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Thread: Anyone from/know Green River, UT?

  1. #1

    Anyone from/know Green River, UT?

    I am trying to figure out how to get from Green River Airport to Green River State Park (~5 miles). All the river shuttle people just do the big shuttles. I need like a taxi and can't find one!


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  3. #2
    call them at (435) 564-3448, that is their listed number‎ and ask.
    Its a common problem.
    Please buy my book - "Paiute ATV Trail Guide" at - I need gas money!!!!

  4. #3
    I usually got a ride from the airport personal. Gave them $20 for their extra time. One time I rode my bike, it's not that far.

  5. #4
    I'll try the town hall number above.

    I did call the airport and they said someone is not always there - but if they were, they could help us out. I was thinking $20. I don't think we have room for a bike this trip, we're packed to the gills.

  6. #5
    Are you doing a river trip?

  7. #6
    Yep! Cannot wait! Been wanting to do this for years.

  8. #7
    I assume you are doing Labyrinth?

    I'd advice you to launch from the farm 16 miles below and not from the state park. It's a boring stretch. You do get to hit the geyser, but still, down below is much more interesting.

  9. #8
    My boyfriend and I talked about this and weighed our options - everything from having someone drive our car, to using a shuttle service, to using a different put-in. In the end, we thought the plane would be cool (from Mineral Bottoms), plus cheaper than paying a shuttle. Our car will be already at the end without having a stranger drive it or telling a shuttle when we'll arrive.

  10. #9
    I've done plane ride, my own ride and a shuttle system. I prefer a shuttle system for sure now. With Labyrinth the self shuttle takes about 3.5 hours from Mineral Bottom to the GR park. The plane is cool to see the area, so if you haven't done it, it might be a good idea to do so.

    I am doing a lot of Deso trips and the shuttle there is 5.5 hours one way. So hiring someone is totally worth it.

    Good luck on Labyrinth, very cool canyon. I assume you are doing it in a canoe? Should be perfect weather now, I wouldn't expect any bugs now, the water is about to start rising like crazy.

  11. #10
    You know, you could do Mineral Bottom to confluence. If you are doing a shuttle, you might as well hit that stage. Very pretty!

  12. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex
    You know, you could do Mineral Bottom to confluence. If you are doing a shuttle, you might as well hit that stage. Very pretty!
    Yes, I'd like to do Stillwater for sure in the future!

    But for this trip I have my dog, and dogs are not allowed in the national park. That trip needs more like a week and I don't have a week this time around.

    I'm leaving for Green River in a few hours, it's a little too late for rearranging the trip now! I've got it all planned, except of course from the airport to the state park.

  13. #12
    OK for any future reference - Tumbleweed Tours does it for $5!

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