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I cannot believe the administration will allow this stupid s*’t to stay up. How low can we go?
^ You must be new here. Welcome to the forum.
At least it's not #FakeNews as Biden really announced "I'm not nuts!"
Biden's biggest gaffe yet?
Joe Biden told moving military story at campaign stop – but it 'never happened,'
Was he there with Brian Williams and Hillary when they came hnder sniper fire?
latest gaff or not?
Joe Biden praised young ‘DACA’ illegal migrants as more American than Americans
^^^Just curious.... Has Biden ever had a real job?!?
Biden stomps on his own dick again...
Biden says nonviolent criminals shouldn't go to jail, drawing ridicule
Non-violent crimes? Like owning a scary AR-15, not paying taxes, stealing money from people, corporations, or government, having plastic straws, not calling someone by their preferred pronoun, store operating more than 2 self checkout counters, stores providing plastic bags at checkout? Or how about spying on political opponents, lying and providing false information on FISA warrants, laundering and leaking false information to the media and using that as a source for an investigation?
This is what really puzzles me about these liberals. They want t ban and outlaw everything under the sun, while at the same time complain that the justice system is broken because too many people are incarcerated, and cry about income equality. Without the threat of either incarceration or hefty fines, which significantly impact the poor more than the rich, what other incentive do they have persuade people to live and follow all of these laws and regulations they want to implement? Do they really think that people will just simply do what they tell them to and obey these laws purely because the law is in place? No threat of any punishment needed to enforce the law?
Joe Biden says his child care tax credit would put 720 million women back into the workforce
<font size="5"><strong>
this is kinda cool, Population Clock.
Fun fact: Russia has less than half of the population of the U.S., and yet the United States is only 57% of the size of Russia.
United States = 329,670,800
Russia = 141,944,600
Land Area
United States = 3,797,000 square feet
Russia = 6,602,000 square feet
If you thought that stretch of I-80 from SLC to Reno was desolate, that's nothing compared to most of Russia, apparently.
See ya later Creapy Joe...
Democrats toss Biden aside in zeal to impeach — ensuring Trump's reelection
^^^You know, I'm getting the impression that Biden has always been en easy going, happy-go-lucky guy mainly because he's kind of clueless.
unlike republicans, dems protect their own, no matter the cost.(generally)
biden is used to this treatment in covering his follies.
biden could be saved by the dnc if he never spoke.
but during this campaign, he has doubled down on stoopid and the dnc is cutting it's losses.
the dnc would rather lose 2020 than nominate an old, white guy.
Biden seeks to bar Giuliani from TV news, after Trump lawyer alleges possible Biden corruption
Joe Biden's presidential campaign requested in a letter on Sunday that major news networks not invite President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani anymore, after Giuliani spent the morning on a series of talk shows aggressively highlighting what he called Biden's apparently corrupt dealings in Ukraine and China.
Great article written by the same guy that wrote Clinton Cash....
What Hunter Biden did was legal and thats the problem.
US Federal politics have become an utter clown & shit show. If any of these worthless individuals worked for me, they'd have been fired long ago.
So I just finished this, and it's pretty mind blowing. If you think that Trump is the problem and that he should be impeached, take a look at this. There's a long line of corruption and cooperation between Ukraine and USA, but it's not Trump that's been in bed with them, it would appear.
I hope this gets a lot of attention, but I doubt it makes it far.
Wow! Talk about getting the cold shoulder.... [emoji1787]
Obama endorses Justin Trudeau for reelection in Canada, while Biden waits for his support.
I just returned form a long vacation and spent time with a lot of friends. Lots of liberal friends. NONE of them want to talk about politics. None of them.
There is currently zero enthusiasm among Democrats for the 2020 election, if they don't flip this around soon it will be a bloodbath for down ticket Democrats. If nothing else Trump supports are enthusiastic and will turn out to vote.
CNN fails to draw viewers as Dem debate ratings sink to new low for 2019
I shudder to think what the Dems will put forward after 8 long years of Trump.
Hell the same could be said for the GOP. Who's gonna step forward in 2024 after Trump has finished his time in office? I'm thinking long term here.
Hookers, strippers, blow, crack, billions of dollars and banging his brothers wife... sounds like Hunter was a fun guy to party with....
Hunter Biden's questionable past and business dealings could undo dad's bid for White House
When your presidential campaign is tanking because you can’t remember what state you’re in or what you were getting ready to say next, you’re involved in a major scandal*and*you have a reputation for groping kids and other guy’s wives — what do you do?
Easy- You accept the endorsement of*another*creepy democrat whose got a reputation for taking part in a sexual assault.