View Full Version : Trip Report Arscenic Canyon--Oct. 18, 2014

Sandstone Addiction
10-21-2014, 08:32 PM
Last spring our family did the Arscenic Canyon approach hike to the first drop and after evaluating the situation, we decided to retreat to do it another day. There were three things that weighed in our decision, the first being that we got a late start, the second being that it looked like some thunder storms were building and the third and final straw was the fact that we had very little experience rapping single line. I know it sounds crazy that we'd even attempt such a thing, but I was prepared to provide a slingshot top belay to all except the last person. I personally didn't feel that we were doing anything unsafe or risky. The rest of my family didn't share in my level of confidence and so we spent the next couple hours practicing SRT on the gentle slope just up canyon from the first rap.

One interesting side note of that trip that helped make the slog a little more worthwhile was a group of 3 arrived just behind us and had forgotten their long rope, so we gladly let them slide down ours.

Fast forward to last Saturday...after thoroughly practicing SRT at the Red Ledges during the summer everyone had their friction dialed in, we'd also arrived at the trailhead at just after 9am and the weather was near perfect. A whole different situation than the last time.

In addition to our family, we had three other people join us, Jack and Charlie are friends from work and Jack's daughter Crystal also participated.

Nancy was the first to go. I'm providing the top belay.


Brandon on the first rap.


Crystal making it look easy on her first ever rappel in a real canyon.


Trevor and I at the bottom of first rap. Trevor was pretty nervous at the top and it took some persuasion to get him to go down the first drop.


Trevor being lowered through beautifully sculpted section.


Practicing his stemming skills while waiting for the rest of the group.


Nancy halfway down the 3rd stage.


Brandon starting the 3rd stage.


Very fun rappel.


Justin feels most comfortable hip sliding.


From l to r--Trevor (hiding), me (Dave), Justin, Jack, Crystal, Brandon, and Charlie. Nancy is taking picture.




Trevor, not conserving his energy for the exit hike...:haha:




Plenty of opportunities to practice downclimbing and partner assists.




Very unique arch at just the right spot to take a little break on the exit hike.


An awesome day in an fantastic canyon with family and friends.

10-22-2014, 07:50 AM
we did Paradiso a few weeks ago and also saw a tarantula

Sandstone Addiction
10-22-2014, 09:27 AM
we did Paradiso a few weeks ago and also saw a tarantula

This one wasn't moving, but it was still flexible...looked like it was on it's last leg. It was great to see one and be able to show my boys it's fangs as I hadn't seen one for many years. We left it in the warmest spot we could find.

We also saw the biggest Daddy Long Legs I'd ever seen...with legs stretched out, must have been 6" wide. Nancy wasn't impressed at all :haha:.

10-22-2014, 09:48 AM
Nice Dave!

Great pics and always a good time with the family.

That's one area that I need to hit up this upcoming year.

Curious - have you done the other canyons in that drainage - Constrychnine? Slideanide? If so, how would you compare them to Arscenic?

10-22-2014, 10:01 AM
Arsenic is the easiest. No raps after initial one. And shortest hike up and out.
I would say Slide is hardest - several 30' elevators to downclimb. If you have kids or anyone who has not done that kind of thing it can be intimidating. Top belaying/assisting or rapping is possible but would add a lot of time.
Lots of fun tho! :nod:

10-22-2014, 10:29 AM
Arsenic is the easiest. No raps after initial one. And shortest hike up and out.
I would say Slide is hardest - several 30' elevators to downclimb. If you have kids or anyone who has not done that kind of thing it can be intimidating. Top belaying/assisting or rapping is possible but would add a lot of time.
Lots of fun tho! :nod:

Great thanks!

10-22-2014, 04:18 PM
Arsenic is the easiest. No raps after initial one. And shortest hike up and out.
I would say Slide is hardest - several 30' elevators to downclimb. If you have kids or anyone who has not done that kind of thing it can be intimidating. Top belaying/assisting or rapping is possible but would add a lot of time.
Lots of fun tho! :nod:

^^^ what he said.