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Thread: San Rafael Swell Reef and Moon Shine Tanks Wash Slot Canyon

  1. #1

    San Rafael Swell Reef and Moon Shine Tanks Wash Slot Canyon

    Every time we drive into the San Rafael Swell, we drive by the Reef, and I just stare at how cool and unique the Reef section of the Swell is . It is an area of the earth that the Earth's plates pushing against each other has caused it to rise up out of the ground. ..... While here, I found a treasure of a Slot Canyon right in the Reef called Moon Shine Tanks Wash Slot Canyon. It was fabulous, and a nice easy one for those wanting to try a slot canyon buy need something easy. Check it out in 360 degrees on my blog. This Post has a bonus of a Arial Panorama of this area that is jaw dropping amazing that my hubby did. It is definitely worth checking out.

    Name:  San_Rafael_Swell_Rise_Up_Shaunas_Adventures_Moon_Shine_Tanks_Slot_Canyon.JPG
Views: 4677
Size:  60.7 KB

    Name:  Moon_Shine_Tanks_San_Rafael_Swell_Utah_ShaunasAdventures_2.JPG
Views: 3749
Size:  144.5 KB
    Happy Hiking

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2
    That canyon (though officially unnamed) is actually referred to as Little Spotted Wolf Canyon. Moonshine Tanks are a bit to the south. There are some petroglyphs near Moonshine Tanks (any maybe some pretty rocks ). Also, it's spelled "Rafael," not "Rafeal."
    Blog | FB

  4. #3
    The Swell is one of my favorite places. When I die I hope my heaven looks like the San Rafael Swell.
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by rockgremlin View Post
    When I die I hope my heaven looks like the San Rafael Swell.
    Is this about mormons again jeez

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  7. #5
    Forgot you guys get so uptight about uplifting messages. I will edit and delete anything uplifting for I realize some get easily offended with positive stuff.

    I would love to verify a name. I am looking up Little Spotted Wolf Canyon, and it looks like that is on the opposite side of I50 - 70. Do you have anyway I can prove that to Google Maps to submit that name, or any better name I would love to know. Gaia Maps has Moonshine Tanks at the end of the trail here, Google Maps does have it in front of the Reef and just barely to the south of the entrance. I definitely struggled with the name, and would love to get it added correctly.
    Happy Hiking

  8. #6
    Google Maps doesn't show Little Spotted Wolf Canyon 'cause it's not an official name (though that doesn't always stop them from listing something). Two of the top three Google search results for "Little Spotted Wolf Canyon" have a map or coordinates showing your canyon as Little Spotted Wolf. You can also look at the USGS topo which shows Moonshine Tanks to the south.
    Blog | FB

  9. #7
    I agree that on all the Maps Moon Shine Tanks looks like the wash just South of the canyon I hiked, but it is very close, and all 3 maps (google, USGS Topo, and yours). The spot coming up for Little Spotted Wolf Canyon on all the maps is definitely not closer. It is way north of this canyon over by Spirit Arch. I would love help figuring out if there is a correct name, but it would have to have some verification so I can get it fixed, and I am quite sure it is not Little Spotted Wolf.
    Happy Hiking

  10. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ShaunasAdventures View Post
    The spot coming up for Little Spotted Wolf Canyon on all the maps is definitely not closer. It is way north of this canyon over by Spirit Arch.
    All the maps? I can't find a single map that shows Little Spotted Wolf north of I-70, but as I mentioned earlier all the top Google search results put it in the canyon you call Moonshine Tanks.
    Blog | FB

  11. #9
    If Udink tells you something about the Swell it's good to know the information basically came from God, to Udink, to you....

    I know few people that know more about the San Rafael Swell and I know a lot of very knowledgeable people.

    That is all.....

