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Thread: Surfing at Bear Lake

  1. #1

    Surfing at Bear Lake

    We stay up at Bear Lake quite often, but usually don't have a boat, thinking it will be a hassle to tow up there and launch, all of that. But every time we have a boat with us, we love it.

    The wildfire smoke in the air added an eerie mist feel, mixed with a cool sunset in the evenings.

    Just for fun I tracked Strava on one morning out.

    After surfing on Pineview all year, Bear Lake water was absolutely beautiful and clear

  2. Likes Sandstone Addiction, rockgremlin liked this post
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  4. #2
    Wakesurfing with a hat on....a bold move, Cotton...

    Surefire way to donate a hat to Bear Lake (at least if it were me).
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  5. #3
    Ha ha, that's Bryan. He does like to deck start, and deck finish, just so he can stay totally dry.

  6. Likes Sandstone Addiction liked this post
  7. #4
    That's one lake I've never boated on...and that needs to change.

    That water is stunning!

  8. Likes Sombeech liked this post
  9. #5
    I love surfing! It's the most fascinating sport in the world and, your photos make me want to surf so badly. Since this pandemic started, and due to all the traveling restrictions, I wasn't at the ocean since the last summer. I miss our regular life before the COVID. I was even thinking these weeks to began canoeing, and I started reading several articles to learn it better. helped me a lot. It's a great guide, especially for beginners such as me. It's the best I've found and I recommend you.

  10. #6

  11. #7
    I have just accidentally found this old thread by searching for wake surf and omg, you made me book a wake surf for next week in Dubai. Looks so cool and fun! And by the way, the pictures are taken in such a professional way)) I mean the second pic of the woman, wow, gorgeous. Also, that is a reminder for me to surf during the sunset, way much cooler and more beautiful ;)

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