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View Full Version : Ranking Capitol Reef Canyons

03-10-2019, 07:22 PM
Capitol Reef has always been a mixed bag for me. Some canyons are great, some are meh. How would you rate the following canyons? Top 5?

Arch Nemesis
Beaver Bay
Cassidy Arch
Ex Wife
Fire Canyon
Reef Ramble
Stem School
Stone Dagger
Strike 2
The Wives
Wingate Wander

03-10-2019, 08:06 PM
No Pandora's Box?

Hard to make a top 5 list of Capitol Reef without it.

03-10-2019, 08:37 PM
So, how big is too big for Pandora's Box? I'm 6'2" and 210. I've done Alcatraz, Middle Lep, and a bunch of other tight canyons, going high at narrow spots. But people make Pandora's Box sound quite tough if you're barrel-chested. I've also excluded some other canyons from the list just because I've done them already.

03-10-2019, 09:06 PM
No Pandora's Box?

Hard to make a top 5 list of Capitol Reef without it.


Was gonna say the same thing. Pandora's is easily in my top 5 all time list.

03-10-2019, 09:11 PM
If you've done Alcatraz, you ought to be able to complete Pandora's Box. There are two obstacles in PB that are a little trickier and require some unique skills, but still doable.

The last time I went through there we had two rather barrel chested guys in our group, and they made it through with some partner assists.

03-10-2019, 10:35 PM
Keeping tabs on this thread as I haven’t done any canyoneering in Capitol. (Shocker I know). I know all about the canyons, where they are located, some of the “better” ones to do, but one day I will spend the time there and do the top 5 list.

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03-11-2019, 07:14 AM
If you've done Alcatraz, you ought to be able to complete Pandora's Box. There are two obstacles in PB that are a little trickier and require some unique skills, but still doable.

The last time I went through there we had two rather barrel chested guys in our group, and they made it through with some partner assists.

^^^What he said.

My chest measurements 43" and I can do the route and those slightly larger should be able to do the route. Large frame canyoneer will have to work harder as you must climb up and over many of the squeeze obstacles.

6'-2 @ 210 should not be an major issue.

The big killer with Pandora's Box is folks getting a late start. You want to be hiking before the sun comes up.

And for what it's worth... I consider Cassidy Arch to be the Pine Creek of Capitol Reef if that helps your list.

Ranking best canyons is always difficult because my criteria is probably different from yours.

03-11-2019, 07:47 AM
The big killer with Pandora's Box is folks getting a late start. You want to be hiking before the sun comes up.


This is a good point. As I recall, when I did it, our group left camp in the dark (4:45 - 5:15ish) and we got back to camp just as the sun dropped below the horizon....and we had a pretty competent group. Had we dilly-dallied at all or if we were just a slower group in general we would have been hiking back to camp in the dark. It's a long hard day that requires over 10 hours for most folks. If you're taking n00bs be sure everybody has headlamps and I would recommend taking along a good gps.

03-11-2019, 09:31 AM
FWIW: Here is the Pandora's warning directly from my beta, which is why quality beta is valuable:

From http://climb-utah.com/Capitol/pandora.htm

Warning: Pandora's Box is rated 3A R IV using the Canyon Rating System. Large frame canyoneers will have a difficult time descending Pandora's Box. My chest measurement is 43" of solid muscle. I found it necessary to climb up and over obstacles that Smurf sized canyoneers could squeeze through. If you have moderate climbing ability and help from friends you should not get trapped in this canyon if you are my size or slightly larger. Large frame canyoneers will have to work much harder than Smurf sized canyoneers to descend this route. Most of the squeeze obstacles can be defeated by climbing up and over them. Bring as small of pack as possible. You have been warned!

A major key to success with this slot canyon is to be hiking at first light or a little before. Many of the problems and rescues associated with this slot canyon are the result of canyoneers falling behind schedule for any number of reasons and running out of daylight. Don't be one of those canyoneers. So once again, You have been warned!


03-11-2019, 12:07 PM
FWIW: Here is the Pandora's warning directly from my beta, which is why quality beta is valuable:
My chest measurement is 43" of solid muscle

What year was this written

03-11-2019, 12:24 PM
What year was this writtenSuck it bitch... not bad for 59 years old... all the females are now probably sporting lady boners :-)

When do we get to see your swimsuit pics?


03-11-2019, 12:40 PM
When do we get to see your swimsuit pics?

If only you would have swiped Right on my Tinder profile


03-11-2019, 02:57 PM

That looks like something my grandpa wore to the beach in 1912.... How are the women supposed to get lady boners if you won't show your abs? :ne_nau:

03-11-2019, 03:07 PM
Suck it bitch... not bad for 59 years old... all the females are now probably sporting lady boners :-)

When do we get to see your swimsuit pics?

I gotta admit that Ice looks pretty decent considering the age factor.

As I have struggled to maintain a lean physique beyond the age of 40, I have discovered how frustrating it is to lose fat and maintain muscle. When I was in my 20's and 30's I could eat garbage all day, every day and look like a Calvin Kline underwear model, with 5% body fat and a 6 pack. Nowadays, I bust my ass every day exercising and limiting my sugar/carb intake and my body insists it wants to augment my love handles and get rid of my muscle. It's like my body just gives the middle finger to my efforts to stay fit. It's exceedingly difficult to stay lean and fit beyond 40. So for Ice to maintain the physique in that picture while flirting with 60 years is to be commended.

03-11-2019, 03:52 PM
Back on subject......:roll:.

I think Fire Canyon and Ex Wife are one and the same canyon? Stegosaur slot is missing from the list.

