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Thread: Concrod Tower-Cave route

  1. #1
    Trail Master RAM's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
    Out on the edge of the bell curve

    Concrod Tower-Cave route

    After our epic on Molar Tooth, the next day dawned cloudy, with intermittent
    drizzle. Still we rally for a go at Concord Tower. For years, the Cave Route has
    intrigued me. A cave on a steep tower? I would like to see that! The rating of
    5.8R, with poor protection is why I had still not seen it. But the boy (Happy
    Birthday Aaron, 22 today) can handle such things now. I decide to follow him on

    After a physical first pitch, with bulges in your face, we end up on the west
    face, with a shallow, flaring crack heading up, above our belay. Poor pro
    indeed! Aaron gives it a go (and itgoes at 5.8) and we are stunned when we get
    to the cave! We enter via the west entry. We were suppose to enter the east
    entry! We were off route. Checking about later, we find nothing written about
    our line, although we can't be the first to wander out over there. We enjoy the
    cave for a bit of time before two more pitches put us on the summit.

    We rappel off the steep north face, finding rap anchors just as we reach the end
    of our rope. Goats, drizzle and steep scree accompany us down the hill. It is so
    unusual for this area to be so empty of folks. We had the place to ourselves.
    The benefit of the dodgy weather. Two peaks in 16 hours. We are building some

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  3. #2

    Concrod Tower Cave route

    Any one have the beta on the 2 pitch route below the regular start of Route 66? Name, FA, etc?

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