View Full Version : Trip Report Kokanee Salmon at Causey Reservoir 2020

09-09-2020, 12:46 PM
The season has started, it usually lasts about 2 weeks, this is the very early side of it now. We hiked the Skull Crack trail starting on the southern inlet at Causey, it's about 2.5 miles each way.

We hiked in early, and on our hike out, by 9:30 am, we had passed 72 others on the trail. Then there were probably 40 arriving by water by that time. So over 100 people by 10 am that morning.

I'd like to take partial credit for this signage, after communicating with DWR in years past about how we can warn others not to harass the Salmon during this time, it was good to see these signs there. Of course there are still some stories about those who chase the fish up and down the stream, let's police each other.

https://lh3.google.com/pw/ACtC-3fJG5fMhfIiIFK4ocS-cxVZ3TvUaSpXge0fSd4Jf3jzFVcK0G2Te6v3yW3GJueWGrqDhw sOkAgWU9vg_NGj9qMgpgtTVoc=w1880-h1057-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.google.com/pw/ACtC-3e1-vkGVCatr3yfTWxAACz0wBjJsQWOKD0K1Wya9x3DYd3mvEwiRyP wWEPViUbJSu9wI0Chnun66_q-VECGYDw6RMzDA-8=w1880-h1057-no?authuser=0
