignment, and finger position on the trigger. I think that there may be times you also should check the alignment of the ‘sights’.

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