View Full Version : Beta Leprechaun exit at Left & Middle Juct.?

03-12-2015, 01:39 PM
Hey Bogley Beta Junkies,

I am wondering if you can exit out of Leprechaun canyon at the junction of Left and Middle forks?

I'd like to hike both left and middle forks and wanted to know if anyone has exited out at the junction and looped back to the top to drop back into the other fork. I'd like to link both forks without needing to exit down the lower section and hike the full length back up. (also if it is possible, how difficult is it)

When I was there before it looked possible but we were just doing the one fork that day.


03-12-2015, 02:04 PM
Not sure if the exit you're talking about is possible, but if I remember correctly its only about 15 min. from the junction down the lower section to the point where you head back up anyway so its not like you'd be saving a lot of time or effort.

03-12-2015, 02:08 PM
I just did this same thing last week. Yes, it is possible to exit in between the left and middle forks. When we did it, I would rank one move as maybe 5.3 with low exposure, and the rest was easy and straightforward. It's easy to scout it out before dropping into the Left Fork.

03-12-2015, 03:26 PM
Yes, you can exit out the junction between middle and west fork. Just walk up the nose of the buttress between middle and west fork.

When doing middle we often exit at this point and descend west fork before completing the canyon to get a two-fer out of the deal.

03-12-2015, 05:02 PM
Yes, you can exit out the junction between middle and west fork. Just walk up the nose of the buttress between middle and west fork.

Went doing middle we often exit at this point and descend west fork before completing the canyon to get a two-fer out of the deal.

I've done this as well. It's a smart idea and less energy consumption.

03-12-2015, 07:24 PM
P.S. - going for the two-fer only takes an extra 30 minutes. I wouldn't worry about the 5.3 move mentioned, because if you made it this far you have done much harder moves. And if I recall correctly if you go slightly right, just off the ridge, the 5.3 move isn't even that difficult.

03-13-2015, 07:34 AM
Agree with the others - have done this ourselves at least twice. At the junction, head up the nose of the ridge that divides, hanging on the right side some for a bit on something of a ledge before heading up more to the left on some friction slopes to get higher up. Once you get past this friction crux, there are no more serious problems - just working your way up and around on the slickrock.

03-13-2015, 07:42 AM
P.S. - going for the two-fer only takes an extra 30 minutes. I wouldn't worry about the 5.3 move mentioned, because if you made it this far you have done much harder moves. And if I recall correctly if you go slightly right, just off the ridge, the 5.3 move isn't even that difficult.

Agreed. I didn't want/mean to make it sound hard. It's fairly easy. And like Iceaxe said, if you can do Leprechaun, you can easily exit at the junction.

03-13-2015, 08:29 AM

Thanks everyone for confirming that route option.