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Thread: Toobin! Lava Hot Springs

  1. #1

    Toobin! Lava Hot Springs

    Who's been to Lava Hot Springs, ID? It's an hour and a half from Ogden.

    Most people know about the high dives in their olympic sized swimming pool, but a lot of people miss the greatest attraction, which is tubing the river.

    This is one of the best rivers to go tubing on. And, on this river, the more the merrier. You can see a lot of funny "tube dumps" by the inexperieced.

    Click here for the video

    There's a few things you must know before you brave the rapids of Lava. The river rock is mostly that, Lava rock. You MUST wear sandles or watersocks. I would suggest Wal-Mart watersocks for $5. They worked great. The tubes can be rented from 4 stands along main street.

    There are multiple places to put in, or enter the river. Most people put in below the falls, which I WOULDN'T suggest. The falls, which are 5' and 6' tall, bring most of the excitement to the ride. Either place to put in, can be from the same parking lot though.

    There is a right and a wrong way to go down each waterfall. The wrong way usually results in tipping over, and possible "Lava Rash".

    I've got a short video clip, which I would suggest watching. My wife and I are in the green tubes at the first, then everybody else are strangers.
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  3. #2

  4. #3

  5. #4

  6. #5
    BTW, most pictures taken with a disposable waterproof camera from Wal-Mart.

  7. #6
    Thanks for the pictures! Looks like a lot of fun!

    Man who run behind car become exhausted...

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by derstuka
    Thanks for the pictures! Looks like a lot of fun!
    Thanks. Yeah, it was a blast. We may go up again this year.

  9. #8
    Wherebouts is this now? How far was it from SLC for you?

    Man who run behind car become exhausted...

  10. #9
    Forget my last message. I see I skipped right over where you said it was. Whoops

    Man who run behind car become exhausted...

  11. #10
    So how long is the section that you tube?

  12. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by accadacca
    So how long is the section that you tube?
    It's about a mile or so. If you go straight down the river, it will take you about 25 minutes from top to bottom.

    Instead of going straight down, we went down the falls, and kept climbing up and down them.

    You can shuttle from bottom to top, but walking it only about 7 minutes to the top.

  13. #12

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