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Thread: TR The Citadel Ruins

  1. #1

    TR The Citadel Ruins

    On Tuesday, June 12, myself and 5 others in the group visited the so-called Citadel Ruins on Cedar Mesa. It was an amazing place to live if you were the builders of those ruins. No doubt prtection and defensiveness were a motivation for that location.

    After an approximatly two mile hike across mostly flat soundstone and desert soil, the point where this ruin is located is encountered. A a point overlooking this "narrow nexk of lonad", you need to work your way down the left hand side, or main canyon side to the lext lower level, then cross over to the side canyon side to drop down a sloping slickrock exspance before reaching the level of the land bridge. From there, it is mostly level walking until reaching the cap rock of the Citadel.

    We hiked this a day after haevy rains during the night, and the area was covered with water filled potholes, explaining how the original inhabitants must have found water. There was even indication that they had build some check dams to deepen the storage capacity of some potholes.

    A very amazing ruin.
    Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow

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  3. #2
    By your post count, I can see you are new to uutah, so you are forgiven this time around, but a TR with no pics (especially a pic of you in it) is a bit NO NO around these parts!

    Other than that, thanks for the TR, where is this at?

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex
    where is this at?
    The Citadel

    I think this is my favorite ruin in Cedar Mesa. Thanks for the TR.

    I have never noticed the check damns you mentioned.

  5. #4
    Here are some pictures from my hike to the Citadel last week, June 12.
    Attached Images Attached Images      
    Only Dead Fish Go With The Flow

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  7. #5
    Will be there in April this year.

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