View Full Version : Money for nothin'

10-16-2019, 08:04 AM
Just found this series of shows about three UK families that are given their annual welfare benefits all at once. I'm only through the first episode, but I can see the writing on the wall. Should be interesting, so I thought I'd share.


10-23-2019, 12:24 PM
1 year later, they made a follow up. The take away for me is that while money may have given these people some opportunities in the short term, it is their own hard work, grit, and determination that has kept them successful.


10-24-2019, 07:51 AM
Thanks for sharing, brings back some memories of living in places exactly like those in England, I'm sure accadacca will remember too.

Seeing the poor conditions that these families lived in, the guy showing his bathroom and all the mold and leaking, that's a great example of what living on Government assistance gets you.

While I was living there, I considered the thought of staying there and just living on the "Dole", or government benefits. This concept of the government giving you money for nothing, it's enticing to some. But all you have to do is look at the aftermath. Socialism and handouts are popular among younger people, and then hopefully you grow up and realize the value in hard work. Some people get trapped into the handouts when they are young and they can't get out.

10-24-2019, 09:46 AM
Yeah, I agree. The sense of hopelessness kept them down for so long that they had lost hope and life just ate them up.

The series was good. I found myself rooting for them to win. I'm glad they did, for the most part. The single mom did end up back on the benefits, but I'm hoping that she gets it figured out.