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Thread: Blisters!

  1. #1


    So I can understand blisters on a hike, but it's really bothering me that I get them running. Not on the heel, just between my toes. I'm doing toe strikes now - does that make the problem worse? How about trail running vs pavement running? I'm going to test that theory this afternoon. Are there any sort of special socks or moleskin it something I could do to minimize blister formation? I'm running in trail running shoes. Thanks in advance for your help.
    Just where is it I could find bear, beaver, and other critters worth cash money when skint?

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  3. #2
    if you are getting them between your toes try putting some lube between your toes such as petroleum jelly. Changing form can lead to different areas of your feet rubbing differently.. such as your toes rubbing each other more..
    Tacoma Said - If Scott he asks you to go on a hike, ask careful questions like "Is it going to be on a trail?" "What are the chances it will kill me?" etc. Maybe "Will there be sack-biting ants along the way?"

  4. #3
    Here is the stuff that I use for feet. Between the toes is rough.

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    It's your fault, you shouldn't have been there!

  5. #4
    Zions the "s" is silent trackrunner's Avatar
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    Blisters are caused by change: change of shoes, change of socks, change of form, change of conditions

    I agree with the lube recommendations. Works great.

    Two best things to reduce blisters are the shoe & socks in that order.
    As for socks pick a sock that wicks moisture for the foot. You can purchase this sock from a running store made from a running shoe company or an active sport sock company. A great running sock that works well in any of the 4 seasons & all conditions are smart wool. You can also use two socks. An inner sock to wick moisture away from the foot, an outer sock to absorb then wick away.

    Early in my career I use to change shoe style (model) & brands regularly. I would get blisters regularly & badly with some shoes. Eventually I found a shoe that fit well and virtually eliminate my blister problems from the shoe. I love that shoe style and have been with it for 13 years.

    Shoes are only good to run in for about 500 miles. Eventually the shank, sole, abortion, etc can no longer take any more beating and will give out. Unless you are running barefoot then it

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