View Full Version : entire (45min.) video + travelogue: Brevetto Brenta - Ortles (363 km +8088 m),Stelvio

12-29-2015, 01:48 AM
Hello !

4 weeks ago I shared the trailer, the best of video of the brevetto Brenta - Ortles (officially 363 kms + 8088 m) in Italy.
3 days ago I finished editing the long video-version (45 minutes long) and writing a travelogue about it, so I'm happy to share them. The video contains more beauty and more details about the ride and adventure
It is full with english subtitles to understand, but the video contains a lot of great music in the background.

The route: Pietramurata (Italy) - Molveno - Passo Palade (1518 m) - Merano - Passo dello Stelvio (2760 m) -landslide on the descent - Bormio - Passo di Gavia (2621 m) - Ponte di Legno - Passo del Tonale (1883 m) - Dimaro - Passo Campo Carlo Magno (1682 m) - Stenico - Pietramurata.

I hope You will enjoy and / or it can give motvation too.

The travelogue can be found here:

Thanks for watching !
