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Thread: New for Autumn at!

  1. #1

    New for Autumn at!

    Hello, everyone! Check out all kinds of cool new stuff on our web pages, including a father and son vacation for Richard and Mitchell, a trip to Florida, Richard's photography class at ECU, news and sports from summer at the Ada Evening News, and a beautiful gallery of images from this green summer.


    -Richard, Abby and Mitchell

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  3. #2
    your sand dunes shots are unREAL

    ... and ...


  4. #3
    The driver of this truck walked away without a scratch.

    It was a very weird day, in that this wasn't the first semi rollover of my morning. Two hours earlier, I went to a gravel truck that had turned over because it wasn't level when it began to dump its load. After I'd been on the scene a few minutes, a guy from the trucking company approached me and said he'd appreciate it if I wouldn't put it in the paper. When I relayed this to my editor, bam! Instant front page!

    Don't mess with Brenda the Editor!


  5. #4
    Bogley BigShot
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Just a few miles from Zion National Park
    Wow! Great photos!

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