View Full Version : RBG

01-21-2019, 07:52 AM
I am 180* opposed to most of her viewpoints but would never wish the cruel demise to cancer on anyone.

After having cancer come back in her lungs, it would seem her time is short.

Today, surely by accident, FOX posted this.

Do they know something we don't?:ne_nau:

01-21-2019, 07:59 AM
of course, everyone knows this was Lincoln's attempt to appease democrats.

01-21-2019, 08:36 AM
Two things... the graphic was accidentally posted because Fox has it packed and ready to go...and if RBG goes while Trump is president the melt on the left will be epic.

Trumps next SCOTUS pick would make the Kanvangh nomination look like a day in kindergarten.

01-21-2019, 10:03 AM
Likely SCOTUS pick:2thumbs:

01-21-2019, 10:29 AM
Barrett would be a great pick. I also think Trump would have to pick a woman to try and drowned out the rape charges you just know some of the bat shit crazy women on the left that never met his SCOTUS pick would attempt to make stick.

The Kanvangh conformation was a new low for the left.

01-21-2019, 02:14 PM
Yup...I want that crazy-eyed Christian chick, too. I wonder how they'll come after her...?

01-21-2019, 03:42 PM
Yup...I want that crazy-eyed Christian chick, too. I wonder how they'll come after her...?

They will attack her with religion.... we know that as they have already begun the attacks.


01-21-2019, 04:17 PM
Well, I had that figured out already. The point is...if a Christian isn't "allowed", who is? Atheists only? Are they going to size up every guy she had sex with? See if she attended any parties?

Y'know, they may hook Ginsburg up to a life support machine to prolong this to the max.

01-21-2019, 05:01 PM
Y'know, they may hook Ginsburg up to a life support machine to prolong this to the max.

Liberals desperately tried to get RBG to fall on her sword while they had control and could appoint another liberal but she refused.

Constitutionalist's need to tip their hat to Kennedy for stepping aside when he did.

01-21-2019, 05:06 PM
Well, I had that figured out already. The point is...if a Christian isn't "allowed", who is? Atheists only?

They won't attack Christianity, just Catholicism. And no it doesn't make sense, but very little the radical left does makes sense or is defendable in an intelligent manner.

double moo
01-21-2019, 09:17 PM
I say he needs to nominate Marrick Garland. Actually a good guy and could be seen as voting either way on any given issue - good centrist. The left would go apeshit because the vowed to deny any Trump pic... but this was the guy they screamed bloody murder to get in. And I think it's a president's duty to keep the court as balanced as possible.

01-21-2019, 11:22 PM
I say he needs to nominate Marrick Garland. Actually a good guy and could be seen as voting either way on any given issue - good centrist.

Not a chance in hell! Garland is anti 2nd Amendment and is not a constitutionalist.

Garland has had four 2nd Amendment issues come before him in the lower courts and has voted anti gun every time.

Garlands views are liberal, the only ones calling him a centralist would be liberals. The mainstream media attempted to paint him as a centrist when he was Obama's pick in the hope of shoving him through. Garland is cut from the same cloth as Breyer and Keagan, and would vote in lockstep with those two.

The job of a judge is to interpret the law, not make the law.


01-22-2019, 10:06 AM
Well, I had that figured out already. The point is...if a Christian isn't "allowed", who is? Atheists only? Are they going to size up every guy she had sex with? See if she attended any parties?

Y'know, they may hook Ginsburg up to a life support machine to prolong this to the max.

It would only be fair, since Christians have had every other supreme court pick in history, to get one atheist on board.

01-22-2019, 10:36 AM
It would only be fair, since Christians have had every other supreme court pick in history, to get one atheist on board.Y' know, that wouldn't bother me at all. Personally, I never bought into the mansion and streets paved with gold stuff anyway. However, I find most Christians to be honest and trustworthy.

No one should be appointed because it's "time for one of these". I like the crazy eyed Christian chick (Barrett) because I've been thinking more favorably towards Pro Life as of late.

01-22-2019, 10:42 AM
Y' know, that wouldn't bother me at all. Personally, I never bought into the mansion and streets paved with gold stuff anyway. However, I find most Christians to be honest and trustworthy.

No one should be appointed because it's "time for one of these". I like the crazy eyed Christian chick (Barrett) because I've been thinking more favorably towards Pro Life as of late.

