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Thread: Fishing at Fish Lake (no, not that Fish Lake)

  1. #1

    Fishing at Fish Lake (no, not that Fish Lake)

    Some of you may know of the Fish Lake that's about a five mile hike from the Smith Morehouse road. This is where I fished on Saturday. I will eventually have some photos posted, but I need to get them developed first. Anyway the main fish here is grayling and they bite like crazy. According the the guy who has been there numerous times, they always do. Three of the guys there caught probably 50 fish each--many times they caught two fish at once. Personally, I only caught seven, but I was having a lot of trouble with my reel and had to stop numerous times--finally I had to quit about an hour and a half before the others because of too much reel trouble.

    Anyway, it's a steep rocky hike and the only place I've ever caught fish that fast and easily. I ate a couple of the fish, but didn't have the proper cooking or eating utensils with me and found it hard to separate the meat from the bones (cooked on a rock, dangled from my stringer, eaten with my fingers). I wonder how the cavemen did it.

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  3. #2
    Let's see those pics!
    Let's Roll

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigben
    Let's see those pics!
    I know, I know. I'm in the dark ages of film still. I have one roll I still need to finish off before getting it developed, but as soon as I do...

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jimflint1
    I know, I know. I'm in the dark ages of film still. I have one roll I still need to finish off before getting it developed, but as soon as I do...
    I know that phase well. I only got my first digital camera this year. I've got about 800 pictures on my PC, and 700 of them are developed and scanned. I don't know what I was thinking.

    At first, it was the price of the camera that was the cause of the delay. Then, over time, I kept paying around $5 for a roll of film, and $5 or $6 to develop it. Around 10 bucks for every 24 exposures, 10 of which I chucked.

    I will never buy another roll of film again. It's great. I take all the pictures I want, and don't spend a dime! (except on batteries, but the same is for 35mm cameras)

  6. #5
    I know--It's the initial expense for the digital that I'm kind of balking at right now. My available cash doesn't seem to be going too far. I'm hoping to get the digital for Christmas for the family gift, but even that seems somewhat in doubt at present. Ah well, such is life, huh?

  7. #6

  8. #7
    This is a little late... but

    I took my scouts up there last year for summer camp. It was great fun and the hike pushed my guys to a good limit. The lake is much bigger than maps make it look. All these pictures are near the dam which is on an arm of the lake that doesn't even show on maps. Fishing was insane and then became too easy. Everyone caught fish with ease. Even those who had never held a fly rod before were bringing them in. I had never caught grayling before and never want to again I'm that satisfied. Any fly/technique worked. I had 17 consecutive casts with 17 fish. I would highly recommend the lake and the hike. We stayed at all three lakes, Round, Sand and Fish and the fishing got better/faster at each.

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  9. #8
    Nice pics, mike! Gorgeouse scenery.

    Although that panoramic pic makes us scroll from side to side, it would almost be a shame to shrink it down.

    Nice work.

  10. #9
    A few years ago we took our scouting group to the area and while fishing I posted my highest fish count on a single day. I caught something like 87 fish by about 2 in the afternoon. Last year we went again, and I got tired of the grayling and targeted the brook trout with larger spinners. That is a great place if you can make it through the grueling hike with a 50lb pack.

  11. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by chickenlicken
    That is a great place.

  12. #11
    Here's a few underwater fish pics taken up at the same lake. They were also posted on the Utah gov. site.
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  13. #12

  14. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by No_Cool_Name
    Here's a few underwater fish pics taken up at the same lake. They were also posted on the Utah gov. site.
    Hey, those are pretty cool. I'd love to have an underwater camera as I was fishing.

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