View Full Version : Any East Utah Canyons good to do in August?

01-24-2015, 07:59 PM
Does anyonea has any suggestions for good East Utah canyons that could be done in Summer (August)?

Several canyoneers from Japan, Spain, Italy etc will be attending the International Canyon Rendezvous in Ouray during August 2015, some of them have asked me for suggestions of other canyons to do during their visit and not sure what to tell hem.

To suggest them to go to California Sierras would be too far, and to suggest them to go to Moab would be suicidal.

If anyone has any suggestions would be great to know about it.


01-24-2015, 10:11 PM
to suggest them to go to Moab would be suicidal.

??? Not sure I understand this, why would it be suicide for them to go to Moab? I don't know the area very well since I've only been once, but the canyons I did on that trip were very easy and short, so there should be something for them whatever their skill level.

01-25-2015, 06:21 AM
Pleiades is a great canyon in August. Most of the Moab Canyons can be fun in August provided you do them early morning or in the evening. Since most routes are only a couple of hours it's easy to schedule. During the hot part of the day we go swimming in Mill Creek or the pool. One day we usually raft the Colorado in the afternoon. It's a bit of a drive but the Black Hole is often done in summer from those based in Moab.

But as all good Colorado Plateau canyoneers know, Zion is summers preferred option.

01-25-2015, 09:36 AM
One other item... if someone has never been to Moab or Southern Utah they should visit... canyons or no canyons... summer or winter... as there is nothing else like it anywhere else in the world.

Slot Machine
01-25-2015, 10:42 AM
Pleiades is a good choice. Perhaps add Entrajo another day? Very short but fun. A refreshing pool in the middle.

Above both I'd recommend a sunrise hike to Delicate Arch. I've done this 2-3 times in July/August. It's a great time to have the arch to yourself.

01-25-2015, 11:03 PM
Thanks a lot for the suggestions.
I agree Arches is a great location and should deserve a visit, I was a bit worried about the heat in summer, but sounds like it's bearable.
I was in Moab at the end of June in 2014 and it was scorching hot. I thought in August would be suicidal to go there, but maybe I was wrong.
When I was there we could only do canyons 7am to noon and then go to the pool (as someone also mentioned) and hang out till the evening.
It seemed to me a waste of time (we did not expect the temperatures to be so extreme) but from the comments sounds like that is exactly the thing to do in summer in Moab.

Pleiades was completely dry at the end of June last year, I think in August 2015 will be completely dry too. Still worth doing when dry?
Will look up Black Hole, thanks for the suggestion. Some of these visitors arrive through Denver but some through SLC.
These guys will definitely be happy to do canyons between Moab and Salt Lake too, as its pretty much on their route.
Some are planning to visit Mesa Verde and were asking me for suggestions in that area... which I have absolutely no clue.
If anyone has any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot

Scott P
01-26-2015, 09:39 AM
Bull Canyon, Pleiadis, Entrajo, and Professor Creek are all good summer canyons around Moab.

Cedar Mesa is also a possibility. Some of the canyons that are wet are OK for summer. Cheesebox, Black Hole, Fry, (though the hike out will be ward), and Short Canyon are OK for August, assuming there is no flash flood danger. Check the weather forecast as August is typically the worst month for flash floods.

01-26-2015, 04:51 PM
Bull Canyon, Pleiadis, Entrajo, and Professor Creek are all good summer canyons around Moab.

Cedar Mesa is also a possibility. Some of the canyons that are wet are OK for summer. Cheesebox, Black Hole, Fry, (though the hike out will be ward), and Short Canyon are OK for August, assuming there is no flash flood danger. Check the weather forecast as August is typically the worst month for flash floods.

Thanks a lot!

I am surprized nobody mentioned Granary. The Moab Canyoneering book says is good for summer... is that true?

01-26-2015, 05:23 PM
Thanks a lot!

I am surprized nobody mentioned Granary. The Moab Canyoneering book says is good for summer... is that true?

April or September or October is a great time for Granary. The summer heat would be brutal.

It's more fairly open canyon, meaning there isn't a lot of slot to it. Again, this is Moab, not a *SLOT* canyon Mecca. But, either way, it is still an enjoyable route. Just a long one in the heat, plus a 45min drive return shuttle.

Pleiades shouldn't be dry though, especially in June. I was there late October a few months ago and had a ankle-deep flow to it.

It's a perennial stream so it shouldn't be dried up....unless it's the signs of the times!!!!

Unless of course, you mean the canyoneer version of "dry". Meaning not literally dry but not normal water levels. :crazy:

01-26-2015, 05:45 PM
I am surprized nobody mentioned Granary. The Moab Canyoneering book says is good for summer... is that true?

Granary is one of the canyons I would NOT do in summer. Same for anything accessed from Winter Ridge. And I wrote most the original Moab beta... climb-utah.com ... just about everything else is copy cat.

01-26-2015, 10:46 PM
It would be great if you shared a photo report of your trip to Canyon!