View Full Version : Upper Calf Creek Falls Escalante, Utah

01-06-2019, 04:42 PM
While fixing some old posts, I was happy to find this treasure. Take A Hike today to Upper Calf Creek Falls. It was such a great learning experience for me, for I dealt with getting lost, and discovered solutions so it should never happen again. Life is so life that. If we forget God and forget to love others, it is so easy to get on a wrong path. May you prioritize keeping what is important always in your sights so that you can avoid getting lost in relation to the Lord.
Happy Hiking.

or https://shaunasadventures.wordpress.com/2019/01/06/360-adventure-upper-calf-creek-falls-escalante-utah/

01-06-2019, 06:05 PM
So, you're a GoogleEarth contributor then?

01-06-2019, 07:35 PM
Except that is Lower Calf Creek Falls and not Upper.

The Upper Falls are about 2 miles above your picture and use a different trailhead to access.


01-07-2019, 07:34 AM
Just an FYI, in your write up, you state that Escalante is a national forest which is not correct. "Escalante" itself is a town, completely privately owned just like any city. Outside of Escalante proper, it is completed surrounded by BLM lands, the majority of which it is in the national monument. Forest lands begin about 10 miles away to the north and west including Boulder mountain and the Aquarius plateau, and have little to nothing to do with what goes on in the town Escalante. And that forest is called the Dixie National forest, which is divided up into ranger districts such as Cedar City, Powell, and Escalante. Claiming that the town of Escalante struggles because it is a "national forest" doesn't even make sense. Be careful when listening to "locals" who claim they know the whole story.....Sorry, not my intent to hijack the thread, but I'm assuming you post here with the intent of receiving feedback.

01-07-2019, 03:41 PM
Perhaps the Lord is taking care of the nomenclature, the geography, and suchlike, while Shauna does what Shauna does. Does anyone else post here anymore? I get to Southern Utah twice a decade if I"m lucky, and have relied on Bogley for tips 'n' tricks in the past. Has the site officially jumped the shark, or am I looking in the wrong place?


Just an FYI, in your write up, you state that Escalante is a national forest which is not correct. "Escalante" itself is a town, completely privately owned just like any city. Outside of Escalante proper, it is completed surrounded by BLM lands, the majority of which it is in the national monument. Forest lands begin about 10 miles away to the north and west including Boulder mountain and the Aquarius plateau, and have little to nothing to do with what goes on in the town Escalante. And that forest is called the Dixie National forest, which is divided up into ranger districts such as Cedar City, Powell, and Escalante. Claiming that the town of Escalante struggles because it is a "national forest" doesn't even make sense. Be careful when listening to "locals" who claim they know the whole story.....Sorry, not my intent to hijack the thread, but I'm assuming you post here with the intent of receiving feedback.

01-07-2019, 04:25 PM
I'm not sure if Shauna's Adventures is helpful or just spamming as she never stops by and replies to her posts.

She does have some nice hikes, but I always thought to spam you had to participate at least to some degree. I'm starting to think she just spams.


01-07-2019, 05:18 PM
Seem’s like a nice gal who wants traffic at her blog and maybe save a few souls.

01-07-2019, 06:37 PM
Seem’s like a nice gal who wants traffic at her blog and maybe save a few souls.

I agree, but it would be nice and just good manners to occasionally stop by and answer some of the questions she generates... not to mention this group is very knowledgeable and often corrects errors in her route descriptions which I notice she never fixes which is how I know she is basically just spamming.



01-08-2019, 06:26 PM
Yep, and I think she's seriously focused on God...so much so that's she's got blinders on. She appeared to get more religious with her posts as time when on. She was in need of something and found it.

I've know plenty of folks like her. They get into that haze and ignore anything that would be a distraction.

01-09-2019, 09:28 PM
Yeah...Level 10 out of 10. Probably doesn't mean anything to anyone here, but I got to go to a Google Conference this year because of what I am doing.

01-09-2019, 09:32 PM
Good to know. I definitely don't know both sides of the story.

01-09-2019, 09:42 PM
Are you sure? Google Earth told me I was at Upper Calf Creek Falls, and my falls looks just like the images of Upper Calf Creek falls on Google Images. Lower has an extra bumb in the falls and is taller. 91401 Above is Upper Calf Creek Falls

Above is Lower Calf Creek Falls

01-09-2019, 09:43 PM
I will leave God out of my posts from here on out if it offends you. Sorry that I was trying to be positive and uplifting.

01-10-2019, 07:32 AM
I will leave God out of my posts from here on out if it offends you. Sorry that I was trying to be positive and uplifting.

You can say whatever you want. If you wanna talk about God, that's fine by me. The last thing we wanna do around here is censor posts in the name of political correctness.

What's your favorite scripture?

01-10-2019, 07:41 AM
I will leave God out of my posts from here on out if it offends you. Sorry that I was trying to be positive and uplifting.You ARE positive and uplifting. That was just my "theory" on your seeming to post and run...and was probably misplaced. If anything, YOU are owed an apology.

Please feel free to write however you wish. I enjoy your blog.

BTW...that picture you put up is indeed the upper falls. I've been there once, back in the late 80s...since then I've always hiked the shortcut route to the top of the lower falls, where all the pools are.

01-10-2019, 07:44 AM
Yeah that does look like Upper. Lower doesn't have that much of a free fall of the water until it hits about half way down.

Sandstone Addiction
01-10-2019, 01:32 PM
Reading your adventures brings back fond memories of experiencing these areas for the first time myself.

Acknowledging God's hand in the creation of these beautiful treasures we call Southern Utah and his helping hand when we need direction is both appreciated and respected.

Love your style, don't change a thing. :2thumbs:

01-11-2019, 03:48 PM
Actually, I know the hike I was on was Upper Calf Creek, for that is what the sign said at the beginning of the hike. 91408

01-11-2019, 06:14 PM
Oh for cryin' out loud...look at that fancy sign! Back in the day we used to camp there. There was no sign, just the trail.

They put up a no camping sign in '97? They finally prohibited camping down at the shortcut route about 5 years ago. Blocked it off with boulders.