View Full Version : Trip Report Upper Mesa Falls Recreation Area

08-01-2018, 05:42 PM
Here's a quick fly away from Upper Mesa Falls near Ashton Idaho, more video and photos on the way. I was hoping the sun would be out for a good rainbow shot, but no such luck.

There's a funny story about this clip and location in general. At 6 seconds in, you can see the Park Ranger heading down the stairs to come talk to me about the "No Drones" Policy in the park, or at least that's what she thought. Prior to driving here, I had planned on flying my drone here and getting some cool shots. Well, once we entered the park, I realized it was a "Recreation Area", and I thought, ah man, I can't fly my drone in here. So we are checking out the falls from the main platforms, and we are ready to head out, and my brother in law comes over to me and says "Hey you can fly your drone in here, I just asked", as he handed me this drone policy sheet they were handing out from the front desk. I was surprised to hear that so I decided to double check for myself, and sure enough they said drones aren't banned there. I found no reason to wait around for a contradiction to what we had just heard, so I ran and grabbed my drone, launched, and got some various great looking shots.

The ranger, however, had a different opinion of the regulations. Fortunately she caught up to me at the end of my flight, with 20 minutes of footage already shot, so I was happy to land and talk to her. Funny enough, my tablet recorded most of the conversation. Basically she was citing different regulations saying I can't fly over populated areas, and I explained I was only over the river and not any people. Then the thing about disturbing wildlife and the serenity of the environment, which didn't really hold because the thundering waterfall drowned out any drone noise and most conversation. In fact it may have sounded like we were yelling at each other because of the waterfall noise. But in the end I think we ended on good terms, I grabbed her email address and I've reached out to her already. I'm offering a copy of the footage I shot, I think it wouldn't look terrible there at the office after all. I committed to her that if the official rule is "No Drones", then I made some suggestions to make that more clear in the signage, and the literature distributed, and I would make an effort to inform the drone community.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I got some exclusive footage of Mesa Falls. There have been shots before me, but I may be one of the last.


