View Full Version : Invite Hall Creek Narrows (lower Capitol Reef)......& perhaps some Needles/Behind the Rocks

04-26-2014, 03:29 PM
Would anyone like to join myself and another UK hiker doing Halls Creek Narrows in Capitol Reef NP in September. It's supposed to be a very deep and spectacular canyon with views from the rim into it as you loop back after hiking the bottom.

It would be really good to link up with a regular "desert hiker/climber" as we're a little concerned our rental low clearance economy car, which will be on paved road the rest of the vacation, may have trouble on the Notom Bullfrog unpaved road - although I did do that road about 15 years ago in a rental car. However this time I'll also have to get down spur roads off it of a few miles to the trailheads which may cause us trouble. We'd happily pay someone's gas from Moab, Blanding or Halls Creek if they had a vehicle more suitable.

The other thing is that we are both pretty fit hikers/scramblers but have no rockclimbing experience on exposed sections or in using handlines so we were going to play safe and take the long route from the main trailhead rather than risk the shortcut route and get stuck going down or worse coming up.
However the long route would require 2 days of our limited vacation time and carrying heavier packs further so we'd much rather make it a day trip via the shortcut route if we were with someone confident of ensuring the occasional short steep pitches weren't much of a problem. The shortcut route may also be along a worse approach road thought for a rental car.

If someone needed a night's accommodation in Moab or elsewhere en route to travel together we'd be happy to cover that cost for them in return for the added security that we wouldn't face any snags to the trip. We'd drive there on Sept 26 and if we did the shortcut route it would be Sept 27. If we did the long overnight route, hopefully make a start the 26th, but if we go there late it would have to be the 27th, and we'd either make it back to the TH on the 27th or 28th. (if you wanted to make it a longer visit to that part of Utah for a few days aftewards we plan to hike in The Needles - Druid Arch & Peekaboo canyon - and near Moab - Amasa Back Trail/Poison Spider Mesa/Behind the Rocks).

Thanks, Ross
PS I might put this on the camping/backpacking forum too

04-28-2014, 07:20 AM
Hey Ross!!!

I may be able to escort you there...I'll have to wait until the beginning of September before that decision is made, as it all depends on how much work I have lined up. If I come out there, I certainly won't just do that hike and then leave...so I may be able to take you out to the Maze as well. I drive one of those big, American gas guzzling, carbon spewing pickup trucks.

Indeed, getting you're rental car down to the shortcut (also known as the airstrip route) may be impossible, as that spur road has a few chunky bits. You could make it from the Halls Creek Overlook, but it would be a LONG day and you'd have to hustle hard. There is another way to get to the narrows and back in one not so long day...but some route finding is involved.

If you go to my threads, look at the one titled "Poe, Dog access". There's a couple maps there that show the route. You simply park on the side of the road, walk 2-3 hours to the down climb, go up Hall's for about a half hour to the bottom end of the narrows, spend a couple or few hours in there and then return the way you came. The tricky part is finding the route down to Halls.

The airstrip route is probably just a bit shorter for Hall's Narrows than my route. Maybe one hour.

Anyway, we'll see how things come together later this summer.

04-28-2014, 08:20 AM
Indeed, getting you're rental car down to the shortcut (also known as the airstrip route) may be impossible, as that spur road has a few chunky bits.

Taking a passenger car to the shortcut (aka: airstrip route) is not a problem. Just park when the road gets rough (at the airstrip) and walk the last 1/2 mile. Here is the beta and driving directions for doing Hall's Narrows via the shortcut.

Hall's Creek Narrows


04-28-2014, 12:48 PM
Taking a passenger car to the shortcut (aka: airstrip route) is not a problem. I was just there last spring...the problem is the little hill climb just off the Notom road up to Halls Overlook. It's got some busted up ledges that are no problem for a truck or HCV, but certainly not a little economy car. In all years and many times of my going thru there, I've only noticed that twice have they (the park service) fixed that bit of road for just about anybody. Last spring it was all tore up.

As the road parallels the airstrip, the tire ruts are so deep that I had to straddle it with my truck. I remember 20 years ago it was flat. They haven't done squat to that bit.

Maybe a call to the backcountry Ranger would be in order...perhaps they fixed it. The part up to the overlook, that is.

That road also loops around back to the Bullfrog road, but there's a few gullies in there.

04-28-2014, 01:18 PM
That road also loops around back to the Bullfrog road, but there's a few gullies in there.

If you look at the driving route I posted for passenger cars you will note it starts at Bullfrog and avoids the section of rough road you noted. It also mentions that passenger cars should park at the airstrip and walk the last 1/2 mile.

Bottom line.... passenger cars are not an issue in normal conditions if you use the driving instructions in my beta.

04-28-2014, 08:56 PM
If you look at the driving route I posted for passenger cars you will note it starts at Bullfrog and avoids the section of rough road you noted. It also mentions that passenger cars should park at the airstrip and walk the last 1/2 mile.

Bottom line.... passenger cars are not an issue in normal conditions if you use the driving instructions in my beta.I didn't read your beta...I saw the word "passenger cars" and thought "what"?

You have them coming in from the south end. It doesn't matter...even the park service says the "high clearance vehicles required" and I agree with them. In addition to the rough spot near the north entrance, there's also a handful of gullies along the southern route that seem to be always jacked up. Every time I've been there, more than a dozen over the years, I've had to pick my way thru them with my truck.

You say to park near the airstrip, but I'm sayin' that some may not even get close. I would imagine that a lot of people get bummed realizing they have to walk 2, 3, or more miles just to get to the overlook

I think you're beta would be perfect if it said "May not be suitable for passenger cars" It's certainly not a flat, gravel grated road...that's for damn sure.

04-28-2014, 09:40 PM
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHalHNM3Hm7hw4DqOeMwj25S8ck2eEc MJvR8BNvmraN01wRUnohg

Not exactly Ford Fiesta friendly...

04-29-2014, 04:00 PM
Thanks guys. Yeah, as on my last vacation to Utah I was doing a few unpaved road journeys I rented an SUV Cherokee category with some clearance and AWD, but Halls Creek is the ONLY unpaved few miles I will be doing all vacation this time, so with an 18 day rental it will likely be a Ford Focus ! It's just this TH that is causing headaches.
Byron, I've PM'd you about if you're not working in September.

09-05-2014, 02:25 PM
Has anyone been through Halls Creek in the last week or two and knows the water situation in the pools and if they're swimmers or not. I'm planning on going Sept 26, but don't intend taking a wetsuit! Thanks

Scott Card
09-09-2014, 04:06 PM
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHalHNM3Hm7hw4DqOeMwj25S8ck2eEc MJvR8BNvmraN01wRUnohg

Not exactly Ford Fiesta friendly...
I believe the man said "Rental". I fail to see the problem. :haha: