View Full Version : Canada's Deadliest Mass Shooting

04-20-2020, 11:09 AM
At the moment, 19 dead. The guy was in the dental industry, very strange.


04-20-2020, 11:20 AM
Impossible... Obama told us this doesn't happen in other countries.


04-20-2020, 12:59 PM
It can't happen here, no masses to shoot up during the pandemic.

Take my next phrase how you will, but I'm a little surprised that Trump's foes aren't pushing harder to end the quarantine, so there can be crowds to shoot up again. I guess they see that more people suffer if the quarantine continues and the economy is in a slump.

04-22-2020, 04:59 AM
According to the article, they haven't released what type of gun the killer used. But, unsurprisingly, Trudy is going to use this incident as leverage to ban 'assualt style' weapons - of course he is. He was planning on doing it anyway, but in the wake of this incident, he of course gains more political power in bringing up his ban.

"The Press Democratreported (https://www.pressdemocrat.com/news/10909805-181/trudeau-promises-gun-control-legislation) that authorities have yet to confirm that “assault-style weapons” were used in the attack, but Trudeau indicated he already intended to secure the ban. "

And, despite not releasing (why - because they don't know, or it doesn't fit their narrative), "Canadian authorities have yet to say how Wortman acquired his firearm(s)."

they are pushing for more gun control measures, interviews, checks, gun storage, and other requirements.

"Those controls include in-depth background checks featuring third-party interviews, checks into criminal and mental backgrounds, and spousal interviews. The controls also include licensing requirements for gun owners, with semiautomatic firearms and handguns allowed to be owned under license only. Storage regulations for guns and ammunition are also set forth, among other things. And the right to keep and bear arms “is not guaranteed by law” in Canada."

Tyrants gonna tyrate.
