View Full Version : Is this the Norm?

12-18-2012, 10:31 AM
I know a Dr. of psychology in SLC. We were discussing my oldest daughter who was not able to go to college due to lack of funds a couple of weeks ago.
He tells me, I can get your daughter a full college grant, never needs to be paid off!
o.k.--he has my interest but somehow I've never known anything to be free, especially to this extent.
me-What do we need to do?
him--it's easy- theres millions of dollars in grant money available for mental health, all I need to do is write up a document stating your daughter has a "minor" mental condition.
me--turning red from anger--do you do this often?
him--all the time, 25 to date and many of those I made up an illness.
me--so you do this for family and friends?
him--sure, if I don't get these people these grants, someone else will get them......
me--gotta leave.....

Yep--if he doesn't fraudulently create paperwork and "create" mental illness---someone else will get grant money!!!!!!!

This is not a made up story, it actually happened,is this considered common and o.k.?

12-18-2012, 11:39 AM
This is not a made up story, it actually happened,is this considered common and o.k.?

IMO - Absolutely.

The goal of the program isn't really to give money to the "deserving" it's to give away money. The government does not spend our money responsibly. Pretty much all these type of programs are a joke and it is our duty to bleed them dry, or someone else will. I'll give a personal example:

Years ago when my son was first born I was really struggling to make ends meet. Granted I later found out it was my ex wife with a spending/gambling addiction but that, I guess, is besides the point. I went and got signed up for WIC which is like free food and formula for infants. I figured I would never qualify in a million years, but the lady who signs people up was extremely motivated and put me through a loophole. Turns out when you work 3 jobs like I do (did) they only calculate one job when deciding. So she had me just pick my lowest paying job and put that on the form, boom I was getting free crap left and right. Really helped me out actually. And she said the same thing "If you don't take advantage of this, someone else will, we are determined to meet our spending quotas regardless of need".

You know how many times I walk into a government building these days and they say "Please stay on site until your bill comes to $XX.XX$. Because if they don't spend the money, the next year their budget will be lower.

You know how many doctors prescribe medical MJ for "night blindness" and a "running nose"?

Our society is retarded, our only choice to get ahead is to play by their rules. Oh they are giving free money to people who have a mental illness? Man, I think I have a mental illness too!!!!!! Not a serious one mind you, but definitely serious enough to give me the free money.

In the end, the only thing holding you back is your sense of ego. Don't be proud, just take the free money. And keep in mind he doesn't care that your daughter isn't mentally ill, he just wants to give her an advantage in life. His job is to make her barely qualify for these programs. :2thumbs:

12-18-2012, 12:01 PM
DC--how would you deal with having a mentally ill diagnosis on your record for the rest of your life?

Could you see any possible problems in defending your sanity, or does it matter?

DC--No really judge I'm not screwed up, the guy was just giving me free money......

DC--screems as he's being drug out of court--I'M NOT CRAZYYYYYY

12-18-2012, 01:05 PM
DC--how would you deal with having a mentally ill diagnosis on your record for the rest of your life?

Could you see any possible problems in defending your sanity, or does it matter?

DC--No really judge I'm not screwed up, the guy was just giving me free money......

DC--screems as he's being drug out of court--I'M NOT CRAZYYYYYY

Nothing wrong with Mental Illness. and it is good to get it treated.. Care to PM your Doc name I think I need a new diagnosis ;)

12-18-2012, 01:13 PM
Nothing wrong with Mental Illness. and it is good to get it treated.. Care to PM your Doc name I think I need a new diagnosis ;)

Unfortunately, this so called doc, is one of those folks you somehow inherit and are required to talk with once or twice a year, whether you want to or not, usually around holidays..

12-18-2012, 01:26 PM
Nope -- This is the Norm:


You see the difference?

12-18-2012, 01:28 PM
Nope -- This is the Norm:


You see the difference?

Only if he paid for his beer.
If he received a grant to drink beer, I'm really pissed :haha:

double moo
12-18-2012, 02:13 PM
By the time she graduates he could have cured her...

12-18-2012, 02:16 PM
DC--how would you deal with having a mentally ill diagnosis on your record for the rest of your life?

Could you see any possible problems in defending your sanity, or does it matter?

DC--No really judge I'm not screwed up, the guy was just giving me free money......

DC--screems as he's being drug out of court--I'M NOT CRAZYYYYYY

That's an interesting problem. I would be curious where that would pop up on your record..... But it seems like if no crimes were committed and she was not institutionalized.... I dunno tough call man. College is over-rated anyways. I don't have a degree and I turned out ok. Relatively speaking..... Unless she wants to be doctor or a lawyer or a vet, i say screw college.