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/fvgycD6tTelja-Y1Y01hdYEkg6o7MXOHhw1WgoI8maxQoLf71JxGFpEMkK-4qWeMDH40lNYffTo5Lphj5r0fUgqRs9BMFrPHDQdxvURSXEtaf 2xmKfVDxXnQE43cQiEn6KgSZt35H8cVF86wpmNryitUjgTTTSD O9yFJ10siRdu9h4dtVly_KEOwXCNT9LEsRpJfybS7Xg6a6VaXU zFlp7gASBFfy5-zS-49HkFI4RGKixx3vun8_EKnuif3dJuEd24J2NL5Pukumab3SxyT t8QzA2YAYwa_uMgYDc_G0XbzaNogX_XLsoSAgxpzK6ZZ_xFnq6 bhx4n_vXrKwOAExQmNKDyHQOy3ky6dpOJ_eZH7FOVatAkrR9wi thmx98ukkX9Zw1jnuF3wCQGNNV9GjmIE2Qilb7y8yNnkVtK7i9 FCtFVVT6smFgRG7DaWdgkmTDvk36YUVClxGg5KwSC5at3Swuk3 a_b3WPZlMBsjN7FZ0q3nY4bq7saT1D-7yDKH1hSefPzFmJADPCH3hJafNqEhjpzF4hBnUdoonbnzST9zw Msh5YplfficCxU43dX8bFniGoPk39EXSAdC5lw71jReXRDTWV_ 3IB2ut_0r89YO44cDGLXR269vnCjbLNUVWm7DE8OCclHhDt0xj bPG6Z-ir9w82joxxA=w1920-h1080-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/FfnhyLKPFKE85MMpJsLhtvz9roLg4lKcT_ZMgV8B-_XGnHXEh3aZiZBZlc9jNSEThww9jtTu8V3j9v3pmFcGVM9Ee5w Risk4thzcWwvlVaF4erX-as-HYa-EWkiqGGqJaF8elOjZIv1fcDkVnVcXHC2ggaxbSdNUS6J7kGOP3 5oTHGqW0BOrIwpDlQq0zN4IPEbu561MmyubxQbsUCdsf7iZ-rfMGhRJ5wz1XrnRWTpuqWw3ioNpos8cipFnQWJtc4PpaumouNd DK4hIPTH3EarPfUdJyO2TBgTX6FMFZfY6sesiQtsOSvgh8BoqS 9LeU1vaSyml0_cNKynmJDmvTP7VkLchWx75f9CBPN0ez5FMNhk esiKP88D0udNn_7Bo7Juz5mzI3UgAR2oN601aXiDm5wYPHrCnK Zko2e-G8xSlhED_hvlSt0Bvz7ptv69esgGoShHM96yxUjIOnobowyhps QVpSSZx6WdE87ptlG34VNu1lwALtKSflfbNRntFvKuKBPtHrXk CqcjKhx5rXrtl718LpgtAAzrcX_J1KtxqjYYMjPwho0biJk2r2 prQUfiv8X8grCMv-twCsPvWy46BfIUrCbk_b2qBbsWjrufbLz5HDj9D18xaUB9qe_x bcKMtu09NrsXS9EeLEl_k4i8e8mSK2ddRCQ=w1920-h1080-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/n-1Ldgiplcu4LDsurYKS7F1mqf9gFblwmVd_mBpRndh29946o4rU n3TEdHauljloNFTVRKFEqJlV5xpWe0wVvp2nI44lwPaowq9Tiu qQCl0QwN-XVC8Z9r7y6dpn928PyVhaCJXhS1l5ItHZLgWgR2GPw8B8nxEaI PtgcbiFa2U6KZ_X143hb4N5Wbk2sFFPPfhdAwyFhiHz1-Ud_GOtNQfhhHP3VOgvJqLjZg-cUnmuebt0S9VlTTkccNsri5H4U5-_7zeTTKFRCpZ0VYmduUat4owu5ZgteKtO_0x6dkcfrm4F3IVFC q3wnYmaDnfu6asyB9y5OKSKUtv3fQ-Ljz4H42Msq4kRkVUKBefvRg-DT5LIjZbKzrL7E1Sd2iP9bvDxBeN_kuOz3DpHSeYHfKzvGlLwC M5_PdvFqN6LMMU0pFJU8I72WGo_oZOG6xctcvkwpY5fyYs4jFB fMG0gEV6u5Fk-2jPo4-tUoJVOvRmV74uxaLwdyHEV7WKGgHEmXnQenfPSry8oybvxHedn Vwj3bKEOdeDFwiVZBINLROzeTnbDwLqMD0fVCHYsJB6ARJfyTv vPxwCYhHQI9jVvFv0vaL4AU9iMeNa6H3L21cUWjv5-CHT_EoxJSHNfO1SD8fDzodHo3_S4KOn0klT_goJYUlaF7fyQmA =w1920-h1080-no

08-02-2018, 11:51 AM
Very nice! Mesa Falls has many fond memories for me.

08-02-2018, 06:14 PM
Sweet! Post up footage of the conversation!

08-04-2018, 10:10 PM
Here is the formal video:


08-05-2018, 06:36 PM
Fantastic! So this may be it for drone footage? Is she the Queen of the Falls? Seems to me that the printed literature would be the end all be all.

08-06-2018, 08:01 AM
Fantastic! So this may be it for drone footage? Is she the Queen of the Falls? Seems to me that the printed literature would be the end all be all.Thanks, the jury is still out on this one. I think they'll come up with a permit system like Dead Horse Point. I've reached out via email and offered to pass along any rules they've decided on.

08-06-2018, 12:37 PM
Ok so here's a portion of the chat between the ranger, my brother in law and I. This just happened to record from my tablet and then it stopped when I landed the drone.

With due respect to the ranger, she was doing her job and the park needs to come together on what the rules are and how to enforce them.

It sounds like we are yelling but only to talk above the roar of the waterfalls. We ended with a handshake, trading email info and an offer to share the beautiful shots of the waterfall.

The points mentioned were the rules about flying over people, which I believe I'm ok because I was out over the river, not over people. The part about disturbing wildlife would apply anywhere, not only in parks. But my firm opinion is that because of the noise of the falls, and being in the air, no wildlife were aware of the drone. The people visiting had much more of an impact than my drone.

Here's the bulk of the chat. To be honest, we kept hearing a noise and I couldn't tell what it was, we finally realized it was the ranger trying to get our attention.



08-08-2018, 08:10 PM
Lol. We need to see your license bro.