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View Full Version : Tough Mudder 2012 in Salt Lake

10-11-2012, 06:09 AM
Who else is doing Tough Mudder on Saturday?

jumar discovered that one of the "mystery obstacles" is "Walk the Plank" and I'm excited about it.


10-11-2012, 07:16 AM
I am supposed to be volunteering Sunday morning...

10-11-2012, 07:38 AM
Gonna be fun! See you there buddy. :2thumbs:

Been practicing my cannonballs in the canyons all summer.


10-11-2012, 09:54 AM
Here is an updated course map:

10-12-2012, 07:43 AM
WTF? This is the first I've heard of this. Ya'll are gonna freeze yer nads off...

EDIT: Just Pre-registered for next year's Utah Tough Mudder in June 2013. Which one of you ladies is IN? :2thumbs:

10-12-2012, 08:09 AM
Deathcricket are you participating in Tooele on Saturday with DiscGo?

10-12-2012, 08:46 AM
Yeah buddy! You should just join our crew next year or we can join yours. :2thumbs:

Plus neither Discgo or his buddy Austin drink beer, so I need someone to help finish theirs.

10-12-2012, 09:05 AM
Yeah buddy! You should just join our crew next year or we can join yours. :2thumbs:

Plus neither Discgo or his buddy Austin drink beer, so I need someone to help finish theirs.

I don't have a crew. Can I be in yours?

Will you be my friend? :lol8:

You get DiscGo's brew, I get Austin's.

10-12-2012, 09:07 AM
Have you guys trained? And if so, what have you done to train?

10-12-2012, 09:26 AM
Have you guys trained? And if so, what have you done to train?

Dude I been training hardcore! I uhhh... Well I uhhhh.... Let's see... Nope nope haven't trained at all.... :lol8:

Does doing Imlay count? Although that was wayy easier than everyone makes it out to be. :haha: I go canyoneering every weekend and mtn biking every once in awhile, mostly thursdays. This event is only 12 miles and you get a beer at the end, what could go wrong?

10-12-2012, 09:35 AM
I'm actually most worried about the electric shocks. I friggin hate getting zapped....


10-12-2012, 09:37 AM
I think it is too late for this year, but if you can join we would love to have you!

I have been running, swimming, biking, and doing pull-ups and still don't feel at all ready for it. Even though it is going to hurt, it is going to be awesome! This is one of those events that you will look back on for years with pride that you accomplished it (I hope).

jumar is also doing it but he has his own cool group of friends. When I signed up for this, I contacted Deathcricket to do it with me.

Contrary to how he comes across online Deathcricket is actually a really cool guy in real life :D

10-12-2012, 09:37 AM
Plus neither Discgo or his buddy Austin drink beer, so I need someone to help finish theirs.

There are 6 of us in the group, and I don't think anyone but DC drinks. So he will be going home hammered :D

10-12-2012, 09:52 AM
Ya, I'm not ready for it this year anyways. I'm starting to train for next year's TM this month (next year's is in June).

Those zap strings don't hurt at all. Don't worry about that. The guys depicted in that youtube vid are pussies. Several years ago a local haunted house had a dark hallway inside that had those zapstrings hanging from the ceiling. As I recall, the zaps didn't hurt......unless they hit your tooth. I know this b'cuz I had my mouth open, laughing as we were walking through, and one of those hit my front tooth, which DID hurt. So just keep your mouth shut through the hanging zapstrings and you'll be fine.

10-12-2012, 09:58 AM
Hey what time do think you'd anticipate finishing on Saturday? I might wander over to Tooele and meet ya'll at the finish line.

10-12-2012, 10:14 AM
uhh let's see our start is 8:20 sooooo.... 3 hours? Honestly never done something like this though. But I finished xterra and saint george tri's at an average pace. And am assuming our group will stick together to help each other out. I'll be easy to spot, my mohawk is currently blue and I have a big huge Punisher skull on my wetsuit. :)

ohh and my wife Angela will be there at the finish. She also has blue hair in a short pixie cut. Stop by and say hi. Woohoo!

10-12-2012, 10:32 AM
Contrary to how he comes across online @Deathcricket (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=278) is actually a really cool guy in real life :D

Hey hey I gotta online persona to maintain here, shhhh!

10-12-2012, 10:36 AM
uhh let's see our start is 8:20 sooooo.... 3 hours? Honestly never done something like this though. But I finished xterra and saint george tri's at an average pace. And am assuming our group will stick together to help each other out. I'll be easy to spot, my mohawk is currently blue and I have a big huge Punisher skull on my wetsuit. :)

ohh and my wife Angela will be there at the finish. She also has blue hair in a short pixie cut. Stop by and say hi. Woohoo!

