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Thread: Good bye short days, bring on the long days!

  1. #1

    Good bye short days, bring on the long days!

    My celebration of the the first lengthening day of the year... I hate ten hour days.

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  3. #2
    Carbon Footprint Donor JP's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    In Nothing But Sunshine

  4. #3
    Was this shot with the 5D?

    Im curious as I notice some vingetting around the edges. It is more an issue with your lens(at a certain mm) or more so with the sensor? Also is the mm you shot at full 180 degrees?

  5. #4
    Where is this exactly?

  6. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by accadacca
    Where is this exactly?
    Rock Canyon, overlooking Provo.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by waltny
    Im curious as I notice some vingetting around the edges. It is more an issue with your lens(at a certain mm) or more so with the sensor? Also is the mm you shot at full 180 degrees?
    Shot on the 5D, with a 17-40 lens. I think it is 140 degrees or so? Not sure. Vignetting is not caused by sensors, it is caused by lenses. All ultra-wide lenses have some degree of vignetting, most of which is easily correctable. The 17-40 does have some vignetting, but in this image, the vignetting is intentional.

  8. #7
    any goats or sheep up there? They seem to love that side of the canyon just before sunset.
    Btw Dan, when are we going snowboarding?

  9. #8
    Nice shot!

    Thanks for sharing!!

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