View Full Version : New Canyons just posted for Death Valley

12-03-2014, 07:37 PM
I posted over 100 new canyons for Death Valley on Ropewiki recently and wanted to get the word out to other canyoneering sites that may want to check out these new canyons, now that the winter season is here now. Here is the link to these mainly all new canyons. And just listed - the only place that this beta has been placed so far. Mostly new canyons except for a few reference canyons that were already done earlier;

http://ropewiki.com/index.php/Scott_Swaney%27s_Death_Valley_Canyoneering_Explora tion

12-03-2014, 08:55 PM
Wow!!! Awesome Scott, keep up the good work! Could you perhaps suggest about the top TEN from that list?


12-04-2014, 12:51 AM
Thanks Tom, this is still a work in progress - I have a lot more info to add to the canyon list - needed to get something out before the season got along too far. So this is just some basic limited canyon beta right now. I am trying to rate them now. And let canyoneers know which are some of the best ones to check out first. There are many great ones out of that batch.

12-04-2014, 12:03 PM
Woah, great stuff Scott! Thanks a bunch, hope to see you again in DV.
