View Full Version : Trip Report Return to Shenanigans

Slot Machine
01-08-2017, 09:09 AM
~ Return to Shenanigans ~

On the wall above our bed hangs a large picture of the Grim Crawl. Even though it looks great, it has bothered me a little every time I've looked at it. I had never been across the Grim Crawl, nor had I done the downclimb adjacent to it. I just felt like I hadn’t earned the right to display a canyon obstacle that I had not yet conquered.

You might recall that we had a difficult day in Shenanigans back in 2012 (http://www.bogley.com/forum/showthread.php?65677-Shenanigans) that taught us a few hard lessons– don’t underestimate the tricks a canyon can play on your mind, don’t underestimate the Grim Crawl, be realistic about you body size; and most importantly, do not ever, ever lay down in the skinny section.

I’ve probably told the story a hundred times, about inching along on my side to get through the crux narrows. It was terrifying, I remember it like it happened yesterday. I swore that I would never go back.

Years passed and I lost some weight. We learned mental tricks and physical tricks that help us through tight places. We learned to downclimb.

Finally, on New Year’s Day, 2017, Steph, Tony and I returned to the canyon that had haunted me for so long. This was Tony's first time through.

On this day I weighed 154lbs and Tony weighed 194lbs*. Like any good buddy I wanted to see him suffer through the skinny sections. I knew this was unlikely, but I was still hopeful.

The first section of the canyon was simple and mercifully dry. The second section was excellent. The leaning hallway was better lit in January than it was in September, which was rather odd.




Then came the main event. We found the Grim Crawl to be free of dust, so it seemed extra grippy. I asked Tony for a belay (really a psychological belay) and made my way across easily. Steph rapped off Tony, then Tony made his way across the Crawl to join me.

Sliding off of the Crawl into the downclimb was far more intimidating than the Crawl itself. The short move, onto a large chokestone, was not particularly hard. However, there was no way to protect it. If you botch the slide you will fall 40+ feet; in January the consequences would probably prove fatal. Thankfully, we didn’t botch it. It was fun and rewarding to make that move and the subsequent downclimb, a step forward in the progression for me.


We made our way to the crux narrows. I made it through easily, shifting my ribcage up/down/diagonally at places to micro-route find my way through. No helmet stands were necessary. Tony had to go up a foot or two to get over a pinch. A simple heel-to-toe jam was all he needed. Dang! Minimal suffering!

Overall, this was one of my favorite canyon days. It was fulfilling to conquer old demons with two of the best people I’ve ever known. I couldn’t dream of a better way to spend New Year’s Day and look forward to visiting Shenanigans many times in the future.




*If you weight more than 180lbs and are thinking about doing Shenanigans, please take a moment to check yourself. Realize that Tony has no body fat and moves like a ninja. Going over the crux narrows would be easy for him.

Our car-to-car time using the Kelsey exit was 5h34m.


01-08-2017, 09:27 AM


Absolute Gravity
01-08-2017, 03:01 PM

01-10-2017, 09:37 AM
Nice report again, Bob. We've still yet to do this one, so it's still on the waiting list.
I think I've asked this before, but what camera are you using in the canyons now?

01-10-2017, 10:21 AM
Now I want a link to the 2012 trip report!

Slot Machine
01-10-2017, 01:51 PM

Thanks, Tom. You were looking skinny enough to fly through Shenany when we ran into you a few days ago. Nice job!

Nice report again, Bob. We've still yet to do this one, so it's still on the waiting list.
I think I've asked this before, but what camera are you using in the canyons now?

Thanks, Tim! I think you will really like Shenanigans.

I'm using a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS5. It is great little camera.

Now I want a link to the 2012 trip report!

Here ya go-


01-10-2017, 03:05 PM
Nice write-up and photos as usual. It's nice to see people getting after it even in the winter.

Utah Canyoneer
01-10-2017, 04:06 PM
Awesome report, the 2012 TR had my palms sweaty! I have looked at doing this canyon but I am 6'0 and 205lb. Mostly muscle, some fat. How tall is your friend Tony? Can higher stemming get someone my size through the tight sections? If not, I could always use it as incentive to lose a few pounds too :)

Slot Machine
01-10-2017, 07:02 PM
Awesome report, the 2012 TR had my palms sweaty! I have looked at doing this canyon but I am 6'0 and 205lb. Mostly muscle, some fat. How tall is your friend Tony? Can higher stemming get someone my size through the tight sections? If not, I could always use it as incentive to lose a few pounds too :)

Thanks! Glad to hear my story still stirs emotion.

Tony is 6'0" and all muscle. His ribcage is flat, a big advantage in skinny places. I'm slightly barrel chested and was surprised that I still had to fight through the skinny sections at my weight.

I do not think you will fit through the crux narrows. However, if you have the skills and strength to upclimb/downclimb Sandthrax, then you still have two good alternatives:

1. Go over the crux narrows starting just upcanyon from where you don't fit. Stem straight up 40-50 feet then stem over the top. I've seen that rated as a R+/X- move, and have been told it is an uncomfortable width at the top. The upclimb looks hard.

2. Reverse the canyon by upclimbing the drop adjacent to the Grim Crawl then head upcanyon to a side exit. This would require a 40-45ft chimney upclimb at a comfortable width. I'd rate it as an R/R+ move. The exit area is wide and obvious.

Please post a TR if you go. I'd really like to see how you handle the final section.

01-11-2017, 09:59 AM
Awesome report, the 2012 TR had my palms sweaty! I have looked at doing this canyon but I am 6'0 and 205lb. Mostly muscle, some fat. How tall is your friend Tony? Can higher stemming get someone my size through the tight sections? If not, I could always use it as incentive to lose a few pounds too :)

the floor is in Shenanigans changes from time to time, thus the location of the tight parts. In other words, the canyon changes in small ways all the times, which makes a considerable difference in this ONE section.

It is very difficult to upclimb straight up "at any point". Better is to back up to the wider point where it is reasonable to get up, and do the over-the top route.