Oh not me. The more people I meet the more I fall on the pro choice of things, :twisted:

01-22-2019, 11:25 AM
Oh not me. The more people I meet the more I fall on the pro choice of things, :twisted:

you need to get outside of democrat circles to solve this dilemma.:crazy:

01-22-2019, 11:26 AM

01-23-2019, 05:12 PM

01-24-2019, 05:51 AM

01-24-2019, 07:38 AM

What do you think it's gonna be? What is the narrative going to be that the left will try and use to torpedo this?

Will it be:

A. Porn star
B. Embezzler of funds from a previous employer
C. Adulteress
D. Teenage shoplifter
E. Didn't return library book in 1981
F. Vehicular hit and run incident
H. History of drug abuse
I. Prescription Fraud
J. Tax evader
K. Cheated on exams in college
L. Made racially charged comment in 1993
M. Ignored homeless man at supermarket twice in 2001
N. Supposed ties to KKK
O. Gambling debts
P. Unpaid parking tickets
Q. Smoked marijuana in high school
R. Spread gossip about some girl in 4th grade
S. Relatives have mafia ties
T. Lied about academic background
U. Great grandfather owned slaves
V. Visited Russia once over a decade ago
W. Public Intoxication
X. Uses plastic drinking straws
Y. Combo plate - 2 or more of any of the above

and possibly the worst of all...

Z. Stood next to a Native American

01-24-2019, 07:54 AM
The left will throw all of that at her and more with the hope that something sticks.

01-24-2019, 08:57 AM
What do you think it's gonna be? What is the narrative going to be that the left will try and use to torpedo this?

Will it be:

A. Porn star
B. Embezzler of funds from a previous employer
C. Adulteress
D. Teenage shoplifter
E. Didn't return library book in 1981
F. Vehicular hit and run incident
H. History of drug abuse
I. Prescription Fraud
J. Tax evader
K. Cheated on exams in college
L. Made racially charged comment in 1993
M. Ignored homeless man at supermarket twice in 2001
N. Supposed ties to KKK
O. Gambling debts
P. Unpaid parking tickets
Q. Smoked marijuana in high school
R. Spread gossip about some girl in 4th grade
S. Relatives have mafia ties
T. Lied about academic background
U. Great grandfather owned slaves
V. Visited Russia once over a decade ago
W. Public Intoxication
X. Uses plastic drinking straws
Y. Combo plate - 2 or more of any of the above

and possibly the worst of all...

Z. Stood next to a Native American

AA. White (racial bias) Christian (religious bias) conservative (idealogical bias) that reads what the Constition actual says (intellectual and fact based bias), rather than what they want it to say.

01-24-2019, 09:05 AM
AA. White (racial bias) Christian (religious bias) conservative (idealogical bias) that reads what the Constition actual says (intellectual and fact based bias), rather than what they want it to say.

Well, sure that's what they think but they can't just come out and claim they don't like her for those reasons. They're gonna have to contrive some other more creative approach to appeal to the masses -- kind of like the bogus rape charge against Cavanaugh.

01-24-2019, 09:33 AM
Well, sure that's what they think but they can't just come out and claim they don't like her for those reasons. They're gonna have to contrive some other more creative approach to appeal to the masses -- kind of like the bogus rape charge against Cavanaugh.

Oh, they’ll try, alright. None of it will stick, but they will throw everything they can get grab at. If you think the circus they put on for Kavanaugh was crazy, that was just a spring training tryout for the Superbowl performance they will pull out when for this next round.

“Trust emotion, not logic”

Kamala Harris/Mazie Hirono target Brian Buescher for religious beliefs



Just for a couple of examples....

01-24-2019, 12:24 PM

If they’ll do this to a restaurant, why not a SCOTUS nominee?

01-29-2019, 12:23 PM

01-29-2019, 05:09 PM
As long as she's alive, she's got the job.

01-29-2019, 08:15 PM
But is RBG still alive?

Say, if she did die? Would Democrats ever let the public know? You KNOW their biggest fear is to have Trump appoint another lifelong conservative Republican who will follow the US Constitution....Democrats know they'll NEVER get the judicial branch back.

So, given the stakes, and knowing that Democrats have no morals or conscience...Knowing that they'd use any level of deception, treachery, criminal act to remain in power, isn't it entirely plausible that they'd fake Ginsberg being alive?

