View Full Version : Trip Report Kokanee Salmon are red at Causey Reservoir 2018

09-03-2018, 09:52 PM
It's that time again. The Kokanee Salmon are spawning red at Causey Reservoir. It's a pretty cool thing to see, but PLEASE view responsibly.

(Shot today)
DO NOT WALK UP THE STREAM BED (you'll step on the eggs)
Please remember these are protected while spawning. If you see others running through the riverbed trying to catch them, PLEASE politely teach them they are protected and their eggs are in the stream bed, as we did tonight. Most people simply don't know this, so please be polite, and please police each other.
I estimate you've got 2 more weeks to see them. Hiking: Skull Crack trail is 2.3 miles from South side of Causey. By water, go to the South East inlet.
A sign at the trailhead would be very helpful regarding the protection of these Salmon, and at the inlet. If anybody knows how we could post these signs, it's worth the effort. Thanks
(By the way, this shot was made with me standing on the dry bank, and my camera out on an extension pole)


09-03-2018, 09:54 PM
A few shots

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/6Rigpdc03XUptfzob3WFpZrnQOvxxVIkwut1AoQa07S0P1HyC9 TJmNY7RP1NMFAaaHCPFSGd8JkTdzL5bh2iH6NyzdwE2PO3JVXC I2ifLVYScCbhuw09AiZ9tgSLBIdZrPiFKMZNJZVxvv96lgqaMt kjr9HgCnUnnSYAAQKUwzQlbC3Y0kQBSPfrjmPC9StoMDQ7Vsjd 3UIfqen1ycbnKKf492Jp5CbOtLLchKl5r7KyrMV67AfNfldvFJ wVk3GJDvSzqQRByy2qoarlF37Lizb8JVJk-9S1EKpKzEyRI9RlUKOaB9T2RGpveV1ygTzAQf0pUnr-YWdE-edd3ts3tbRhCSL-Sm9Fls1GOT6rISo7op-ArLjRC6u3R6GxvBs67S4fq733Ep4XHDIeSa1MtVMxXOlWxYMgf fQ5l4AIFx-2Em6E86lqjf69cwjfaLNEB7B5p9tV-9v-Z2jIVOSJ4elx-o-3WA7ml9eL4JFiOqDSRE_tPJEZqerj4eBnkQN_1-bW1HpeKwRy2WJN_Qqf1eSizl52aZSTY2FXtg5bediq49qIh1HI fq3g7bXeHiRCiH6DhLXcpx7gUh5nibrfImcMfjha_NKf3W86Zi uJ_vfKspmYWTTq1_dYQPjb5YTwzfH-RvN_eYnZol-A2X5yse5uMvLh9M4Y_skCla5iMbgsTgwe52H_jwm51w=w1920-h1080-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/vijikYGvZEdM3wBrg-FVyoBJdT4ETH7WnVlKqqTtJEjitLhCk6BRp-r3WqK3Qi1Ve0Ba1CzWxPKBZ5OS-SEGRBKN5p9HBG025sVWRVcKhNJcVj0zAQ-LnQlzFTSIune8P6yOC5iWTyuTOI9KtL39j1Ea-xeVwvgeEt9wLkufLtExcsCUwkp91VvrJocOqZrKqx93ade5_hm vzConRyv_95VzWeAtHWiZZ68iLQbHdDPJjD64uQt-YYXmQrGc3MnvFhZbH2oydqm1xd20tWzHpmW6MYTPPKuB5rXmEf RRrmozvoFZoWBxf0cPmlo_ahEFfDQdPNFwDndqqDR7BPg_BAuL PNkL7EAFfr7ZTiWU188XodLM4_9-2z3fHhKPODUoERE_fSly5QzUW6VNCbWkyndqy-fXQQW_Sl6rCHJL76DTviOSnQfViQEzEs_bYCoLGYYAjZv3hFV8 zn37Fc9zVmoQVtOqKkAGe0q27cRW6jEZZS20bEFqASfeP7XC0b xPgAAZWlmhO8P9sQ7WVg8XJHCYN3EjdG3FPSU9VRru09_8KLF0 6_eWip_wW5hqJp5HZD6ruDKrfB53duzc4DYccYNUfMXFLGw_-WRjKRQkKJVXk2GFYM8F3d-fhPM1Y-eW7kmJpgv2Nc2sVQdpVablrXJlmao1QHt_SQk1HBpv9M5SCcNn xfeAvNZ-tw=w1920-h1080-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ZmBDwIErZbUQ35fldqpDEhvbeN7cI894rIqpZ-fsYyz5Seo7gIQBzusGbo9a0Ic_PKrYXUZR5BRhxSU1kIOMyWc2 C-7oVo80hIuaK-cb1q5Lhy_dP__R6hiUqabPy1YqDnAGqWDwOwmNNKResY2B4v_1 7FV6yVSuJvpE5cYMupHd71gBNNzPcdBndD01JG8tjgKtzj665E 9ffDLp8wKkSAWyxrGkFnd35FzVM3V35XfPQN3U-X4oaqsQDmk-CYcUBbG3Jg1Eev78_n20peHHqdN5Aa45CPGcfb169s5DFsv0BB ghRGQJ4LJSkVA_n0usJoGuhe2X1iLBNVxVyOXi7DaXZyoNoarI fv3nBvIDamVJBF3cswaJL6-U26eoIKwhoGxASL7k_8IQs0il7AXXBuKoCd_zBa1dLEen_Z-2jUxirjUhT6uYvHcs7EE44tDjQ0nm_1A5baNY07rxtveLTR480 IWz7iuZ0lKdRrKb6UoOgZVFj07hBIE5SVBGtWIi0op4DnJzkhd QZ7xyq1L1vLrSvIEUWrHterlWpWqtUUKcJDefCrKYSxN0jRfDU DrrcgM8Hco6ab5_bjDpaFqAaxINw7MrNqx5U-o5S6dW28N9zDjZCz3HaSiK3IDwTkCQURLauB1jnGSSaDJMGNLr ZRjOfs7kcmSYtwlDH-vvo2NvpkuRm0cFqNfnkA=w1920-h1080-no

09-04-2018, 06:57 AM
Doesn't Pineview have Kokanee too?

Where do the Pineview Kokanee spawn? I have a very enthusiastic teenage boy who would like to check it out.

09-04-2018, 07:28 AM
Doesn't Pineview have Kokanee too?

Where do the Pineview Kokanee spawn? I have a very enthusiastic teenage boy who would like to check it out.

No Kokanee in Pineview, maybe that's the Tiger Muskee you're thinking about. To be honest if everybody saw a picture of the 6 foot Tiger Muskees that have been pulled out of Pineview (and released back in) they would be thinking twice about swimming there.

The hike at Causey is worth it, only a couple of miles in and you can be there in 45 minutes.

Here's a tip I'll share with my boys on Bogley, most people go to the inlet and just look within the first couple hundred yards. You'll see a few here and there, some ones and twos, but if you want to see the good groups you need to get above the high water mark to where the bushes are on the river banks. Yesterday I saw a 15 foot section with over 100 red Kokanee crammed in there.

So when you see pictures of a red fish here, a red fish there, you'll know they gave up 40 feet too soon.

09-04-2018, 07:37 AM
...they would be thinking twice about swimming there.....

Not to mention the fact that the algal blooms have just recently blossomed on Pineview, so they're currently advising people to refrain from swimming in the lake.

09-04-2018, 08:09 AM
Yeah strange, I don't remember the algae blooms at Pineview in past years. I wonder if it was because of the lower water level.

Mantua gets the algae quite often. They've got a permanent sign warning about Swimmers Itch. I've never had any problems though.