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View Full Version : Oh Sh*t! Ghislaine Maxwell documents were leaked!

07-30-2020, 10:09 PM
Some say it was on purpose, and Maxwell was trying to keep these secret.

There are hundreds of these.

Here's a sample, watch out Billy boy!


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07-30-2020, 10:10 PM
Oh and it's still just conspiracy stuff LOL, but happens to end up with real prison time.

Enjoy the show.

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07-30-2020, 10:20 PM
They're just gonna all claim the documents are lies and fabrications. Good luck proving any of it.

You know, Bill Clinton has already lied once under oath ("I did not have sexual relations with that woman"). What's stopping him from doing it again?

07-31-2020, 08:35 AM
Do you know why Trump said "I wish her well" about Maxwell's arrest? It was so all of his enemies would dig so hard through these docs to find when Trump visited the island and had sex with young girls. Trust me, they are searching with extreme intent.

They are getting so disappointed.

These docs were just leaked so they aren't really organized now, but people will get them indexed and we will all be able to read through them.

It's odd that Maxwell hasn't mentioned Trumps visits to the island by now, right? Because he never went there. The myth that Trump even flirted with these girls has been debunked.

Enjoy the show, it's getting good.

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07-31-2020, 08:45 AM
Trump is one of the few that actually did something in regards to Epstein. Trump banned Epstein from all his hotels and resorts 20 years ago because of his preying on under age girls. But of course MSM never mentions that.

07-31-2020, 09:10 AM
Yes but Bill paid the price for lying.

07-31-2020, 09:28 AM
More gold. Prince Andrew lobbied US for favorable Epstein plea deal.

We are seeing a ton of gold emerging and some will hope it all goes away.


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07-31-2020, 09:30 AM
It's possible that Epstein and his kinky girlfriend here weren't running a so called "ring" with these girls...I think Andrew and Bill were certainly in on the action, but not so sure it involved "a whole bunch" of powerful people.

His obsession with the young nookie may have been just that...his. When I see proof that there were many other men involved, then I'll believe it, of course. Not that I completely doubt it...I'm just on the fence.

This may sound harsh, but I really don't see these women as "victims"...I lost my virginity to a 14 year old who was absolutely wild. Just wanted to party all the time. These girls were selected because they were willing.

Kinda like the girls back in high school that smoked cigarettes...if they smoked, they f*cked.

07-31-2020, 09:35 AM
And here is a revealing interview detailing just how Trump was "good friends with Epstein ". Worth the quick read.

Just in case it's pixelated

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07-31-2020, 09:36 AM
This may sound harsh, but I really don't see these women as "victims"...I lost my virginity to a 14 year old who was absolutely wild. Just wanted to party all the time. These girls were selected because they were willing.

Kinda like the girls back in high school that smoked cigarettes...if they smoked, they f*cked.

I can agree with you, but wait until you find out what happened to a lot of the girls afterwards.

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07-31-2020, 01:03 PM
I think Andrew and Bill were certainly in on the action, but not so sure it involved "a whole bunch" of powerful people.

His obsession with the young nookie may have been just that...his. When I see proof that there were many other men involved, then I'll believe it, of course. Not that I completely doubt it...I'm just on the fence.

I lean this way as well. Call me naive, but these ultra powerful men could have 18+ at the drop of a hat with zero legal fear. Just doesn't make sense knowing how easy it would be to be blackmailed and toasted. And men who are perpetually on their toes for being blackmailed, once at that level in life. A ring no, a group yes.

Only the most wretched ones, like Andrew and Clinton. But "group" could be 10, 20, 30 on both sides of the aisle.

I'll amend this a bit: one of the key sales tactics aimed at the ultra elite is exclusivity. There is nothing more exclusive than 17-, and for the most powerful drive that exists. It's a vexing Q in this case.

07-31-2020, 03:15 PM

Scott Card
07-31-2020, 05:31 PM
This may sound harsh, but I really don't see these women as "victims"...I lost my virginity to a 14 year old who was absolutely wild. Just wanted to party all the time. These girls were selected because they were willing.

I can't agree with this at all. The law doesn't either.

07-31-2020, 05:54 PM
I can't agree with this at all. The law doesn't either.Oh, I'm fully aware of the law...as it is today. Take a look at the "Age of Consent" history and you may be shocked. Up until 150 years ago a girl could be given away (willing, or not) as young as 7 years old. Most states it was 10 to 12.

Hard to imagine these days...but the old saying comes in "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed". Nasty, shocking, sick and disgusting, right? But for thousands of years it wasn't. Not advocating for anything weird here, just sayin'.

Now in regard to the "party girls"...I came of age in the mid 70s thru the mid 80s, primarily. Some girls in Junior High 13, 14, 15 years old were completely off the hook. Maybe you grew up in an area where things like that didn't happen, but I sure did.

Again, I'm not saying that what this guy Epstein and his buddies did was justified by any means...it's just reality...some girls really like to have fun and sex isn't a dealbreaker.

Probably digging my own grave here, huh? Simply by stating the way it is.

07-31-2020, 08:45 PM

^^^This needs to be on billboards along every interstate freeway in America.^^^

08-01-2020, 11:10 AM
Honestly, the fact that Bill Clinton was on Epstein Island with underage girls should be headline news. Imagine if it were Trump.


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08-01-2020, 11:41 AM
Honestly, the fact that Bill Clinton was on Epstein Island with underage girls should be headline news. Imagine if it were Trump.


Another shining example of just how powerful the Clintons are....that they're able to still walk free after Bill's trysts with preteen girls and Hilary's missing emails is pretty amazing.