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Thread: Mantua Mix Tape

  1. #1

    Mantua Mix Tape

    Looking for good fishing opportunities in northern Utah, I had always viewed Mantua Reservoir with a suspicious eye.

    That was a mistake.

    Took the 13 yr old fishing maniac up to Mantua at midday yesterday. We took the little used dirt road around to the east side of the lake and took a short walk out to the tip of the peninsula. It was slightly breezy, and the wind picked up the later it got.

    In 3 hours I got skunked, but had a ball watching my boy have all the fun. All totaled, he caught 3 Largemouth Bass (at last I think they're Largemouth - they could be Smallmouth), 2 Yellow Perch, and a Bluegill. None of the fish were very big, but were still fun to catch. All were released in good condition.

    A few pics...

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    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

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  4. #2
    I was fishing at Mantua for the first time also on Saturday with my son. We were in a small motorboat and we ended up catching around 50 fish that afternoon. They were smaller fish but very aggressive on light tackle.

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