View Full Version : What if you could ride mostly single track through NV. from N-S?

12-13-2012, 09:07 PM
If you had a chance to ride for 2-3 weeks ending with mostly single tracks through the state of NV. And starting in utah to run the entire state from bottom to top would it be worth 500 bucks to you? With several hundred miles of ID for the loop?
This is only the cost for the trails and not the cost for the ride.

12-13-2012, 09:17 PM
This would be an all us type ride and not a guided this is were we are doing lunch today program.

12-13-2012, 09:24 PM
I talked to a gentleman this morn that I'm sure acca and double moo knows or have heard of.
The man will not sale anything that he personally has not put boots to ground and this is his business.
Mostly he guides but eats this sort of shit up. It will not come cheap but split between friends it could very well be a adventure of your lifetime.......

He works with a guy that is a GPS guru GIS K.
Both have put together routes that most would not believe.

You will not find anyone that can put a route together in NV. better.
He will find the best single tracks to get through Utah ( he already has them and it aint his first rodeo) as well but I need to start with the big bikes on that one. LOL Maybe........

12-14-2012, 12:57 PM