Damnit!!! I sooooooo wish I could do it with ya'll this year. So fricking jealous!!

10-12-2012, 10:53 AM
Costume Awards

1. Best Costume
2. Worst Costume
3. Least Clothing - :naughty:
4. Most Likely To Have Been In The Village People

:roflol: :roflol:

10-12-2012, 11:01 AM
I'll bet we'll finish around 11:50 or so. Our start time is 8:20 (yuck!) and it is supposed to take 3 hours, and I'll bet we'll be just a little bit slower than average.

10-13-2012, 04:33 PM
How did it go? Full TR please! :popcorn:

10-13-2012, 08:40 PM
Dude it was awesome! Hopefully Discgo's pics came out and he can put something up. But I'll put some thoughts up.

I was very unprepared for the run through 12 miles of mud, it really took it's toll on me. I've done Xterra and Saint George Triathlons, so when Discgo told me we would probably jog/walk between obstacles, I didn't think to train for it much. But having the mud caked on your shoes and being constantly submerged in mud (sometimes up to my waist), and being on slippery surfaces constantly, and just all this extra weight of clay packed to you, really took it's toll. I'm super sore and could hardly finish! The most interesting thing about this is it isn't a race like I was thinking, it's a team obstacle course. So they don't keep track of your times, and EVERYONE helps each other out. I got pushed up, grabbed extended hands, stepped on others shoulders with muddy feet, more times than I can count. And I did the same for others, people I don't even know. It was amazing. After some random guy helped me complete an obstacle, I would stop and help a couple guys also complete a random obstacle.

Ok the shockers. There are 2 obstacles that literally shock the crap out of you and cause involuntary muscle spasms and if they touch your head they knock you out for a second. Discgo got a headshot on the 1st one and I got KTFO on the 2nd one. Each wire coming down either has a tiny zap or a big zap and the big ones just drop you. it reminded me of the time I touched one of those electric fences for horses. I noticed they put it on a pulse though so you recover literally one second later and keep moving past it. Also the noise it makes and the crackling sound and the screams of people getting zapped makes it a surreal experience. The crowds were awesome and very encouraging, people I didn't even know cheered me on from the sidelines and shouted words of encouragement.

So here is all I remember is running through the last obstacle. We are kinda queuing up because people are nervous to get zapped, there is a DJ/Announcer there encouraging people on. She start doing countdowns to get people moving 4,3,2,1 go! and a group of 6-10 people runs through, then she waites like 15 seconds and then starts counting down for the next group. Again she is just doing this to get people moving. I notice the guy in front of me is a big guy and he is psyching himself up. So at the very last second I decide to just run behind his large ass at let me follow in his wake instead of going with my crew who I was lined up. This monster of a man charges in there and I follow him being careful to stay close, haha. Anyways about half way through he drops, and I'm screwed. I put my arms up in front of my face and run around him. I immediately start taking blasts to my forearms, it's painfully but really not that bad. I also have a full wetsuit on, not sure if that matters. But I like to think it insulated me a bit. I get almost to the end and I slip, I drop one hand to steady myself and..... The announcers voice cuts out mid sentence, Next thing I know I look around and my cheek is stinging like crazy and I'm sitting on my ass in a mud puddle. I immediately get zapped again on the shoulder but not the big zap, just a little one. I realize where I am and do a jump/roll the last 2 feet to get out of there. Finished! Get a victory headband, victory beer, 2nd victory beer (thanks disco), and huge amounts of other free stuff. Felt good to finish the toughest event I've ever done.

It's pretty much exactly like this video except we had a lot more mud and slightly different obstacles. You see how they fall? I'm pretty sure I did the exact same thing.


let's see what else? You have to crawl through some underground tunnels that are narrow and zig zag, you have to climb a 9 foot wall that is perfectly smooth lumber, you have to go up this steep cliff that is slick as snot, then into a muddy trench then up a cliff and repeat like 6 times, you have to jump off a 15 foot platform into a pool of water. It was a total blast and had a great time with my buddies.

10-13-2012, 09:26 PM
That sounds CRAZY! Running in mud that long would be really tough. I was thinking of you guys as it rained buckets on Friday night. It hasn't rained that hard for months and months.

You guys rocked it! Congrats!

