View Full Version : Football

Scott P
11-01-2017, 07:46 AM
I never got the watching football thing.

I understand why women might like it, but why do other guys want to see a bunch of other guys basically dry hump each other while making grunting noises? Unless of course the people watching are either openly gay or secretly gay (which I'm totally cool with-if that's your prerogative). Maybe the ones who aren't openly attracted to that kind of thing are just subconsciously attracted to men.

I don't watch ice skating or gymnastics either, but it seems to me that watching bunch of hot chicks in the Kama Sutra positions would be a lot more hetero, at least if you are a guy.

Once again though, I have no problem with you if you are either openly, closet, or subconsciously gay, and in fact maybe people who watch football should get a little more in touch with that side.

11-01-2017, 08:16 AM
Wow!!! It appears that Scott has taken up drinking in his spare time. Good for you Scott. But might I offer one small suggestions? Skip the drunk posting...

11-01-2017, 08:20 AM
Geez. What you must think of me and my interest in cycling. Especially cyclocross. A bunch of guys rolling around in the mud. Getting dirty. Wearing spandex. It's awesome!

11-01-2017, 08:44 AM
Wow!!! It appears that Scott has taken up drinking in his spare time. Good for you Scott. But might I offer one small suggestions? Skip the drunk posting...

Bogley should have a "drunkin' posting and rants" thread.

11-01-2017, 09:17 AM
Wow!!! It appears that Scott has taken up drinking in his spare time. Good for you Scott. But might I offer one small suggestions? Skip the drunk posting...

OMG :roflol::roflol::roflol:

I was thinking the same thing. Scott - if you have a problem with guys watching football, how do you feel about guys watching UFC and/or MMA? I love watching MMA. Sure it's two sweaty guys grappling on a mat, but that's not what it's about.

Stop trying to sexualize sports. Dig a little deeper. Learn the rules and objectives of the sport. You might like it.

11-01-2017, 09:20 AM
Bogley should have a "drunkin' posting and rants" thread.

It's the General Discussion forum

Scott P
11-01-2017, 09:57 AM
Dig a little deeper. Learn the rules and objectives of the sport. You might like it.

Nah, I'm comfortable with being hetero, though I won't judge those who aren't. I don't need to watch softcore gay porn (i.e. football) to know that I wouldn't be interested in it.

Of course, if that's your thing, more power to you and I respect that. It's a free country. :wink:

As far as wrestling goes, I do that with my wife, though I let her win most of the time.

11-01-2017, 10:15 AM
Nah, I'm comfortable with being hetero, though I won't judge those who aren't. I don't need to watch softcore gay porn (i.e. football) to know that I wouldn't be interested in it.

Of course, if that's your thing, more power to you and I respect that. It's a free country. :wink:

As far as wrestling goes, I do that with my wife, though I let her win most of the time.

Seriously, are you trollin'?

There's a reason why sports are enjoyed by such a wide ranging audience. And for you to trivialize and marginalize sports by classifying them in sexual terms is pretty narrow minded and frankly not typically your style. I'd expect this type of banter from more childish types, like Iceass, or myself.

11-01-2017, 10:26 AM
You would go wild over my beached whale pothole escape technique. Waaaaaay past Cinemax level grinding. Wet, hard and dirty, just how you like it! :roflol:

Scott P
11-01-2017, 11:04 AM
You would go wild over my beached whale pothole escape technique. Waaaaaay past Cinemax level grinding. Wet, hard and dirty, just how you like it! :roflol:

Nah, canyoneering is different.

Let's think about it. Like a woman, slot canyons have lots of nice curvy features, plus at least some nice cleavage and hole. Since you mention pothole canyons, escaping potholes is just pumping in and out of a wet spot.

Plus I have found a lot of rocks and features such as these in canyons:



Canyoneering to me is a lot more appealing than watching a bunch of guys dry hump each other, but then again, whatever floats your boat.

11-01-2017, 11:11 AM
This is like an April Fool's thread. All of these weird posts and feelings...I think I just hit puberty again.