View Full Version : Hiking Suggestions for Jasper NP (Canada)

07-21-2017, 04:51 PM
I'm planning to spend a few days in Jasper NP in late Sept/early Oct, but I don't know the area at all. So I'm looking for some hiking suggestions for the park. I'd also love any tips for the better campgrounds to stay in. Thanks in advance!

09-20-2017, 06:02 PM
Mount Edith Cavell is a must do. Parker Ridge is another great one, though it's a ways down the Icefields Parkway from Jasper.

09-21-2017, 07:59 PM
Mount Edith Cavell is a must do. Parker Ridge is another great one, though it's a ways down the Icefields Parkway from Jasper.


Mount Edith Cavell
Bald Hills

10-07-2017, 06:37 PM
Mount Edith Cavell is closed for construction when I went there this Sept. hope it's open next year

10-12-2017, 11:01 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately they came a couple of days after I had left for this trip. I've only been back a week or so. I picked up a friend in Missoula for a trip to Glacier, Banff and Jasper, but we ended up having to do a lot of Plan B stuff because of fire, weather, and a truck breakdown that kept us in Cut Bank MT for four days. We ended up doing most of our Canadian hikes in the Banff area, but did do a day trip up to Jasper. We stopped at the icefields and did a short hike along Maligne Canyon, which I highly recommend. I'll save your recommendations for the next time I go up that way - I would love to spend some real time in Jasper. Thanks again for your suggestions.

10-12-2017, 08:02 PM
moose lake near Maligne Lake?
curious why you pass cut bank along highway 2?

10-13-2017, 08:10 AM
I'm not sure what you mean. We took 93 from Banff to Jasper (it took 4 hours because we stopped at so many scenic spots), then up 16 to Maligne Lake rd. Maligne Canyon is at the start of the road; the lake is several miles further on.

I'm not sure about cut bank, I don't remember seeing it. We only had a couple of hours in Jasper, in part because we stopped at so many places on the way up. That drive along 93 is one of the prettiest I've ever done.

We did spend four days in Cut Bank, but the town in Montana, and we ended up there when my truck broke down outside east Glacier. I had it towed to the Chrysler dealership there.

Not sure why the picture is sideways, and I couldn't figure out how to rotate it.