10-14-2012, 07:15 AM
I didn't get any pictures that captured how great it was, but here is what I got:

@Deathcricket (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=278) at the Starting Line:

Me at the starting line:

Back when we had tons of energy:

Arctic Enema:


Coming out of the "Arctic Enema"

DC coming over some bales of hay:

Carrying our wood:

Kiss of Mud:


Balls to the Wall:

They don't call it "Tough Mudder" for nothing:

Electro Shock Therapy:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NsH7aglOQ8&amp;feature=player_detailpage" target="_blank">
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NsH7aglOQ8&amp;feature=player_detailpage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NsH7aglOQ8&feature=player_detailpage)

Us at the finish:

10-14-2012, 07:48 AM
Oh my gosh dude!! You got some really good pics of the event! And some great videos all things considered. Next year i will bring my camera too then. I was sure with the amount of mud it would be impossible. :2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:

10-14-2012, 08:41 AM
Nice! :lol8:

10-14-2012, 09:39 AM
Kewl guys.

So I went to lunch with my bro-in-law yesterday and about half way through he says "You'll never guess what I'm doing tomorrow.....I doing the Tough Mudder..." This is the bro-in-law who has been through 2 near death experiences with me, and who also introduced me to the sport of canyoneering back in 1994. One would think that he would've notified me of this information sooner......:angryfire:

10-14-2012, 12:10 PM
or invited you along for the next near death experience...... :lol8:

10-15-2012, 05:21 AM
Is anyone getting a tat? Apparently after a tat the next one is free? Just what I heard from a buddy that did the one down here in LV (Beatty)!!

10-15-2012, 05:37 AM
Is anyone getting a tat?
So I don't think this will surprise anyone, but I do not have any tattoos. About the only scenario in which I could imagine myself getting a tattoo is if I were in the military (and even then probably only special forces), or if I were an Olympic athlete.

This was my take as I tried to explain Tough Mudder to my wife. You know how people who been to war together can experience a deep bond that lasts forever? Well Tough Mudder is like renting that experience for the day. Everyone at Tough Mudder is your brother, and people are awesome to one another. You witness some of the best of humanity in the way strangers take care of each other during Tough Mudder. So a large part of the entrance fee could really be considered "renting" a love and a bond for a day which you could never buy and most will not experience in their life. But the day ends and that bond is severed and so a tattoo for Tough Mudder really is not on par for me with the Military or the Olympics because the bond only lasts a day.

10-15-2012, 07:57 AM
Us at the finish:

Who's photobombing you? :haha:

01-17-2013, 07:24 AM
This always happens...

I might consider the Vegas one. I have close family that live there.....plus nelsonccc.


Unfortunately, we will not be holding Tough Mudder Utah in 2013. Before you stop training, here are some nearby events to quench your thirst for mud:


Arizona (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tmTiHZaYUd7cl5d-gz2X-bXszaTQWjwmjc7K5qUITBQ49i0pNFQslCeHU8FGdAn2M2ZNx7r gUFy8r6zjE2xG9Ha8hJmGFkyZJ6efcjoERgLCDntxS7Mvn7L2P D5o2c-c4Una1YpQeRf8IE5KX50cb3YK80xL_LKdN-rLcGMrCuwQf1b7J29b3FlQt2rhpXFEh-tdkxAuiIwpU84qXrAULxr6w-6XpVmvo=)

Feb 23 & 24, 2013

Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tmTiHZaYUd7cl5d-gz2X-bXszaTQWjwmjc7K5qUITBQ49i0pNFQslCeHU8FGdAn2M2ZNx7r gUFy8r6zjE2xG9Ha8hJmGFkyZJ6efcjoERgLCDntxS7Mvn7L2P D5o2c-c4Una1YpQeRf8IE5KX50cb3YK80xL_LKdN-rLcGMrCuwQf1b7J29b3FlQt2rhpXFEh-tdkxAuiIwpU84qXrAULxr6w-6XpVmvo=)

Las Vegas (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97ufRqhKlsu48PixhEIZcbLno8QVrb 7iXtizmM8h4rwljy5TPovfE6D__fGapC3ynhX7OqeSb5kqB0M_ K2FAFhYhgagyTWvRQn-LyZ_otNc-v_0V9hgND5dqyJLMI0KqRFw4GZxjqUcWpw4HpTaTg2sWQb58LN 1qpKo84g389XY1rm6Lvv-hG56AzwkFnwHdkbBf6YmkFT1qwOgKSiTjbQq_irwYZAaWg52RR l3nT-CTG9U8VwxawBhTinrrSwB2moY=)

