View Full Version : Trip Report Neon - 03/08/2015

03-15-2015, 11:39 AM
Beautiful day, lots of swimming in COLD water thanks to all the recent snow. Camped at the mouth of Fence, hiked the overland route on Choprock Bench and dropped in at the head of the first canyon East of the N. Fork. Thanks to a drysuit failure we ended up sending one hypothermic person and an "escort" out at the first dropin above the cathedral (after hot drinks). The remaining three finished the canyon in the dark. The fords on the way back to camp were great fun (not). We hope to go back in May and do a light, quick trip from the Circle Cliffs down. The lower section may be a "trade route" but it's still nice.

Slot Machine
03-15-2015, 01:34 PM
Nice TR GeoJim!

However, this is the one and only Neon TR that does not include a photo of the Golden Cathedral.

I don't care if you exited in the dark! I wanna know what The Cathedral looks like in the dark, dang it! :lol8:

03-15-2015, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the report! Brrr!

Curious - what was the cause of the drysuit failure?

03-15-2015, 10:04 PM
Defective seam tape. New suit purchased for a Dec.-Jan Grand Canyon trip. Failed then, aqua sealed, but apparently without success. Oh well...

03-15-2015, 10:05 PM

03-16-2015, 03:57 PM
Nice TR! Hoping to do Neon in mid May when I'm there, if I can find someone to do it with, as I don't have the ropes. Even if not, I may do the "photographer's route" down to the cathedral.

03-16-2015, 04:09 PM
Nice TR GeoJim!

However, this is the one and only Neon TR that does not include a photo of the Golden Cathedral.

I don't care if you exited in the dark! I wanna know what The Cathedral looks like in the dark, dang it! :lol8:

Slot Machine, here's your requested photo.

03-16-2015, 07:48 PM
I may be a heretic, but I don't think the
Golden Cathedral is the highlight. Be that as it may, it was DARK. LIKE REALLY DARK. Cool place though. Maybe I'm weird, but I like caressing the rock, "grocking the experience".

03-16-2015, 10:09 PM
All of the classic routes have a signature feature that is unique. Neon's is the Golden Cathedral. The signature feature may or may not be the best part of the canyon, but it's the one feature you really want to see and the feature you never forget.

I can think of many routes that are really good but the lack of a unique and special signature feature keeps them from reaching the status of classic. YMMV

03-17-2015, 07:26 AM
Great minds...