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Thread: Spring Biking 2019 is here

  1. #1

    Spring Biking 2019 is here

    It's here in Ogden, had a great ride on the BST north of 12th. If I had more time I would have checked out the Rainbow Gardens side, my guess is it's a little damp over there.

    North of 12th street is great, just a couple of wet spots.

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  4. #2
    Trail conditions changed today, I'm sure with the rain and snow, but yesterday was great.

  5. #3
    Yeah, damn. I missed it yesterday. SOB...

  6. #4
    Within a week of Moab drying up, I'll be heading there. Gotta shake the dust off these bikes.
    Suddenly my feet are feet of mud
    It all goes slo-mo
    I don't know why I am crying
    Am I suspended in Gaffa?

  7. Likes accadacca liked this post
  8. #5
    I'll bet the conditions today are close to what they were on Friday, for the BST anyway

  9. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sombeech View Post
    I'll bet the conditions today are close to what they were on Friday, for the BST anyway
    Not in Draper, everything is now under 6" or more of snow.

  10. #7

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  12. #8
    I rode the Willard section of the BST last night. Great conditions. Some patchy snow as the singletrack ends on the south side.

    My buddy rode both north and south from Rainbow Gardens and said it was great. He got turned around about halfway up the Coldwater climb due to snow.

  13. Likes blueeyes liked this post
  14. #9
    I've only done 2 rides (fatbike) in the last 3 weeks. I wrenched my back something fierce and it's been slow healing. Anyway, headed out this afternoon to pedal the dry dirt Valley Vista trails above PG. I'll be riding the fatty as my mtb rear wheel is being re-built with an upgraded hub (i9- can't wait!). Looking forward to blinding everyone with my lily white legs!
    Are we there yet?

  15. #10
    ephemeral excursionist blueeyes's Avatar
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    This past Sunday my favorite reason to be back in Utah. Fast groomed runs at Snowbird on a bluebird day.

    A little dirt on North Ogden BST later that afternoon! Sadly my knee was screaming at me after this.

    Rest and ice, hopefully by this weekend I can ride again.

    Happy Spring Solstice Bogley!

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  16. Likes devo_stevo, jman, tallsteve liked this post
  17. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by neilether View Post
    He got turned around about halfway up the Coldwater climb due to snow.
    That's right where I saw a mountain lion on Saturday, where the snow starts covering the switchbacks

  18. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by neilether View Post
    I rode the Willard section of the BST last night. Great conditions. Some patchy snow as the singletrack ends on the south side.
    I should go do that again, I was looking at riding tonight possibly at Antelope Island, but maybe I'll cruise up to Willard. I've only done it once, alone, and got a bit lost. I would have the Trailforks app this time though.

    How's the trail, is it still pretty faded and overgrown?

  19. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Sombeech View Post
    I should go do that again, I was looking at riding tonight possibly at Antelope Island, but maybe I'll cruise up to Willard. I've only done it once, alone, and got a bit lost. I would have the Trailforks app this time though.

    How's the trail, is it still pretty faded and overgrown?
    Overgrowth was not a “huge” issue. There are some areas that could use a trim. A few places the bushes reach out and grab you a bit. Overall it’s a great ride though.

    One of these days I’m gonna start riding at Weber State and end up at the Rusted Spoon diner in Perry via the BST. Somebody wanna shuttle me?? 😸

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  21. #14
    Wow, it's hazardous to drive on substandard roads. You are a brave man. I love to ride my bike, but on regular roads and at low speed. While on my bike, I pay attention to all the little details. I especially like cycling in countries I haven't been to yet. In the spring, I want to give my wife, a trip to Japan. I am carefully planning our vacation and have already found some self guided cycling tours japan. I hope that the pandemic will not spoil the gift I have prepared.

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