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Thread: my new summer job

  1. #1

    my new summer job

    this year i am working for an air taxi in alaska who flys out hunters into the brooks range. we went on a training flight today up to cheletna lake and had great views of denali and mt. foraker

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    denali on the right Mt. foraker on the left.
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    my new ride. the maule m-6 skyrocket
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    But if I agreed with you, we would both be wrong.

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  4. #2
    Jeez Les, one of these days I expect to see you on one of those Alaska reality shows on Discovery or NatGeo.
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  8. #4

  9. #5
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    Nice Les! That would be awesome!

    I have 4 friends + my brother up in Denali working for Princess cruise lines for the summer.

    If you get bored or need some extra money you can hit them up or they could hook you up with a hotel stay I'm sure.
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  11. #6
    Back in '93 I drove up there with my pickup loaded with camping gear and spent 3 months biking, hiking, fishing and cruising all over the state. It was the most awesome vacation ever...Alaska is incredible. I recall thinking there would be TONS of people living up there if it weren't for the mosquitos. Those damn things up there actually have large brains...and they strategize.

    Nice work, Les...hopefully the pay is good too, eh?
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  12. #7
    Awesome dude! Keep us posted on your adventures!

  13. #8
    Where will you base out of? I flew with BRA out of Bettles back in 1990 or so for a trip to the Brooks Range.

    My sister works for Artic Air and her husband is a pilot. They're in Fairbanks.

    My niece works for Era, based out of Deadhorse sometimes...or Prudhoe...(hangs out in Kenai).

    Small little world up there...

  14. #9
    based out of a palce called happy valley on the north side of the brooks range. it's about 70 miles south of prudhoe bay on the haul road for august and then we move to the south side of the brooks range somewhere around coldfoot.
    But if I agreed with you, we would both be wrong.

  15. #10
    Awesome shot of Foraker an Denali, that's gotta be a rare perfect sky for that location. Also love the airplane parking spots.
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