12-18-2012, 02:22 PM
That's an interesting problem. I would be curious where that would pop up on your record..... But it seems like if no crimes were committed and she was not institutionalized.... I dunno tough call man. College is over-rated anyways. I don't have a degree and I turned out ok. Relatively speaking..... Unless she wants to be doctor or a lawyer or a vet, i say screw college.

She's 28 and does quite well for herself. The talk was generated when I thought it would be cool AND she would be really good at becoming a helicopter pilot.
She also liked the idea.
Schooling that we found was $90,000.

Much better career than Dr./Lawyer/Vet:mrgreen: of course imo

12-18-2012, 02:23 PM
So who's going to train a mental patient to fly helicopters:ne_nau:

12-18-2012, 02:27 PM
The FSA (Free Sh^t Army) is alive and well in America.:angryfire:

12-18-2012, 02:33 PM

12-18-2012, 08:24 PM
We're all crazy. Some are just able to focus better than others.

12-18-2012, 10:17 PM
So who's going to train a mental patient to fly helicopters:ne_nau:


12-19-2012, 04:29 AM
It's the norm, sadly. I heard a radio article about how the FED has a new YouTube marketing campaign to attract more people to government entitlements. The reporter went online, completed the questionnaire and despite being well paid/employed, was eligible for ~36 federal programs! Greece, here we come!

12-19-2012, 04:53 AM
The one thing that seemed a concern was the Medical Certificate required for a pilots license. The only thing I could find is if there was medications involved (which there wouldn't be) so it doesn't sound like a problem.
From the FAA site:
What action does the FAA take when pilots either disclose they are being treated for depression or request treatment?A pilot will be grounded until all symptoms of the psychiatric condition being treated are improved by the single medication and the pilot is stable for 12 months. The FAA requires:

A consultation status report (and follow-up reports as required) from a treating psychiatrist attesting to and describing the pilot's diagnosis, length and course of treatment, dosage of the antidepressant medication taken, and any side effects from the antidepressant the applicant takes or has taken in the past.
A written statement prepared by the pilot describing his or her history of antidepressant use and mental health status.
A report of the results of neurocognitive psychological tests.
An evaluation and written report from a Human Intervention and Motivation Study (HIMS)-trained Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) who has reviewed the above items and recommends a special-issuance medical certificate.

12-19-2012, 08:50 AM
I've never brought this up because I didn't connect the dots until after this tragedy in CT.

But for all who would advocate for "using" the system because if you don't someone else will.

Heres something to ponder on that thought process.

What if the ones who would write friends and family gift certificates for free education using the mental health loophole, deny a person in NEED of that same education. Someone who actually HAS a mental illness.

Still o.k.?

12-19-2012, 09:21 AM
That's not how free government programs work. Anyone who qualifies gets the free money. The trick is just making people qualify.

Eric Holden
12-19-2012, 09:26 AM
That's not how free government programs work. Anyone who qualifies gets the free money. The trick is just making people qualify.


12-19-2012, 09:53 AM
That's not how free government programs work. Anyone who qualifies gets the free money. The trick is just making people qualify.

So is this a stretch---
while you fraudulently qualify those who should not be, and accept this as the norm, you must accept those who suffered from that fraud(the actual mentally ill in this case) and the actions they take against society, no matter how grievous, as the norm?

12-19-2012, 10:59 PM
So is this a stretch---
while you fraudulently qualify those who should not be, and accept this as the norm, you must accept those who suffered from that fraud(the actual mentally ill in this case) and the actions they take against society, no matter how grievous, as the norm?

The truly mentally ill do not suffer as they still qualify. So there is zero change in the level of help/funds they receive. It's a faulty line of reasoning to think there are $12 million dollars max and the first 5 people get their college paid for. This "bucket" is truly bottomless and anyone who reaches (or is allowed to reach) in get's money out of it. The person managing the funds get a bigger bonus for the more people he/she ends up giving away money to. It's perceived that fund managers are doing a "better" job by gaining more participants and as more people are needed to manage the endless government paperwork trails, they all get raises and buy themselves BMW's. One could even argue it helps the people who truly need help (better) because the program becomes more well known, as it becomes a bigger burden on society.

The people who suffer from this tactic is the people who actually pay for the program. Which is us, the taxpayers. This leads to the eventual conclusion that all government spending is a waste, and should be kept to an absolute minimum. As someone like me will always abuse the system if allowed, and your daughter should also! :2thumbs:

Here is an old school commercial to help you out.
