View Full Version : New gun control ad

12-22-2014, 05:07 PM

Gun control advocate and independent filmmaker Rejina Sincic has created what she calls a PSA aimed at “reducing gun violence in schools and communities.”

The video depicts a teenage boy sneaking into his mother’s room, taking a gun out of her dresser drawer (who knows if it’s loaded or unloaded), putting it in his backpack and then taking it to school. After class, he waits for the other students to leave then puts the gun on the teacher’s desk and says, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.”

Certainly nothing could go wrong in that scenario, right?

Bearing Arms points out:
In the real world, such an act would result in the boy facing numerous felony charges (exact charges depend on state laws) possibly including weapons theft, unlawful possession of a weapon by a minor, illegal concealed carry of a weapon, carrying a weapon onto school property, assault, and brandishing.

There’s also the very real chance that someone could be hurt or killed by an accidental discharge of the gun.

Imagine if teenagers really did follow Sincic’s advice en masse? We would have hundreds of guns showing up, potentially loaded, on school property. The students would face expulsion from school.

If your goal as an activist is to create a cultural shift, encouraging children to steal their parents’ property, endanger themselves and others, and break multiple laws is not the way to do it.

12-22-2014, 07:14 PM
If your goal as an activist is to create a cultural shift, encouraging children to steal their parents’ property, endanger themselves and others, and break multiple laws is not the way to do it.


12-22-2014, 07:47 PM
Not to mention if that were my son I'd drop his ass off at child services. Let somebody else deal with that pussy.

12-23-2014, 06:12 AM
Not to mention if that were my son I'd drop his ass off at child services. Let somebody else deal with that pussy.
