View Full Version : Last flight of the Vulcan Bomber

Rob L
11-29-2015, 01:39 PM
A TV program has just aired on UK Channel 4 about the last flight of the Vulcan (just a few short weeks ago).
A bit of history, nostalgia, Cuban missile crisis and Falklands and restoration to flight of this rather endearing aeroplane :wink:. It could again do a wonderful job today of dropping certain munitions upon certain unpleasant people without being detected.

The TV host, Guy Martin is apparently something to do with motorcycles (I know not of him, but he does a good job of presenting the programme).

I know a few of the people in the film...it was restored just 4 miles away from where I live, and I have played a small part in its post-restoration use: that of using my local airfield as one of its training grounds when they were introducing fresh pilots to it.
