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Thread: Announcing 5.0!

  1. #1

    Announcing 5.0!

    Name:  bogley_5.0.jpg
Views: 2040
Size:  54.8 KB

    Thanks for your patience as we were having some technical difficulties. We mistakenly hired some developers from the project. Boy was that a mistake!

    You'll notice that we've changed some things. It was kinda like remodeling your kitchen. Once you start tearing into it, the project ends up being a much bigger endeavor then you expected.

    The new skin is much more scalable for the future and we've needed to ditch our old skin for a while. I customized it from scratch and it was just not a long term solution. @Sombeech, my sever guy and a couple developer friends have helped when I could pry them away from work. Luckily I'm currently unemployed, which came in handy. I've been living on about 3 hours sleep a night this entire week. I'm starting to get sick from it all and my wife is barely talking to me. The worst is that I am exhausted, which makes it really hard when you have to concentrate and not screw stuff up.

    Anyway, we hope you like the new design. You'll notice at the bottom of the screen that there are 10 colors to choose from and you can set the forum as fixed or "flex" depending on what you prefer. We'll be adding more and tweaking things as we go. Thanks again for your patience.



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  3. #2 beat me to the Obamacare line!!! I just got here, so I have yet to look around...but thanks for the hard work and making me (and probably quite a few others) appreciate that you're back! It kinda sucked not having this place to hit on a regular basis.
    The end of the world for some...
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  4. #3
    Moderator jman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by accadacca View Post
    Name:  bogley_5.0.jpg
Views: 2040
Size:  54.8 KB

    Thanks for your patience as we were having some technical difficulties. We mistakenly hired some developers from the project.
    Boy was that a mistake!

    You'll notice that we've changed some things. It was kinda like remodeling your kitchen. Once you start tearing into it, the project ends up being a much bigger endeavor then you expected.

    The new skin is much more scalable for the future and we've needed to ditch our old skin for a while. I customized it from scratch and it was just not a long term solution. @Sombeech, my sever guy and a couple developer friends have helped when I could pry them away from work. Luckily I'm currently unemployed, which came in handy. I've been living on about 3 hours sleep a night this entire week. I'm starting to get sick from it all and my wife is barely talking to me. The worst is that I am exhausted, which makes it really hard when you have to concentrate and not screw stuff up.

    Anyway, we hope you like the new design. You'll notice at the bottom of the screen that there are 10 colors to choose from and you can set the forum as fixed or "flex" depending on what you prefer. We'll be adding more and tweaking things as we go. Thanks again for your patience.


    oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!! way to go! I am a fan of the upgrade! Definitely modern. Very sweet!

    Congrats to all those involved, a thank-less job indeed as it's all behind the scenes. But here is your moment to shine And tell your wife thank you too.
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    "SEND IT, BRO!!"

  5. #4
    Hey Friends! Just a couple of things you'll notice aren't there - BUT WILL BE SHORTLY

    the "Like this post" button, user tagging (with the @ symbol), and some smaller little details. We do plan on bringing them back but want to take it slow and try one at a time, making sure if the site breaks, we know exactly what did it.

    Hopefully you'll find this style a little more crisp. less cluttered, and a little faster loading time.

    And, not a huge deal but we're letting you get your crayons out and color the forum to your choice.

    Down at the bottom of any page, you'll see the dropdown. The default is "Bogley Blue Flex". The Flex means it will adjust the width to your monitor, where there is another blue that will keep it locked at a specific width.

    Go ahead and customize a bit, and we'll keep working behind the scenes. Thanks for your patience and we hope to keep improving everyday.

    Name:  1.png
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  6. #5
    And PLEASE ask questions in this thread, and point out oddities you've come across.


    Oh, and we'll get the Outdoor Gear feeds out of the latest posts lists in a bit.

  7. #6
    Woah! What happened to UUtah?

    Thanks Scott for your hard work. Get some sleep. I like the blue... almost BYU blue.
    Life is Good

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Card View Post
    Woah! What happened to UUtah?

    Thanks Scott for your hard work. Get some sleep. I like the blue... almost BYU blue.
    Hey now, lets not get carried away.

    I've got mine set to crimson red!

  9. #8
    Bogley BigShot
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    Oct 2005
    Just a few miles from Zion National Park
    Interesting. ;)

  10. #9
    Well, I'm finally glad it's back online, but a little head's up would be nice in the future. That way I can schedule my own overdue tasks to complete while you're hard at work revamping the site.

    I'm sure I'm gonna like it as soon as I figure out what color to stick with.

    Nice work.

  11. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by tanya View Post
    Interesting. ;)
    I'm curious what color you will choose?

  12. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Byron View Post beat me to the Obamacare line!!!
    I actually stole that from @Sombeech. We got a good laugh out of that one.

  13. #12
    Great job guys! Way to freshen the place up.

  14. #13
    Thanks guys. I've gotten soooo much accomplished at work this week.

    Don't forget to add in the quick-smilies :)
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  15. #14
    Wow, who turned on the lights in here? Looks great you guys - how many Mt. Dews went down?

  16. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by rockgremlin View Post
    Thanks guys. I've gotten soooo much accomplished at work this week.

    Don't forget to add in the quick-smilies :)
    Not quite exactly how it was in the past, but you'll have teh Smiley button up top. And to get the complete list of 200+ smilies, hit Go Advanced while replying and hit More on the right.

    Name:  4.png
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Views: 1173
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  17. #16
    A little history...

    Bogley 2004-2013 1.0 2.0 2.0 home 2.0 forum 3.0 home 3.0 forum 4.0 forum

    Bogley 5.0 forum

  18. #17
    I like the's almost favorite color...
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  19. #18
    I can't log in from tapatalk. There is only a "join" option, no login option. This is an issue because I pretty much exclusively use mobile for access.

  20. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Bootboy View Post
    I can't log in from tapatalk. There is only a "join" option, no login option. This is an issue because I pretty much exclusively use mobile for access.
    Hmm not sure. Are you sure you aren't attempting to login to the Tapatalk network itself, which is separate from Bogley?

    And just to make sure we can still upload from Tapatalk....

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  21. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by hank moon View Post
    Wow, who turned on the lights in here? Looks great you guys - how many Mt. Dews went down?
    I actually just finished a Mtn Dew slurpee!

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