View Full Version : Trip Report Mystery. 3/20/16

03-20-2016, 06:33 PM
More of a conditions report than trip report.

Fair amount of snow in the death gully still. Shin deep water at most of the raps. The lake on the far right side was a little over waist deep. No ice. I'm 6'5" so adjust accordingly. Swim at mystery springs. Chest deep after mystery springs. I didn't take a wetsuit and was chilly but not cold. Took spikes but never put them on.

I have pics if anyone wants them, but mystery ones are dime a dozen anymore. We had 2 new first time canyoneers that we were going to take and they bailed at 530 this morning so it ended up only being 4 of us.

03-21-2016, 10:27 AM
Thanks a ton. I'm actually headed there this Saturday with 6.

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