April 13 & 14, 2013

Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97ufRqhKlsu48PixhEIZcbLno8QVrb 7iXtizmM8h4rwljy5TPovfE6D__fGapC3ynhX7OqeSb5kqB0M_ K2FAFhYhgagyTWvRQn-LyZ_otNc-v_0V9hgND5dqyJLMI0KqRFw4GZxjqUcWpw4HpTaTg2sWQb58LN 1qpKo84g389XY1rm6Lvv-hG56AzwkFnwHdkbBf6YmkFT1qwOgKSiTjbQq_irwYZAaWg52RR l3nT-CTG9U8VwxawBhTinrrSwB2moY=)

Colorado (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97vLAFyCVslfypwwsAKhX-0LL5GyGRXzGveOsM3uGX6JTBh_SK_qZv8yrhlJJlWjGjeEY-UKdhQOIz0hAKtnqYThVZ4fa_8a1WrTrGmHEjpY1wjiJKFayly-tZVX2we0yg2tPHvSYXzLbSiMG2IumqjcAL_fJFiVL4806B_wTu KAqt5ZM4bJhuKMyqsl-hqI1ko88KLEi7CXD6TrKLRqOgq6faf7vnkq0thJfb4QqIJErW2 feKbRNW-PbHfEECTYIAk=)

June 15 & 16, 2013

Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97vLAFyCVslfypwwsAKhX-0LL5GyGRXzGveOsM3uGX6JTBh_SK_qZv8yrhlJJlWjGjeEY-UKdhQOIz0hAKtnqYThVZ4fa_8a1WrTrGmHEjpY1wjiJKFayly-tZVX2we0yg2tPHvSYXzLbSiMG2IumqjcAL_fJFiVL4806B_wTu KAqt5ZM4bJhuKMyqsl-hqI1ko88KLEi7CXD6TrKLRqOgq6faf7vnkq0thJfb4QqIJErW2 feKbRNW-PbHfEECTYIAk=)

SoCal Summer (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tto9Wwo3iuEtBZ-LhhwnNgEmiRZGEwd4c9eboeslYJq-5f7QOV3ndfw8tzFZFlMCiymBD2Ekh_CbGK-okrfZIAGGpudeTU5OgaokYok2pPCZ4mosmtOIG9fQjlkGrzcLf vmTxQideTkKhETMgZYrSe2iW1hDDSXmFUi5pLqZQ-HGFXzVyed5XISv1TOMKhyHQdwKrxDtA5GP5n77GHjqo87MEBnr llr7KJRPKp6MO3IG-dTLkNQf_-iKSpqatMpYTxqXm7fwOKog==)

June 22 & 23, 2013

Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tto9Wwo3iuEtBZ-LhhwnNgEmiRZGEwd4c9eboeslYJq-5f7QOV3ndfw8tzFZFlMCiymBD2Ekh_CbGK-okrfZIAGGpudeTU5OgaokYok2pPCZ4mosmtOIG9fQjlkGrzcLf vmTxQideTkKhETMgZYrSe2iW1hDDSXmFUi5pLqZQ-HGFXzVyed5XISv1TOMKhyHQdwKrxDtA5GP5n77GHjqo87MEBnr llr7KJRPKp6MO3IG-dTLkNQf_-iKSpqatMpYTxqXm7fwOKog==)

Stock up on jerky, blast some tunes, and turn it into a Mudder road trip.

We're just as eager as you to bring Big Mudder to Utah in 2014, so keep an eye out for upcoming event announcements.

Stay tough.


01-17-2013, 09:22 AM
This always happens...

I might consider the Vegas one. I have close family that live there.....plus @nelsonccc (http://www.bogley.com/forum/member.php?u=396) .


Unfortunately, we will not be holding Tough Mudder Utah in 2013. Before you stop training, here are some nearby events to quench your thirst for mud:


Arizona (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tmTiHZaYUd7cl5d-gz2X-bXszaTQWjwmjc7K5qUITBQ49i0pNFQslCeHU8FGdAn2M2ZNx7r gUFy8r6zjE2xG9Ha8hJmGFkyZJ6efcjoERgLCDntxS7Mvn7L2P D5o2c-c4Una1YpQeRf8IE5KX50cb3YK80xL_LKdN-rLcGMrCuwQf1b7J29b3FlQt2rhpXFEh-tdkxAuiIwpU84qXrAULxr6w-6XpVmvo=)
Feb 23 & 24, 2013
Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tmTiHZaYUd7cl5d-gz2X-bXszaTQWjwmjc7K5qUITBQ49i0pNFQslCeHU8FGdAn2M2ZNx7r gUFy8r6zjE2xG9Ha8hJmGFkyZJ6efcjoERgLCDntxS7Mvn7L2P D5o2c-c4Una1YpQeRf8IE5KX50cb3YK80xL_LKdN-rLcGMrCuwQf1b7J29b3FlQt2rhpXFEh-tdkxAuiIwpU84qXrAULxr6w-6XpVmvo=)

