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Thread: Embed KSL Videos

  1. #1

    Embed KSL Videos

    We've had this feature for a little while now, just sitting back and making sure it works. It works about 95% of the time, it could be that KSL goes back and edits their articles from time to time.

    Anyways, you'll see the button while you're writing a post -->

    To use this, grab the url of an article page that has a video embedded, example:

    Copy the numbers off of the end, so from this example it would be 13884663

    Hit the KSL button in bogley while making a post, and paste the number between the tags.

    PHP Code:
    enter the number between:

    PHP Code:
    And your result will be:

    See how to embed KSL Videos in your posts

    Most of the embedded KSL videos will play a small ad up front, sorry there's nothing we can do about that.

    If you have trouble with your video showing up immediately after posting, sometimes you need to edit the post, "Go Advanced", and just submit again.

    We appreciate any feedback or questions you have regarding these features.


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  3. #2

  4. #3

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