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Thread: Eardley Canyon TR

  1. #1

    Eardley Canyon TR

    Four of us did Eardley on Saturday, 6/9. Man, what a lot of effort for very little return! Of course, my opinion could be colored by the fact that I got sick while climbing down the "Eardley Death Gully" and had to spend a fair amount of time resting in the shade before I could continue. But still, we kept asking, "Are you sure this canyon has rappels in it?" Finally, long after we could see the actual exit, pools of water began showing up, followed shortly by the first drop. Sure enough, there were five of them, although two were so lame that we simply slid into the water rather than rig the rope.

    All went well until I went over the edge of the last drop (wow, what a stretchy piece of webbing that is!) and had first my left leg then my right leg go into spasm. I think my knee braces are too tight... Anyway, all I could do was lay down against the rock and slide down. My legs were totally useless and were causing me considerable pain. At the bottom, my first question was, "Am I down yet?" because my eyes were closed from the pain and I couldn't tell it if was safe to take my brake hand off the rope. The second question was, "How am I going to walk the mile and a half back to the truck with these legs?" But after loosening my harness and removing my knee braces, my legs recovered and, although a bit wobbly for the first few hundred feet, got me back okay. So Eardley goes on my "Sure Am Glad I Don't Have To Do That One Again" list.

    Photos are at
    Photography by Stan McQueen

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  3. #2
    Yeah, it is a lot of work for a little bit of fun. Wonder if we could just do a multi pitch rap down into the canyon, right before the technical section? Anyone try that?

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jumar
    Yeah, it is a lot of work for a little bit of fun. Wonder if we could just do a multi pitch rap down into the canyon, right before the technical section? Anyone try that?
    We didn't try it, but it seems that should be doable. There are places where the drop appears to be no more than a few hundred feet. My only concerns regard the quality of the rock and the ability to pull the rope, since the rock seems pretty jagged for the most part.
    Photography by Stan McQueen

  5. #4

    Re: Eardley Canyon TR

    Quote Originally Posted by smcqueen
    Sure enough, there were five of them, although two were so lame that we simply slid into the water rather than rig the rope.
    Depending on water levels these can be short little 2'-3' drops into deep pools or 12' drops into knee deep water covering jagged rocks.....

    My first time through the canyon my thought was "what idiot bolted the canyon for 3' water slides".... my second trip though the canyon showed me the errors in my judgement.

    I like Eardley.... but I think I'm in the minority.

  6. #5
    I liked it, but I'd like it more without as long of a steep hike up, just to lose all that elevation down the death gulley.

  7. #6

    Re: Eardley Canyon TR

    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe
    My first time through the canyon my thought was "what idiot bolted the canyon for 3' water slides".... my second trip though the canyon showed me the errors in my judgement.
    Of course, at this time, I would argue that the error in your judgement was to go through a second time! But maybe time will heal all wounds and I'll go back someday, although that's pretty hard to imagine right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe
    I like Eardley.... but I think I'm in the minority.
    You can have Eardley. I'll take Behunin.
    Photography by Stan McQueen

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by jumar
    I liked it, but I'd like it more without as long of a steep hike up, just to lose all that elevation down the death gulley.
    Yeah, something like: hike a couple of miles, gain about 1300 feet in a mile, lose 800 feet in a quarter mile, boulder hop for almost a mile, and then five short drops in an eighth of a mile, then hike back a couple of miles. You sure carry that rope for a long ways before you get to use it!
    Photography by Stan McQueen

  9. #8
    I liked it as well, nice canyon.

  10. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Wasatch
    I liked it as well, nice canyon.
    Okay, so I'm beginning to calibrate the advice I get on this forum...

    Photography by Stan McQueen

  11. #10
    some photo from 3-4 years ago

    Quote Originally Posted by smcqueen
    Quote Originally Posted by Wasatch
    I liked it as well, nice canyon.
    Okay, so I'm beginning to calibrate the advice I get on this forum...