03-11-2019, 04:29 PM
Stegosaur slot is missing from the list.

Stegosaur slot is a great "girlfriend canyon".... certainly one of the best girlfriend/beginner canyons in Capitol Reef, it just depends on how you are ranking your slots.

Burro, Five Mile and Cottonwood are also missing from the list.

Burro is probably on many top five lists for Capitol Reef.

Poe, Happy Dog and Baboon Laughs are also considered by many to be Capitol Reef Slots, Depending on how you group your canyons. If you need rescue it's probably the Capitol Reef rangers coming to save your butt so that's a good enough reason for me to group them with the other CR canyons.


03-11-2019, 05:51 PM
My list is stuff I haven’t done yet. I’ve done cottonwood, burro, etc.

03-11-2019, 05:52 PM
I think Fire Canyon and Ex Wife are one and the same canyon?
Good to know. Thanks.

03-11-2019, 05:53 PM
If you've done Alcatraz, you ought to be able to complete Pandora's Box. There are two obstacles in PB that are a little trickier and require some unique skills, but still doable.

The last time I went through there we had two rather barrel chested guys in our group, and they made it through with some partner assists.
While we’re on the subject, how does Chambers compare for a barrel cheated guy?

03-11-2019, 09:09 PM
Chambers is a different story. It's all fun and games until the last section of the main slot, where is put up or shut up time.

That last stretch requires that you upclimb about 30 feet, and then high stem off deck for over 100 feet. It's pretty labor intensive, and it can be nerve wracking if you're afraid of unprotected heights.

It's already required an SAR callout to rescue some dude that couldn't stem anymore and succumbed, sliding down into the crack and requiring his friends to go get help.

03-12-2019, 09:15 AM
Sorry fellas, I don't send my nudes to guys.

As for canyons in Capitol Reef, I've just been on the family friendly hikes. We thoroughly enjoyed Sulfur Creek, had some great little water slides and waterfalls for the kids. It ends right near the visitor center in the park.


03-12-2019, 02:59 PM
You look pretty good there Shane, but you need to get some sun on your ass. If you're going to show off the physique, this is how ya do it. I'd prefer to post it up unedited, but I reckon it wouldn't last long if I did.

Capitol Reef canyons? Hike 'em naked!


03-12-2019, 03:14 PM
^^^:lol8::lol8: Too funny. Is this photo from your most recent Hawaii trip?

Years ago, me and several others hiked Quandary Direct completely nekkid. That was back when it wasn't a well-known trade route, so we didn't see anyone else. Once we got down to Muddy Creek we had to re-clothe because of those damn horse flies that chase you for miles.

03-12-2019, 05:06 PM
^^^:lol8::lol8: Too funny. Is this photo from your most recent Hawaii trip?

Yeah...just two weeks ago. The day before I flew back, in fact. I'll be 56 in a couple months and quite happy to be in such great shape, but there 'aint a damn thing I can do about the hair!

Sorry qedcook, your thread went south in a hurry now, didn't it? Won't see shit like this over at CC now, will ya? :haha:

In regards to Cap. Reef...I've actually never hiked anything up near the visitor center, or even that northern end of the park. I always just drive thru on my way to somewhere else. Pandora's Box however, I've got to knock that one out.

I've done tons of backpacking in the southern end of the park down near Halls Creek and the Waterpocket Fold. Don't even need a map anymore. Long day hikes and backpacks for the good stuff down there. I'm hoping (like you) that someone comes in with a ranking of the ones you listed...as I near "full retirement" that part of the park will need to be explored.

03-13-2019, 06:55 AM
Do we need to split this thread off and call it the Bogley Tinder thread

03-13-2019, 07:09 AM
Chambers is a different story. It's all fun and games until the last section of the main slot, where is put up or shut up time.

Speaking of Chambers, on a recent Facebook post, I saw it had been upclimbed. If I remember correctly the two guys exited the slot and then turned around and climbed back up it rather then hike back to the car.

That's pretty cool.

03-13-2019, 10:00 AM
On a related subject... if anyone has video of Pandora's Box, Burro Wash, Fivemile Wash or Cottonwood Wash I'd be interested in adding it to my website. I've been attempting over the past several years to add video to all the slot canyons on my website. The Video's will always be free for everyone to access and proper credit will be given. Thanks for the consideration. If you are interested in helping the cause email me at Shane(at)Climb-Utah(dot)com.

03-13-2019, 02:42 PM
Yes. Alcatraz and Pandora's are of similar physical difficulty. Much like Pine Creek and Imlay are of the same physical difficulty, just slightly different in length. (A stretch I know, but, stay with me here...)

Seems like the parties in Pandora's have trouble because they are not prepared for the extended unrelenting nature of the canyon. Nothing all that hard, just it keeps going and going and going... and then a long walk out. With a good crew and experience with the canyon, it becomes much easier as many of the drops can be downclimbed with aggressive spots, or climbed over easily, even though it looks way scary.

I suggest using Ryan's beta as it is the most complete. Many would find Pandora-Lite to be a good choice, exiting the canyon after the confluence with the other fork. I found the climb out to be pretty straightforward, and Ryan's directions just fine.


03-13-2019, 03:15 PM
Roughly how much time will P-Lite knock off the main route?

03-13-2019, 04:45 PM
Roughly how much time will P-Lite knock off the main route?P-Lite will cut more then 1/2 off the route time wise and cut out 3/4 of the slot and is not a route I would consider doing. P-Lite cuts out the best sections of slot, depending on what you consider best.

If anything I'd enter where Tom says to exit, which I've done once before. Time wise that would eliminate about 1 hour and one of the more difficult obstacles in the route.