View Full Version : Adobe Photoshop Photography Program Announced

09-10-2013, 09:53 PM
For those of you like me that like to dabble in Photoshop for editing or use Lightroom for organization, Adobe's new Creative Cloud may have come as quite a shock to your system. For those not aware of the change, a few months ago Adobe announced that they will no longer be selling Photoshop as a boxed version, instead they announced that they would only be selling it as part of their Creative Cloud program. In a nutshell this meant that you either have to sign up for the entire Creative Cloud Suite, for 49.99/mo or purchase a subscription to a single program for 19.99/mo.

The benefits and drawbacks of this new system are of course debatable, on the one hand with the subscription service you get automatic updates meaning no more buying new software, on the other hand, if you use Photoshop and Lightroom it would require purchasing two single program subscriptions at a rather hefty price of $40/mo. For those fully involved in the digital world, requiring access to more Adobe programs, the full subscription at $49.99/mo. may be the better route.

None the less, the photography community backlashed at this announcement from day one as can be seen and heard across many different forums and podcasts. The main criticism was the fact that it seemed that photographers were being given the short end of the stick considering the majority of Adobe-centric photographers still would only require the use of two programs, Photoshop and Lightroom, and again the $40/mo. in order to use these two programs seemed quite steep. It seems that Adobe has answered this concern with what seems to me to be a pretty good deal for any photographer currently using Photoshop and Lightroom.

At the 2013 Photoshop World Conference in Las Vegas Adobe has announced a new program to address the concerns of photographers upset by the change to Adobe Creative Cloud. They have announced that beginning on September 16th they will introduce what is going to be called the Photoshop Photography Program for $9.99/mo. The announcement from Adobe on their blog states that the program will give the subscriber access to Photoshop Creative Cloud, Lightroom 5, 20GB of Online Storage, Behance Prosite, Creative Cloud's Learn Training Resources, and upgrades and updates for all accessible programs. The blog post from Adobe can be seen in it's entirety on the Adobe Website here (http://blogs.adobe.com/creativelayer/introducing-the-photoshop-photography-program/). One caveat to the announcement that I have found is that it seems this offer will only be available until the end of the year.

Overall I would say that this seems like a much more affordable and fair option for the photographer that is only using Photoshop and/or Lightroom and doesn't need the full suite of Creative Cloud programs.

Thought I would pass this information on since I happened to stumble across it while cruising the net, hope you find it as helpful as I did.

09-11-2013, 12:27 AM
Are the newer versions of those programs really that much different than the older ones? I have used multiple versions of Photoshop and it seems to me that the main tools and features I use are available on pretty much all of them. So if they want me to pay a subscription to use the newer versions I think I'll just stick with CS5.

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09-11-2013, 09:45 PM
I don't blame you personally. I have CS5 myself and it seems to do the job. I just figured I would pass on the info since I found it.