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Thread: You Know Its Summer When....

  1. #1

    You Know Its Summer When....'re on your way to a dentist appointment, and you happen to notice a very attractive young lady sun-bathing in her front yard......COMPLETELY NUDE!!! I actually drove around the block to get another glimpse cause I couldn't believe my eyes!

    Ya, I almost drove back home, cancelled my appointment, grabbed my camera, and pulled up for an impromptu photo shoot!!!!

    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

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  3. #2

    Re: You Know Its Summer When....

    What, and you didn't stop and ask for directions???

    Was she "well-groomed?"

    Man who run behind car become exhausted...

  4. #3

    Re: You Know Its Summer When....

    Quote Originally Posted by derstuka
    Was she "well-groomed?"
    I couldn't tell. She was laying on her belly......and WOW what a nice tush!!!
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  5. #4
    Who is your dentist? I think I may need an appointment!
    Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, as vital to our lives and water and good bread
    - Edward Abbey

  6. #5
    Where was this??? Are you down south already? need to stop by and I will hook you up with some juice since you said you like it.

  7. #6

    Didn't we have this dissusion about always keeping a camera in the car? I mean aren't you a photographer? Don't you own like six cameras?

    Na just kidding

  8. #7
    Ya, I was KICKING myself for not toting along my camera today!!

    This was on 7th East, one block south of Liberty Park. She was sprawled out on a towel in her front yard right on 7th east!!! What an attention whore!!! Hey, I'm not complaining though - with a body like hers, I'll gladly give a second look.

    Problem is, with that kind of a stunt she could've caused an accident!

    Technically, what she was doing is a misdemeanor (indecent exposure), but who's gonna call the cops? Not me!!
    It's only "science" if it supports the narrative.

  9. #8
    Two wheels from Hell live2ride's Avatar
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    damn that is great stuff!! I would have used a tank of gas driving around the block for sure!!

    Two wheels are better than four, keep the rubber side down.

  10. #9
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  11. #10
    Definitely agree with Ice on this one. Canyon TR's or any other are just not as cool without the pics.

  12. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by rockgremlin
    Ya, I was KICKING myself for not toting along my camera today!!

    This was on 7th East, one block south of Liberty Park. She was sprawled out on a towel in her front yard right on 7th east!!! What an attention whore!!! Hey, I'm not complaining though - with a body like hers, I'll gladly give a second look.

    Problem is, with that kind of a stunt she could've caused an accident!

    Technically, what she was doing is a misdemeanor (indecent exposure), but who's gonna call the cops? Not me!!
    he was not me RC lives in liberty park but 400 east....

    you guys need a trip to europe by the way......
    in europe is consider indecent if you are not good looking
    by the way years ago in genoa a lady was taking sun in her balcony naked and a lot of wifes tired of the husband going to trow out the garbage every five minutes try to call police and make her stop.
    but she was in her balcony and the police did not find any bad
    so she was allowed to do it
    and the wifes to start go to the gym to keep up

  13. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by hesse15
    and the wifes to start go to the gym to keep up
    Welcome to the Ice School of Wife Training!

  14. #13

  15. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Sombeech
    3 Words: Camera Phone.
    2 words: check your math!

  16. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Udink
    Quote Originally Posted by Sombeech
    3 Words: Camera Phone.
    2 words: check your math!
    I know, just kidding. I was wondering who would catch that.

  17. #16
    Hey Rock,

    So is this part of your "regular" route now (even if it is out of your way)?

    Man who run behind car become exhausted...

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