View Full Version : Looking for canyoneers for Zion Oct 8th weekend

09-23-2015, 08:48 AM
Hi there Zion Canyoneering Community!
So Sorry to hear of the loss of life in Zion recently, truly tragic.

Me and a bud of mine are looking to do some canyoneering in Zion soon and we were looking to meet up w groups that will be doing the same canyon. We have the proper gear and look the part. We have also done canyoneering in Upstate New York, Costa Rica, Nepal, Sweden with tour guides. We recently took a 5 day course in Utah, so this would be our first time on our own, still we feel safety is in numbers. We have permits for the following parks and days and would be interested in joining any groups that would have us, proficient or not. We have wetsuits, we're avid outdoor goers, no trouble swimming. We'll be there early to make the most of the day. We're as prepared as we can be, but of course, out in the wilderness, stuff happens. Rappelle Moi!

Keyhole on Thursday - Oct 8
Subway on Friday Oct 9
Birch Hollow and Orderville on Saturday - Oct 10
Neon Canyon On Sunday Oct 11

Please msg me if we can join or meet up w you!
Thanks in Advance!


09-23-2015, 11:49 AM
Welcome to bogley! I see you've posted in the Canyoneering section, you'll get some good discussion there. Good luck, and be sure to let us know how it went.

09-23-2015, 01:58 PM
Very cool! Thank you! We look forward to being part of the community and sharing stories as well.