Las Vegas (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97ufRqhKlsu48PixhEIZcbLno8QVrb 7iXtizmM8h4rwljy5TPovfE6D__fGapC3ynhX7OqeSb5kqB0M_ K2FAFhYhgagyTWvRQn-LyZ_otNc-v_0V9hgND5dqyJLMI0KqRFw4GZxjqUcWpw4HpTaTg2sWQb58LN 1qpKo84g389XY1rm6Lvv-hG56AzwkFnwHdkbBf6YmkFT1qwOgKSiTjbQq_irwYZAaWg52RR l3nT-CTG9U8VwxawBhTinrrSwB2moY=)
April 13 & 14, 2013
Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97ufRqhKlsu48PixhEIZcbLno8QVrb 7iXtizmM8h4rwljy5TPovfE6D__fGapC3ynhX7OqeSb5kqB0M_ K2FAFhYhgagyTWvRQn-LyZ_otNc-v_0V9hgND5dqyJLMI0KqRFw4GZxjqUcWpw4HpTaTg2sWQb58LN 1qpKo84g389XY1rm6Lvv-hG56AzwkFnwHdkbBf6YmkFT1qwOgKSiTjbQq_irwYZAaWg52RR l3nT-CTG9U8VwxawBhTinrrSwB2moY=)

Colorado (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97vLAFyCVslfypwwsAKhX-0LL5GyGRXzGveOsM3uGX6JTBh_SK_qZv8yrhlJJlWjGjeEY-UKdhQOIz0hAKtnqYThVZ4fa_8a1WrTrGmHEjpY1wjiJKFayly-tZVX2we0yg2tPHvSYXzLbSiMG2IumqjcAL_fJFiVL4806B_wTu KAqt5ZM4bJhuKMyqsl-hqI1ko88KLEi7CXD6TrKLRqOgq6faf7vnkq0thJfb4QqIJErW2 feKbRNW-PbHfEECTYIAk=)
June 15 & 16, 2013
Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97vLAFyCVslfypwwsAKhX-0LL5GyGRXzGveOsM3uGX6JTBh_SK_qZv8yrhlJJlWjGjeEY-UKdhQOIz0hAKtnqYThVZ4fa_8a1WrTrGmHEjpY1wjiJKFayly-tZVX2we0yg2tPHvSYXzLbSiMG2IumqjcAL_fJFiVL4806B_wTu KAqt5ZM4bJhuKMyqsl-hqI1ko88KLEi7CXD6TrKLRqOgq6faf7vnkq0thJfb4QqIJErW2 feKbRNW-PbHfEECTYIAk=)

SoCal Summer (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tto9Wwo3iuEtBZ-LhhwnNgEmiRZGEwd4c9eboeslYJq-5f7QOV3ndfw8tzFZFlMCiymBD2Ekh_CbGK-okrfZIAGGpudeTU5OgaokYok2pPCZ4mosmtOIG9fQjlkGrzcLf vmTxQideTkKhETMgZYrSe2iW1hDDSXmFUi5pLqZQ-HGFXzVyed5XISv1TOMKhyHQdwKrxDtA5GP5n77GHjqo87MEBnr llr7KJRPKp6MO3IG-dTLkNQf_-iKSpqatMpYTxqXm7fwOKog==)
June 22 & 23, 2013
Enter Now (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010K51ZF0a97tto9Wwo3iuEtBZ-LhhwnNgEmiRZGEwd4c9eboeslYJq-5f7QOV3ndfw8tzFZFlMCiymBD2Ekh_CbGK-okrfZIAGGpudeTU5OgaokYok2pPCZ4mosmtOIG9fQjlkGrzcLf vmTxQideTkKhETMgZYrSe2iW1hDDSXmFUi5pLqZQ-HGFXzVyed5XISv1TOMKhyHQdwKrxDtA5GP5n77GHjqo87MEBnr llr7KJRPKp6MO3IG-dTLkNQf_-iKSpqatMpYTxqXm7fwOKog==)

Stock up on jerky, blast some tunes, and turn it into a Mudder road trip.

We're just as eager as you to bring Big Mudder to Utah in 2014, so keep an eye out for upcoming event announcements.

Stay tough.


You're always welcome here that's for damn sure.

01-18-2013, 07:42 PM
great photos and videos, cant wait to do this some time in the future!