    Attached Images Attached Images   

  12. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by smcqueen
    Okay, so I'm beginning to calibrate the advice I get on this forum...
    I'm beginning to think its the company you keep....

    I noticed everyone who liked Eardley went through with me.

    And just for fun.... if you look you will notice the two pics were taken at the same spot, the first during high water and the second during low water.

  13. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceaxe
    Quote Originally Posted by smcqueen
    Okay, so I'm beginning to calibrate the advice I get on this forum...
    I'm beginning to think its the company you keep....

    I noticed everyone who liked Eardley went through with me.

    And just for fun.... if you look you will notice the two pics were taken at the same spot, the first during high water and the second during low water.
    On our trip, it looked more like the top photo. In fact, that was one of the drops we slid down. The guys that went with me enjoyed it. I'm sure that part of my dislike stems from getting sick partway down. Throwing up just has that effect on me! Also, the guys that went with me were 35, 23, and 21, whereas I'm at the advanced age of 60. The fun-to-work ratio needs to be considerably higher for me to enjoy it much! Still, it was an adventure and as someone once said (I seem to quote this a lot), "It doesn't have to be fun to be fun."
    Photography by Stan McQueen

  14. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by hesse15
    some photo from 3-4 years ago
    Hmm! The bathing beauties were conspicuous by their absence when we were there!
    Photography by Stan McQueen

  15. #14
    was that your group in the FULL sized truck (w/ company logos) that passed us on the road coming out of the eardly?

    we were stopped at the coral...

  16. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by marc olivares
    was that your group in the FULL sized truck (w/ company logos) that passed us on the road coming out of the eardly?

    we were stopped at the coral...
    Nope. We had a full sized red Dodge pickup, but no logos. There was also a van from Colorado at the trailhead. They were camping there and were just stirring from their tent when we pulled up. When we came back from the canyon, the van was all buttoned up. We did get passed in the canyon by a fellow doing it solo. He was concerned that his rope might not be long enough and said we might find him again if that was the case, but we never saw him again, so I guess he did okay.

    We didn't leave the trailhead to head back until around 7:00 pm, having been delayed several hours by my sickness. What time were you there?
    Photography by Stan McQueen

  17. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by smcqueen
    Also, the guys that went with me were 35, 23, and 21, whereas I'm at the advanced age of 60.
    I have a group of young guns I do some canyons with and the standing joke is they will carry all the gear and I'll carry the extra 25 years.

  18. #17
    Man, what a lot of effort for very little return!
    Some canyons are like that. I felt the same for Echo. You just have to take what comes.

    Still, I thik the entire Eardly is worth seeing at least a few times in a life time. It does have some pretty sections missed by the standard lower tech loop.

    I think it's worth taking 2-3 days and doing the whole canyon top to bottom with some eploring along the way, at least once.

    I know what you mean though. I remember doing that death chute as a kid and returning the same way. We had hoped to do the whole canyon (from the bottom), but sort of gave up with only having a day and a half or so available.

    Anyway, Eardly used to be a seldom visited wilderness canyon. Hardly no one used to go into this and nearby canyons. Now they are popular. Things have changed in only just over 20 years!
    Utah is a very special and unique place. There is no where else like it on earth. Please take care of it and keep the remaining wild areas in pristine condition. The world will be a better place if you do.

  19. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson
    Still, I think the entire Eardly is worth seeing at least a few times in a life time. It does have some pretty sections missed by the standard lower tech loop.
    Have you done the entire length of the canyon? I have always wondered how long it would take to go from Hyde draw to the reef or better yet from the head of Crawford.
    I have gone from Cliff Dweller to the first rap and back.. but I have not done the tech section.

  20. #19
    Utah is a very special and unique place. There is no where else like it on earth. Please take care of it and keep the remaining wild areas in pristine condition. The world will be a better place if you do.

  21. #20
    liked the pics on your site of 3 canyon. very pretty.

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