  12. Likes blueeyes, oldno7, Udink liked this post
  13. #10
    These links are perfect. I will fix my name, and try to fix it on Google maps. Thanks so much.

    i went to try and edit the location and saw this picture. The official sign for Little Spotted Wolf doesn’t look like this canyon. So confused. Name:  6B3D1187-5199-41A8-B9F4-3F3A93A446D3.jpg
Views: 2336
Size:  82.0 KB
    Happy Hiking

  14. #11
    The sign is missing one "little" word. Spotted Wolf Canyon is the one which I-70 passes through.
    Blog | FB

  15. Likes jman liked this post
  16. #12
    Dang is that it. Wow. That is confusing. Let me see what I can do to add that name at least on Google Maps now that I understand.
    Happy Hiking

  17. #13
    I emailed the San Rafael Swell Park Service to verify, or at least see if we could get a sign at the entrance to the canyon. Here is their reply.

    Yes The one canyon you have mapped is called Moonshine Tanks. We are unaware and have never heard of Little Spotted Wolf canyon. As far as Spotted Wolf Canyon it is the canyon that I-70 runs through, Moonshine Tanks is a separate canyon to the south. I hope this and the map I have attached helps you. I will also send you a portion of the Spotted Wolf Canyon Quadrangle 7.5 minute series in a different email. Let me know if you need any other info. and we can try and help you out.
    trails-project (1).pdf

  18. #14
    Adventurer at Large! BruteForce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe View Post
    If Udink tells you something about the Swell it's good to know the information basically came from God, to Udink, to you....

    I know few people that know more about the San Rafael Swell and I know a lot of very knowledgeable people.

    That is all.....

    Concur! Pretty sure Udink (Dennis) has now walked nearly all of the Swell!
    2020 Jeep Gladiator (2" Lift, 37" Tires, Falcon 3.3 Shocks, Lockers, Sliders)
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  19. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ShaunasAdventures View Post
    I emailed the San Rafael Swell Park Service

    I'm not sure who you actually contacted as there is no such administrative branch called "San Rafael Swell Park Service". I'm also willing to bet there are several people on this forum that know more about the San Rafael Swell then any one land administrator, the reason being is the Swell is divided up among many jurisdictions (State, Local, Federal, NPS, More Federal, Yada, Yada) and they might know their area but not beyond or exactly how it interfaces with areas outside their jurisdiction.

    Anyhoo... that's my two cents....

    Now enjoy a video from the San Rafael Swell....

  20. Likes Udink liked this post
  21. #16
    Loved your video.
    I am not denying the knowledge you guys have, but I am just letting you know that the Emery County Travel Bureau could not help me with proof or documentation of what you say, therefore I am stuck not being able to edit my trail on Google Maps even though I would be happy to.
    Happy Hiking

  22. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ShaunasAdventures View Post
    Emery County Travel Bureau
    Now we're getting somewhere.... The Emery County Travel Bureau isn't even a land manager, they are basically the county's ad agency and cheerleaders. The knowledge in their office could range from none to excellent depending on who answered the phone. It would be like calling the University of Utah's cheerleaders to discuss football and the new offense the Utes will deploy this year under Andy Ludwig, their new offensive coordinator.

    The BLM is the land manager for the area in question and is who will probably have the best knowledge of any official agencies.

    I'm not picking on you, just trying to point you in the correct direction for next you are trying to gather information. I appreciate your enthusiasm for the outdoors and your contributions to this forum.

  23. #18
    In my defense, I did go to the San Rafael Swell website and contacted the person in charge of that.

    In good news, I was browsing through a map book, and I found a map that did have this trail on it. From there it was simple to submit it to Google Maps, which I did. It has been accepted and is now correctly labeled there.
    Name:  image1.jpg
Views: 2198
Size:  60.6 KB
    Happy Hiking

  24. #19
    Maybe you could put it in the right place?

    Name:  Capture2.jpg
Views: 2351
Size:  95.9 KB
    Blog | FB

  25. #20
    I don't work for Google, I just submitted a map and asked for it to be added. Just a regular person like you. I just have figured out the tools on the website. Please go into Google maps and fix it more. It should come from someone else if you want more done.
    Happy Hiking

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