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Thread: Davis Canyon moki steps from the top?

  1. #1

    Davis Canyon moki steps from the top?

    Has anyone been to or tried to find the moki steps from the top? I assume it's pretty hard to do so?
    Utah is a very special and unique place. There is no where else like it on earth. Please take care of it and keep the remaining wild areas in pristine condition. The world will be a better place if you do.

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  3. #2
    You mean that super steep set just after the semi tech narrows exit? I wouldn't care to go up them! Much less down... Not that much further to the regular trail in?

  4. #3
    theres a coupe of sets down there. the first ones i saw going down canyon were up a real steep ramp that was super exposed. they were on canyon left (ldc) and easy to see.
    But if I agreed with you, we would both be wrong.

  5. #4
    I wouldn't care to go up them! Much less down...
    Me neither, but that's not the intention. I was thinking it would be a logical place to lower an overnight pack down to avoid carrying it through the slot on an extended packpack trip (Davis-Fiftymile combo).

    Not that much further to the regular trail in?
    Quite a bit farther actually.
    Utah is a very special and unique place. There is no where else like it on earth. Please take care of it and keep the remaining wild areas in pristine condition. The world will be a better place if you do.

  6. #5
    That'd probably work, then.

    Not sure how easy it would be to bet is that slot, where it opens up, wouldn't be too bad to see from the rim. You could probably figure out near there from a map, then, if you're a GPS guy, just aim for near there.

    Actually sounds like an efficient way to do it. Nice!

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