View Full Version : Granite Falls in the Fall

Mike Jackson
11-03-2013, 11:32 AM
During the park closure, I drove around the area trying to offer suggestions for visitors and photographers displaced by the locked gates. I spend a morning at Granite Falls during that period.
The photo above was an 8 second exposure during the day using a Vari-ND filter.
Last night, I created a new page with quite a few photos along Granite Creek and at Granite Falls, including maps and directions.
It is a beautiful location and worth the trip even when the park is open.

Sun Dance
11-03-2013, 11:42 AM
What I don't understand is why people allowed the gates to keep them out. Unless you're confining yourself to your car, can't you just walk around the gates or find another way into the park via a trail that's not guarded? It is impossible to close public land to those that own it, no matter how much Obama directed Jarvis to make I things as difficult as possible for the people.

11-03-2013, 03:41 PM
The Irony is the Granite falls is actually limestone/shale...

Mike Jackson
11-04-2013, 07:17 AM
Sun Dance,
The newspaper reported that several people did walk into the park and were ticketed. I live here all year, so even if I didn't like the policy, I'd never jeopardize long term access to the park by crossing the lines during a temporary closure. I found plenty to do outside the park for two weeks, but I am glad it is open again. MJ

Sun Dance
11-04-2013, 07:25 AM
Not sure how much I believe the newspaper. Media is in bed with government big time. Any tactic they can use to scare people away they will. If you're afraid of getting ticketed just pick a less visited area of the park. Minimal rangers are probably only focusing on areas where they think people will be. It sounds like you know the park well enough to know the places where rangers won't be.

Bugs me that not only do we pay double tax to enter the park, but then when we want to go there they decide they can shut it down and ticket people for visiting the land that belongs to us. It's not like we paid any less tax for the three weeks it was shut down. How is that fair? It gets worse and worse by the day. That's why I support civil disobedience.

Sun Dance
11-04-2013, 07:26 AM
Good for you though for helping people find good places to go outside the park.