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Thread: Weight Loss

  1. #1

    Weight Loss

    NOTE TO MODERATOR: Don't move/retitle my content. It is not yours to do with as you please.

    Weight lose? That is your title? Engrish your second rangrage?

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  4. #2
    Last edited by Slot Machine; 12-23-2016 at 09:45 PM.

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  6. #3
    I couple years ago I decided I was a fat ass and so I lost 45 pounds. From 215 down to 170. The secret is all in calories consumed verses calories burned. The app My Fitness Pal does all the work if you follow it religiously, I love that app. The rest of the stuff you will learn quickly just using commonsense.

  7. #4


  8. #5
    I disagree with some of your comments.... use the My Fitness Pal app, count your calories and through common sense you will learn to eat healthy, as eating healthy is the only way you will not feel like you are starving all the time. Once you begin to eat healthy it becomes habit after a couple of month's. Since I lost the weight I've had a couple dozen others follow my lead and they all lost weight and kept it off.

    Oh, and I also totally disagree with your remarks on exercise. A combination of counting calories, eating healthy and exercise works best for me. Not exercising is the same as not eating healthy, in other words it's a bad program.

    There is one other little tid-bit I learned, everyone is a little different, what worked for one person doesn't always work for the next. You need to experiment a little to learn what works best for you.

    Lots of other small items will help you lose weight, many of which are pretty common knowledge. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meal time, eat slower, wait 15 minutes before going back for seconds, things like that.

    2014 fat ass Iceaxe at 215#

    Name:  Fat Shane.jpg
Views: 418
Size:  128.6 KB

    2016 skinny smoking hot Iceaxe at 170#, just before winning a Mountain Bike World Championship (over 50).

    Name:  Skinny Shane.jpg
Views: 431
Size:  240.2 KB

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  10. #6
    Moderator jman's Avatar
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    Both of you have great ideas and suggestions. We should branch this off into its own thread. Agree?

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  11. #7
    Good idea... and done!

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  13. #8
    I dropped 40 lbs this year by cutting most of the carbs from my diet. I'm a carb addict, I cut them and the weight falls off. Also hitting the saddle for a lot of miles works wonders.

  14. #9
    Damn Ice!! You look great! Nice work! I've gotta start my diet too. A few years back I was on a diet that actors and models use to cut up. It makes the weight drop quickly, and you don't feel like you're starving.

    Basically it consists of 5-6 small meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. Each meal is small enough to fit in a cereal bowl, and consists of a lean protein (turkey or chicken breast or plain tuna), a small serving of raw complex carbs (brown rice or yams), and fresh veggies.

    Cut out all refined sugar and only eat natural sugars (like honey) sparingly. No soda, no alcohol, and drink lots of water. I lost about 20 pounds in 6 weeks. Oh yeah, and exercise at least 3-4 times a week is very important.

    I can't remember who said it (Jack LaLanne?) but -- "Exercise is king, diet is queen."
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  15. #10
    This is a serious commitment. How long have you been doing this and do you think that it is sustainable? I don't think in reality that I could ever follow a diet like this. I like sweets and many things other things that are not healthy. I could probably cut back and eliminate a lot but never meat. I love meat and would need to be convinced by a doctor that I was going to die to even consider to cut it out. The hardest and most successful program that I have done P90X in 2013. I went from 178 to 162 and gained muscle. Its nutrition plan was time consuming and expensive to follow. I was so glad to finished and eat some better tasting food. I would not consider something like that to be permanently sustainable for a normal person. It doubled my grocery bill each month and took twice the time I was used to in preparing meals.

    I used MyFitnessPal each time I was trying to lose weight. I agree that this app is awesome. I'm going to start tracking again. I going to start something again this New year. I'm good at following something for 3 to 4 month that I know the end date. Then my general summer activity maintains my weight. For the last several years once it gets cold I turn into a fat ass. Then by New years I'm disgusted with my self and the cycle starts again. I need something that is sustainable year round when its colder and I'm less active. I will check out those documentaries and book that you suggested.

  16. #11
    Slot Machine
    That looks dam good but I'm sure right now that after I ate it I would be thinking where is my 16 oz steak

  17. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe View Post
    I disagree with some of your comments.... use the My Fitness Pal app, count your calories and through common sense you will learn to eat healthy, as eating healthy is the only way you will not feel like you are starving all the time. Once you begin to eat healthy it becomes habit after a couple of month's. Since I lost the weight I've had a couple dozen others follow my lead and they all lost weight and kept it off.

    Oh, and I also totally disagree with your remarks on exercise. A combination of counting calories, eating healthy and exercise works best for me. Not exercising is the same as not eating healthy, in other words it's a bad program.

    There is one other little tid-bit I learned, everyone is a little different, what worked for one person doesn't always work for the next. You need to experiment a little to learn what works best for you.

    Lots of other small items will help you lose weight, many of which are pretty common knowledge. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meal time, eat slower, wait 15 minutes before going back for seconds, things like that.

    2014 fat ass Iceaxe at 215#

    Name:  Fat Shane.jpg
Views: 418
Size:  128.6 KB

    2016 skinny smoking hot Iceaxe at 170#, just before winning a Mountain Bike World Championship (over 50).

    Name:  Skinny Shane.jpg
Views: 431
Size:  240.2 KB
    That is an amazing change Ice. I'm sure your daily biking in Corner Canyon has contributed to your loss. I'm jealous that I don't have the free time that you have.

  18. #13
    Diets don't work, you have to commit to a lifestyle change. I made the commitment at the beginning of 2015 and lost the 45 pounds by July. I've pretty much kept the weight off since then. Sometimes I get lazy and start putting weight back on but than I just start counting calories again.

    The biggest thing I did was cut out most junk and watch my portion sizes. Instead of 3 piece of cake just one slice. Instead of going back for thirds I wait 15 minutes and than decide if I really want seconds. I love food and for the most part I was just over eating. I also hate to see food go to waste so if there was one pork chop left I'd eat it, even if I wasn't really hungry.

    Slot Machine is a vegan I believe, but not me. I'm a carnivore and eat lots of meat. The only change is I now eat more chicken and less beef. Whatever lifestyle change you make must be sustainable so I suggest nothing extreme, especially at first. I substituted apples, bananas, watermelon, grapes, cantaloupe for cookies and other crap. After a couple of weeks it was actually easy and I no longer craved cookies but wanted fruit instead.

    The first week or so is a little difficult but soon your body and taste adjust. I cut out soft drinks about 10 years ago and really can't drink them anymore as they taste like syrup now. I used to drink at least a 6 pack of mountain dew a day. I now drink the crystal light packs in water as they only have 6 calories or something like that.

    One thing I've found kind of funny is if I want junk food I'll often go run or ride my bike to burn enough calories to allow the junk. But you will soon learn the true price of a slice of cake when you have to run a 5K to balance out the calories.

  19. #14
    @Iceaxe That's a commendable lifestyle change, and you look good for it (whether it's a better "look" only you and your family & close friends can determine). Health is very important.

    I've met Iceaxe perhaps a half-dozen times at various Bogley meets, and when my memory gets fuzzy about his appearance, I seem to always revert to this:

    It's not Iceaxe of course, but 1 bonus point to the person who can name him. He has a bottle of water too!

  20. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe View Post
    Good idea... and done!

    Thanks, very helpful.

  21. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob L View Post
    @Iceaxe That's a commendable lifestyle change, and you look good for it (whether it's a better "look" only you and your family & close friends can determine). Health is very important.

    I've met Iceaxe perhaps a half-dozen times at various Bogley meets, and when my memory gets fuzzy about his appearance, I seem to always revert to this:

    It's not Iceaxe of course, but 1 bonus point to the person who can name him. He has a bottle of water too!

    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  22. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by rockgremlin View Post
    No, and that may constitute an insult to Iceaxe (and probably an insult to Liberace as well, which is more than he deserves!)

    But he is in the music industry.


  23. #18
    [QUOTE=hikster11;581875]This is a serious commitment. How long have you been doing this and do you think that it is sustainable?

    It is sustainable. It is how I should have been eating all along.

    /I don't think in reality that I could ever follow a diet like this.

    Then I believe you.

    /I like sweets and many things other things that are not healthy.

    Everyone does! Once you get out of the cycle of eating/craving/eating/craving then those things become easy to turn down.

    /It doubled my grocery bill each month and took twice the time I was used to in preparing meals.

    Ever considered that your time/money should have been used that way all along? I chop 3 apples every day for my family's breakfast, takes less than 5 minutes. Don't worry, you will get fast with a knife. Making your meals is time well spent.

    As far as your budget, what is more important to buy than healthy food? Beans and greens are cheap!

    /I need something that is sustainable year round when its colder and I'm less active.

    Uh... I haven't done a canyon since Sep 3 and started a new desk job since then. I'm still the same weight. Actually, I'm still eating some junk, and could easily lose 10 more pounds. I should lose that first (and get down to my IBW) before declaring anything sustainable.

  24. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by hikster11 View Post
    Slot Machine
    That looks dam good but I'm sure right now that after I ate it I would be thinking where is my 16 oz steak
    Go eat a 2lb salad. Then tell me what you crave afterwards. It is very very obvious that you have never eaten that much vegetation in one sitting.

    I double dog dare you.

    Or, did I just waste a bunch of my time?

  25. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Slot Machine View Post
    Go eat a 2lb salad. Then tell me what you crave afterwards. It is very very obvious that you have never eaten that much vegetation in one sitting.

    I double dog dare you.

    Or, did I just waste a bunch of my time?
    OK I know I can eat an entire bag of salad and I think they are 12oz. Then still eat a meal. We already have a food scale. Next week I will weigh out a 2 lb salad and let know know how I feel and how long before I'm hungry again.

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