Weekend at Ruth's?!? Seriously, who wouldn't put it past Democrats trying something like this, given their state of desperation?


Seriously, it's going to be interesting to watch to see how long they're going to go with her being absent before someone finds out that there's a corpse being animated in the usual Democrat fashion... They've had experience animating corpses...... Just look at Hillary......

I think we need to have an independent party look into this and try to confirm if Ginsberg is still alive, let along competent to do her duty.... This is ridiculous.... What other job in the civilian world would put up with this? She just can't phone it in forever, and we can't trust the Democrat, communist enemy within party here, (or with anything else for that matter)...


01-29-2019, 08:55 PM

01-29-2019, 09:00 PM
But is RBG still alive?

Friggin' funny post. I think we'll know within an hour after she croaks. They couldn't possibly keep her death a secret for weeks or months. However, I wonder if she can "still serve" while in a coma?

01-30-2019, 10:41 AM
Friggin' funny post. I think we'll know within an hour after she croaks. They couldn't possibly keep her death a secret for weeks or months. However, I wonder if she can "still serve" while in a coma?

It's been ~54 days since she's been witnessed in public. In other news, shortly after that day, the longest government shutdown in history started. Coincidence? Nancy couldn’t have been throwing up a distraction, could she?

https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/01/ruth_bader_ginsburg_watch_nears_the_end_of_its_sec ond_month.html91696 (https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/01/ruth_bader_ginsburg_watch_nears_the_end_of_its_sec ond_month.html)

01-30-2019, 11:38 AM
After the absolutely insane bullshit the Democrats threw at the Kavanaugh SCOTUS nomination anyone that thinks they wouldn't try to hide RBG's death is a dumbass.

RBG's aides and clerks are the ones currently doing all her work.

01-30-2019, 04:21 PM
I figure they can fake her death right up until there's a major case that goes up against the supreme court, at which time presence by all of the justices is going to be required. She can't preside a case from her living room couch...

01-30-2019, 10:03 PM
I figure they can fake her death right up until there's a major case that goes up against the supreme court, at which time presence by all of the justices is going to be required. She can't preside a case from her living room couch...

Actually a supreme court judge can preside over a case from their living room couch....

A supreme court judge does not have to be present to hear a case and instead can use written and recorded arguments among other methods.

I'm not a SCOTUS expert... but I don't believe a supreme court judge has to be present to vote like a senator or representative does. I've been attempting to verify this.


02-01-2019, 05:42 AM

02-01-2019, 09:34 AM
you guys are cold LOL

02-01-2019, 10:11 AM
you guys are cold LOL

You know what’s really cold? RBGs corpse. :roflol:

02-01-2019, 03:56 PM
I'm making a prediction right now...she won't make it thru the month of February.

I say this because I'll soon be in Hawaii 'till the end of the month and EVERY time I go there, somebody "big" dies. Sometimes two or three.

02-01-2019, 07:43 PM

02-02-2019, 11:08 AM
Let the conspiracy theories roll.


02-02-2019, 11:42 AM

02-02-2019, 08:20 PM

02-03-2019, 11:25 PM
Let the conspiracy theories roll.


Part of me wants to say "Oh snap!!" but the other more rational side wants to call bullshit.

02-04-2019, 02:42 PM

02-05-2019, 09:00 AM
So what's the plan, hide her for 2 years until after the next election?

02-05-2019, 09:29 AM

02-05-2019, 11:52 AM
Just wondering.....do liberals join the scientific community in looking for life on other planets?

And if so...why? So they can snuff it out within seconds of discovering it? :ne_nau:

02-05-2019, 04:18 PM
This is my shocked face :roll:



02-11-2019, 09:54 AM

02-15-2019, 08:54 AM
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is back at the Supreme Court after months of a medical-related absence.

Ginsburg is likely to participate in the justices' private conferences, the court's press office said Friday. She will return to the bench on Tuesday for the first time since December surgery, in which two cancerous nodules were removed from her lung.


02-15-2019, 07:46 PM
Ginsburg shouting triumphantly- ‘ I am Lazarus’.

I bet the whole recovering from cancer surgery was just a cover story. I think her absence was really the doctors making her comfortable while her mother considered late term abortion. Apparently, she didn’t go through with it.

05-05-2020, 06:22 PM


07-14-2020, 07:24 PM
You know what would really add some excitement to the next 4 months??? If RBG crooked...

Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted to hospital for ‘treatment of a possible infection,’ Supreme Court says


07-17-2020, 01:09 PM
I wish I could say I felt bad or that I was sorry... but I'm not. RGB does not share my same values. The sooner she kicks the bucket the better for me and mine.

Justice Ginsburg says cancer has returned, but won't retire

07-18-2020, 08:02 AM

07-18-2020, 09:58 AM
I wouldn't count her out just yet. RBG is a tough old bird - in the last 20 years she's fought off three different instances of cancer: colon, pancreatic, and lung.

She's 87 and has a personal goal to retire once she's reached the age of 90.

09-18-2020, 05:02 PM
RBG dead at 87.

I'm doing my happy dance...

Do you think Mitch McConnell has the balls to push a Trump nomination through in 45 days?

09-18-2020, 05:05 PM
OMG. The stakes are infinite now.

09-18-2020, 06:07 PM
mittens delecto will not vote for a new justice--mark my words.

09-18-2020, 06:09 PM
collins is an abject failure, way behind in polls.

Whats her play.

Or does McConnel play nice and wait?

Could mitch ram this through in a month and a half?


09-18-2020, 06:28 PM
The GOP can only lose two votes. Collins has already said she's a 'NO' and Mittens will vote 'no' so if anyone else jumps ship it's over until January.

09-18-2020, 06:57 PM
RBG dead at 87.

I'm doing my happy dance...

Do you think Mitch McConnell has the balls to push a Trump nomination through in 45 days?

Ruh Roh..

My dumb friend wants to know what happens next, and why Trump can't just appoint another judge right away? :ne_nau:

09-18-2020, 06:58 PM
Man...if the stakes weren't friggin' high enough, eh?

This adds a big chunk of motivation for both sides. The progressive media is (starting tomorrow) going to go on an epic tear. They're really going to be freaking out now.

09-18-2020, 07:06 PM
Ruh Roh..

My dumb friend wants to know what happens next, and why Trump can't just appoint another judge right away? :ne_nau:Doug insists that the progressives have pulled off the masterstroke Jedi mind trick but I'd say it's more a symptom of apathy and ignorance.

09-18-2020, 07:25 PM
Too soon?








09-18-2020, 10:15 PM
Breyer is 82. Just imagine if Trump got his replacement in the next term. Mmm.

09-18-2020, 10:32 PM
Ted Cruz brought up the obvious point that we need a 9 SC given a good chance some ruling will be needed to decide the election.

Geeze. Chance we could see chaos beyond chaos. A 4-4 vote on some issue would mean a lower court ruling stands. If a lower court even got to rule. Iirc, Florida 2000 went directly to the SC.

A House vote by state delegations to pick the president isn't outside the realm of possibility. That favors R.

09-19-2020, 10:52 AM

09-19-2020, 01:43 PM
^ Just shared that one around the tent. Good one.

09-19-2020, 02:09 PM
So it just occurred to me---I guess the china virus is dead now....

09-19-2020, 05:12 PM
So it just occurred to me---I guess the china virus is dead now....You bet your ass. Not going to be hearing much about the 'Rona for a while.

BTW...take a peruse thru this thread starting with page one...some pretty good laughs back there.

09-24-2020, 01:22 PM

09-24-2020, 02:39 PM
Here's how much they REALLY respected RBG, during the moment of silence.


09-24-2020, 02:58 PM
Here's how much they REALLY respected RBG, during the moment of silence.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMOrSruVTWgEvery single one of those people is fuc*ed up in the head.

09-24-2020, 03:37 PM
Wow. It's amazing how they claim Trump is boorish, crass, and vulgar while at the same time being all of those things themselves.

09-24-2020, 05:30 PM
^^^Hypocrisy is the cornerstone of the left.

09-24-2020, 08:28 PM
Wow. It's amazing how they claim Trump is boorish, crass, and vulgar while at the same time being all of those things themselves.In the past, they were able to conceal it enough to get by, but these days the veil has been lifted.

Remember "Love Trumps Hate" when Hillary was running?...these people are so full of shit they're virtually irredeemable.

How about the TV show "Home Improvement"...when Tim Allen would build these crazy contraptions. The Dems are driving a wedge between themselves and anyone with common sense, dignity, compassion and at least a little respect with a HEMI powered sledgehammer.

09-25-2020, 05:43 AM